| Onderwerp | Geplaatst door Reacties (Bekeken) Laatste bijdrage |
 | exporting unknown segments in Memoq | 5 (2,242) |
 | Proofreading in MemoQ | 6 (1,605) |
 | Off-topic: "Memoq" How to check Repetition segment each file | 0 (656) |
 | Server Connection in latest version of MemoQ desktop application | 2 (1,024) |
 | Lookup options in Pre-translate and statics window are grey-out/locked | 0 (594) |
 | When I import a Word document into memoQ, how can I see which text was highlighted in the original? | 2 (978) |
 | The export failed because of incorrectly paired "hlink" tags ( 1... 2) | 18 (14,456) |
 | spell checking capitalized words | 3 (3,247) |
 | Auto-propagation between multiple documents | 5 (5,489) |
 | how to copy translation result into the target segment | 2 (746) |
 | What settings in MemoQ do I need to change to avoid time lag when moving to a new segment? | 4 (1,245) |
 | Does a MemoQ version support MHTML pages? | 0 (447) |
 | importing b/exporting ilingual docx from Phrase/memsource | 0 (436) |
 | Reactivate subscription | 11 (1,994) |
 | Excluding TMs from concordance search | 5 (1,051) |
 | Does anyone know the regex for filtering out certain segment numbers in MemoQ? | 6 (926) |
 | How can I connect unofficial APIs to MemoQ Translator Pro? | 0 (523) |
 | Why is storing MemoQ projects on external harddrive not supported? | 2 (800) |
 | Free API in MemoQ | 1 (718) |
 | Strange empty pre-translation, with match percentages | 0 (604) |
 | Does "TM penalties" option work? | 6 (1,210) |
 | PSA for those using MemoQ with Dragon NaturallySpeaking ( 1... 2) | 24 (11,459) |
 | Memoq Fuzzy Matches that do not match! | 9 (1,732) |
 | Copying a TM within memoQ | 2 (981) |
 | Unsupported Languages Error when trying to use Google MT Plugin (Spanish-English) | 2 (1,014) |
 | How to change the number of lines in the Translation results pane | 4 (902) |
 | Nothing displayed in MemoQ View pane | 3 (778) |
 | automatic insertion of target segments from the active TermBase | 2 (598) |
 | how to filter segments with highlights | 5 (1,184) |
 | memoQ 8 - Empty Translation results pane - FIXED | 5 (4,221) |
 | Choosing font for Arabic script in memoQ Translation Pro | 2 (750) |
 | Microsoft has blocked macros from running because the source of the file is untrusted | 3 (1,397) |
 | Converting Simplified into Traditional Chinese in Target Text | 3 (2,308) |
 | No longer able to create view with unique segments | 4 (888) |
 | searching in several projects | 10 (2,111) |
 | Termbase Prefixes | 0 (529) |
 | What is the best way to translate a PDF document? ( 1... 2) | 16 (7,905) |
 | No Hunspell, No Word, what am I doing wrong? ( 1... 2) | 23 (9,518) |
 | Weird problem: find&replace command sometimes functions, sometimes not. | 9 (3,837) |
 | How to manually add a new translation vs updating an existing one? | 2 (729) |
 | What's the best way to prepare .doc/docx dubbing scripts? | 1 (657) |
 | Regex for finding period followed by lowercase letter | 7 (1,190) |
 | Can I have several columns from a .xlsx file as Import as other field Note when I create a termbase? | 3 (756) |
 | Compatibility across memoQ versions (desktop/server) | 2 (701) |
 | Regex for texts between # | 4 (982) |
 | Unable to delete comments from other users (mQ 9.14.6) | 0 (484) |
 | Export analysis in csv. format but with coding UTF-8 not UTF-16 LE | 3 (700) |
 | Is it possible to download a file translated in Memoq web? | 2 (858) |
 | Cannot open a project | 12 (14,919) |
 | How do I activate machine-translation for a local project after having closed an online project? | 0 (462) |