Nederlands naar Engels
Vlaams naar Engels
Engels naar Nederlands
Engels naar Vlaams
Engels (eentalig)

Michael Beijer
Goed onderzochte, vloeiende teksten.

Hastings, England, Verenigd Koninkrijk
Lokale tijd: 16:20 GMT (GMT+0)

Moedertaal: Engels Native in Engels
Feedback from
clients and colleagues

on Willingness to Work Again info
38 positive reviews
(3 unidentified)

1 rating (5.00 avg. rating)

 Your feedback
What Michael Beijer is working on
Jan 14 (posted via ProZ.com):  lots of patents (NL⇄EN), a big project involving clothing description, legal docs, and some terms & conditions for a Belgian company ...more, + 48 other entries »
Total word count: 408995

Bericht van de gebruiker
Dutch ⇆ English technical, legal and patent translator with almost 30 years of experience
Accounttype Zelfstandige vertaler en / of tolk, Identity Verified Geverifieerd lid
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. View now.
Blue Board affiliation:
Diensten Translation, Editing/proofreading, Software localization, Copywriting, MT post-editing, Terminology management, File Preparation
Gespecialiseerd in:
Computers: ApparatuurOctrooien
Medisch (algemeen)Toerisme & reizen
IT (informatietechnologie)Computers: Programma's
Internet, elektronische handelJuridisch: Contract(en)
PersoneelTransport / vervoer / logistiek

Volunteer / Pro-bono work Open to considering volunteer work for registered non-profit organizations
All accepted currencies Euro (eur)
KudoZ-activiteit (PRO) KudoZ-punten op PRO-niveau: 2019, Vragen beantwoord: 931, Vragen gesteld: 507
Blue Board-bijdragen van deze gebruiker  56 beoordelingen

Payment methods accepted Bankoverschrijving, Cheque, Paypal, TransferWise
Portfolio Proefvertalingen ingeleverd: 4
Woordenlijsten 1,154 Abbreviations used in the Construction Industry (Beijerterm.com, by Michael Beijer)
Vertaalopleiding Other - autodidact, from a family of translators
Ervaring Jaren vertaalervaring: 30. Geregistreerd op ProZ.com: Mar 2007. Lid sinds: Aug 2009.
ProZ.com Certified PRO certificate(s)
Getuigschriften Engels (BA (Hons.) in Philosophy; Deree College, Athens.)
Lidmaatschappen N/A
Programma's Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, CafeTran Espresso, DejaVu, Dreamweaver, LogiTerm, LSP.expert, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, ABBYY FineReader 11, AlignFactoryLight, AlignFactoryLight (Terminotix), ApSIC Xbench, Archivarius 3000, ASAP Utilities, AutoHotkey, Avast! Internet Security, CafeTran, Classic Shell, CLCL, CodeZapper, Deja Vu X3, Dragon NaturallySpeaking Premium 13, dtSearch, EmEditor, Expresso, Expresso, Felix, FileLocator Pro, Holdkey, HTTrack, IntelliWebSearch, IntelliWebSearch, ISYS:desktop, KnowBrainer 2015, Macrium Reflect, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, Maxthon 3, MetroTwit, Multifultor, Multiget, Olifant (Okapi Framework), PerfectIT, SDL Studio 2014, Similis Freelance, Similis Freelance, SpyBot, SUPER AntiSpyware, SynchroTerm 2014, TagEditor, tlTerm, TMXValidator, Translation Office 3000, TrueCrypt, UltraEdit, Verifika, vTMXEditor, WordNet 2.0, Wordsmith 6, Powerpoint, SDLX, STAR Transit, Trados Studio

Forumbijdragen 3363 forum posts
Website Michael Beijer’s YouTube channel
Events and training
Powwows organized

Michael Beijer's Continuing Professional Development

Professionele procedures Michael Beijer onderschrijft ProZ.com's Professionele richtlijnen.
Professional objectives
  • Meet new translation company clients
  • Meet new end/direct clients
  • Get help with terminology and resources
  • Screen new clients (risk management)
  • Network with other language professionals
  • Find trusted individuals to outsource work to
  • Get help on technical issues / improve my technical skills
  • Learn more about additional services I can provide my clients
  • Stay up to date on what is happening in the language industry
  • Help or teach others with what I have learned over the years
  • Buy or learn new work-related software

Michael Beijer: Translator & terminologist

About me

Hi, I’m Michael Beijer. I’m a technical/patent translator & terminologist (with almost 30 years of experience). I provide well-researched, fluent translations from Dutch into English, and vice versa. I am fully bilingual, having grown up speaking both languages.

