| Onderwerp | Geplaatst door Reacties (Bekeken) Laatste bijdrage |
 | Auto-translating punctuation marks, numbers, non-translatables; priorities | 1 (865) |
 | MemoQ excel file import - Filter for the same column | 0 (889) |
 | How to convert sdlxliff files into mqxliff files? ( 1... 2) | 15 (4,238) |
 | Who was the idiot that decided to use ctrl+shift+s for copy source, and how can I change it? | 7 (3,453) |
 | Anybody actually using MemoQ in a Linux-hosted VM? | 6 (2,337) |
 | MemoQ now supports mxliff files from Phrase (formerly Memsource) | 1 (861) |
 | New PC and I can't see any of my existing termbases (solved) | 5 (1,771) |
 | How to translate Memsource projects in memoQ ( 1... 2) | 25 (20,542) |
 | Need help with glossaries in Google Translate v3 (AutoML) | 1 (1,533) |
 | MemoQ (any CAT) How to create a view only with the segments without TM suggestions? | 7 (2,156) |
 | Remove/replace line break tags (red "BR" tag)? | 12 (5,439) |
 | Unable to edit Hindi or Marathi text in target segment in memoq | 1 (1,146) |
 | Hide the Translation Results pane? | 2 (1,100) |
 | Sepedi not supported in memoQ | 3 (1,197) |
 | Ad blocker in memoQ web search? (new idea @ memoQ Ideas Portal) | 8 (2,438) |
 | DeepL search settings for memoQ web search (or IntelliWebSearch)? | 1 (1,303) |
 | Make ‘Append space to inserted terms’ apply to terms inserted from Translation results AND AutoPick? | 0 (670) |
 | Translated text in SVG files didn't appear | 1 (1,786) |
 | Crossed-out target segment | 3 (2,751) |
 | Any way to make auto-translate actually do this? | 1 (1,095) |
 | Lists in memoQ translated file. | 5 (1,731) |
 | Help needed to get "View Pane" back in MemoQ 2015 | 6 (4,708) |
 | Word spellcheck problems | 10 (6,753) |
 | In MemoQ, how do I export the completed file as bilingual TTX? | 2 (2,031) |
 | Status bar in Memoq 8.2 missing | 5 (7,257) |
 | Internal application error | 4 (4,196) |
 | Excluding text from processing in memoQ | 4 (1,300) |
 | Project filters not working anymore (not the import filters!) | 3 (1,267) |
 | MemoQ 8.2 - web search no longer based on IE ? CPU and Memory leaks, ads back | 4 (3,668) |
 | Multilingual json regex filter | 0 (808) |
 | MemoQ 6.2.25 - Using reviewed translations to update translation of other files in the same project | 0 (1,647) |
 | How to Find and Replace, except when the word starts a line | 6 (1,623) |
 | Replace regular space before or after all tags with a non-breaking space - any Regex solutions? | 2 (1,292) |
 | . | 1 (903) |
 | The requested task could not be completed or an operation failed, but you can safely.... | 5 (3,100) |
 | Memoq on 2 PCs or web version | 1 (1,081) |
 | How to search for segment that does NOT contain something (online project) | 4 (1,506) |
 | Reselling a licence | 1 (912) |
 | MemoQ 9.9 closes automatically | 0 (676) |
 | Importing a TM in an existing document | 3 (1,135) |
 | how to make backup copies of your Term Bases | 7 (1,653) |
 | change default settings for concordance search in memoq 9.12 ( 1... 2) | 26 (5,630) |
 | Segmentation rule - divide segments by a specific word. | 2 (1,104) |
 | MemoQ: How to open multiple files for review | 5 (5,976) |
 | Is there any "save" button in the MemoQ internface? | 4 (1,714) |
 | How to confirm a locked segment in the web version of Memoq? | 2 (1,381) |
 | The copy shortcut doesn't work in the concordance window | 4 (1,913) |
 | Target language is not visible | 7 (5,296) |
 | Exporting mqxliff back to Word after revision | 10 (2,033) |
 | TM results / leverage just disappeared | 2 (978) |