Although I’m comfortable translating a wide range of subjects – from user manuals and audit reports to marketing copy and financial documents – most of my work currently consists of patents and technical material.

If you’re looking for a translator with almost 30 years of experience, exceptional research skills and expertise in cutting-edge translation & terminology technologies, you’ve come to the right place!


Correct and consistent terminology is particularly important in technical translation. I therefore maintain an extensive database of specialist terminology, which I keep track of in a MediaWiki-powered wiki called ‘Beijerterm’. If you’re researching a pesky term, why not try using the search box on Beijerterm.com?

In my spare time, I also like to help colleagues with tricky terms in Proz.com’s so-called ‘KudoZ translation help network’, where I am often among the top ‘KudoZ point leaders’ in my language pair. Indeed, if you’re struggling with a particular term, I may already have researched and documented it at some point, so feel free to drop me a line, or try searching ProZ.com term search or Beijerterm.com.

Translation software

I’m comfortable working with various CAT tools and am an expert at solving the complex file ‘prepping’ and conversion problems that often slow down a translation project. I am highly proficient with memoQ, Trados Studio, Wordfast, Déjà Vu X3, CafeTran, Memsource, and MateCat and can easily handle their various file formats/packages.

Contact & info

Email: [email protected]
Website: michaelbeijer.co.uk
Term search: Beijerterm.com
LinkedIn: michael-beijer
YouTube: @MichaelBeijer
Proz.com: My Proz profile
Mobile: +44 (0)747-5771720

Dit lid / deze gebruiker heeft KudoZ-punten verdiend door andere vertalers te helpen met het vertalen van termen op PRO-niveau. Klik op het puntentotaal / de puntentotalen om de geleverde termvertalingen te zien.

Totaal aantal verdiende punten: 2323
PRO-niveau punten: 2019

Belangrijkste talen (PRO)
Nederlands naar Engels1724
Engels naar Nederlands187
Vlaams naar Engels56
Belangrijkste algemene vakgebieden (PRO)
Zakelijk / financieel400
Juridisch / patenten342
Sociale wetenschappen119
Punten in nog 4 velden >
Belangrijkste specifieke vakgebieden (PRO)
Juridisch (algemeen)216
Bouwkunde / civiele techniek203
Juridisch: Contract(en)96
Zaken / handel (algemeen)96
Algemeen / conversatie / begroetingen / brieven87
Financieel-economisch (algemeen)74
Punten in nog 70 velden >

Alle verdiende punten bekijken >

This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.

Project History Summary
Total projects8
With client feedback0
0 positive (0 entries)

Job type
Language pairs
Nederlands naar Engels5
Engels naar Nederlands2
Vlaams naar Engels1
Specialty fields
Juridisch: Octrooien, handelsmerken, auteursrecht1
Textiel / kleding / mode1
Other fields
Trefwoorden: Dutch patent translator, freelance patent translator, freelance translator, Dutch to English language specialist, Belgian patents, Beijerterm.com, Beijerterm, termhotel, termhotel.com, Belgian translator. See more.Dutch patent translator, freelance patent translator, freelance translator, Dutch to English language specialist, Belgian patents, Beijerterm.com, Beijerterm, termhotel, termhotel.com, Belgian translator, SEO, Dutch patent translation, Dutch patents, Dutch patent translation services, patent translator, patent translation, patent translations, patent translation service, translate between Dutch and English, Dutch translator, translation UK, patents, MJW Beijer, M.J.W. Beijer, Beijer, Beijer Dutch-English Translator's Glossary, vertaler Nederlands-Engels, British English, Termania, Dutch to English, Dutch-English, terminoloog, terminologist, e-terminologist, professional translation for Dutch, Dutch translations, Dutch English translator, Sussex, Dutch, English, translator, memoQ, CafeTran, Déjà Vu, Trados Studio, claims, patent applications, litigation, Dutch patent translator, Dutch translator, Dutch patents, Belgian, Dutch to English patent translator, Belgian translator, lexicon, e-terminologist, terminologist, terminologie, octrooivertaler, octrooien, IP Translation, Patent translation, Translation UK, bilingual concordance, patents, M.J.W. Beijer, Beijer, CafeTran, memoQ, Trados, Déjà Vu, Atril, vertaler Nederlands-Engels, vertaler Engels, specialised terminology, Dutch to English, Dutch-English, professional translation for Dutch, translate into Dutch, Dutch English translator, technical translator, Wordbook, Wordbook.com, Wordbook.online, Wordbook.nl, patent applications, octrooivertaling, octrooivertalingen, juridische vertalingen, technische vertalingen, lexophile, lexofilie, technische vertaler, octrooiopposities, technische teksten, woordenboek, woordenlijst, termhotel.com, TermPedia, termpedia.com, termenlijst, Hastings. traduttore, traduttori, traduzioni, traduzione, alcove, translator, translation, përkthyes, مترجم, перакладчык, преводач, překladatel, 翻译, 翻譯, 번역기, prevoditelj, oversætter, tõlkija, kääntäjä, 翻訳者, μεταφραστής, tulkotājs, vertėjas, oversetter, vertaler, tłumacz, tradutor, wkwkwk, traducător, переводчик, преводилац, prekladateľ, prevajalec, översättaren, นักแปล, çevirmen, перекладач, fordító, dịch, Übersetzer, Uebersetzer, Uebersetzung, Übersetzung, traducteur, traduction, glossari, glossário, glosar, glossario, glossary, глосар, glosario, ordlista, อภิธานศัพท์, sözlük, глосарій, Glossar, glosář, 词汇表, 詞彙表, 어휘, rječnik, ordliste, sõnastik, szójegyzék, bảng chú giải thuật ngữ, talahulunganan, sanasto, 用語集, glossaire, multilingual, multilingue, plurilingue, mehrsprachig, глоссарий, словарь, глоссария, глосар, ტერმინები, dictionary, γλωσσάριο, glosārijs, žodynėlis, woordenlijst, Begrippenlijst, słowniczek, dizionario, dictionnaire, fjalorë, القواميس, слоўнікі, речници, slovníky, 字典, 사전, rječnik, ordbøger, sõnaraamatud, sanakirjoja, 辞書, λεξικά, vārdnīcas, žodynai, ordbøker, woordenboeken, słowniki, dicionários, dicţionare, словари, речници, slovníky, slovarji, diccionarios, ordböcker, พจนานุกรม, sözlükler, словники, szótárak, từ điển, Wörterbuch, Wörterbücher, vocabolario, risorse, online, on-line, ressource, CAT, software, outils, مسرد, applicazioni, collection, collezione, Sammlung, glossarsammlung, Lexikon, lexique, programmi, fjalor, Dutch⬌English, English⬌English, translate Dutch - English, translate Dutch into English, translation into English, translate from Dutch to English, translate English - Dutch, translate English into Dutch, translation into Dutch, translate from English to Dutch, Dutch–English dictionary, Dutch-English dictionary, English–Dutch dictionary, English-Dutch dictionary, Compilation of Internet dictionaries and glossaries, Links to Dictionaries, Glossaries, & Language Resources, Collection of dictionaries, glossaries, websites, etc., Lexicon of translations, synonyms, rhymes, abbreviations and much more., Annotated list of reference websites, Encyclopedia of knowledge, Encyclopedia of terminology, terminology encyclopedia, Multilingual data terminology encyclopedia, Multilingual terminology encyclopedia, Termpedia, Termpaedia, functiebenaming[1], functienaam, functietitel, woordenboekmaker, woordenboekschrijver, Hastings, vakterminologie, technical terminology, jargon, lexicographer, metalexicographer, Termhotel.com, freelance patent translator, freelance Dutch patent translator. See less.

Profiel voor het laatst bijgewerkt
Feb 4