Freelance translators » Chinees naar Engels » Zakelijk / financieel » Juridisch (algemeen) » Page 1
Below is a list of Chinees naar Engels freelance translators specializing in translations in the Zakelijk / financieel: Juridisch (algemeen) field. Voor meer zoekvelden probeert u een uitgebreide zoekactie door op de koppeling rechts te klikken.
265 resultaten (betalende leden)
Freelance translator native in |
Specializes in |
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polish, english, chinese, mandarin, traditional, simplified, video games, medical, legal, financial, ...
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KC KoNative in Cantonese (Yue Chinese)  , Chinees (Variants: Mandarin, Cantonese, Traditional, Simplified) 
Chinese, English, bilingual, information technology, business, finance, CAT tools, localization, translation, public administration, ...
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LeahliuNative in Chinees (Variants: Simplified, Mandarin, Traditional) 
Chinese, IT, localization, marketing, medical, pharmaceutical, accounting, lift truck,
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Religion, Psychology, Literature, Politics, Economics, Education, Marketing, Information Technology (IT), Creative Writing, Software, ...
5 |
Junbo HouNative in Chinees (Variants: Mandarin, Simplified, Traditional) 
Accommodation, Accounting, Advertising, Airline, Android, APP, Application, Asset Management, Bank, Banking, ...
6 |
Robin WuNative in Chinees (Variants: Simplified, Mandarin, Traditional) 
Language Pair: English<>Chinese Simplified
Specialized Fields: Finance and accounting, business and marketing, e-commerce, social sciences, contracts, papers, subtitling, journals, technology industry, etc., ...
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Medicine, finance, audit, law, patent, IT, mathematics
8 |
Sricha GuptaNative in Hindi (Variants: Shuddha, Khariboli, Indian)  , Engels (Variants: Australian, French, Wales / Welsh, Singaporean, Canadian, New Zealand, Scottish, South African, US South, British, UK, Irish, Indian, Jamaican, US) 
24 hrs available for Multi Language Translation, Typesetting, DTP, Publishing, Transcription, Voice Over, Layout Designing, DTP / Typesetting in Middle East Languages etc.
9 |
Chinese Interpreter Certified, Chinese Translator, B.A., B.S, M.B.A-Accounting, Certified Mandarin Chinese Interpreters, Certified Mandarin Chinese Interpreter, Certified Chinese Interpreter-Mandarin, TAPIT, NAJIT, ...
10 |
YauFah ChongNative in Engels (Variants: UK, British)  , Chinees (Variants: Mandarin, Traditional, Cantonese, Taiwanese, Simplified) 
ArrayMedisch: Instrumenten, Medisch: Gezondheidszorg, Medisch (algemeen), Medisch: Geneesmiddelen, farmacie, ...
11 |
english, chinese to english, games, accounting, finance, psychology, history, culture, science, translation, ...
12 |
legal translation, 法律翻译, commercial translation, 商务翻译, interpretation, 口译, negotiation assistant, 协助谈判, tour guide in Shanghai, 上海导游, ...
13 |
Kathy MokNative in Engels (Variant: US)  , Chinees (Variant: Traditional)  , Cantonese (Yue Chinese) 
chinese translation, book translation, novel translation, business card translation, chinese localization, chinese web localization, website translation, finance translation, politics, EB-5 translation, ...
14 |
Bilingualism, Bilingual, Biculture, Translation, China, Hong Kong, USA, Asian American Chinese, Cantonese, Traditional Chinese, ...
15 |
E2J, J2E, and C2J and C2E w/ Idiom Worldwide Server Workbench, MemoQ, SDL Trados Studio 2017, Wordfast Pro 5
Apparel & Accessory, Audio equipment & Home appliances, Chemical & Mining, Contract & Legal, Entertainment & Gaming, ...
16 |
Gillian LamNative in Chinees (Variants: Cantonese, Traditional, Mandarin, Simplified) 
Chinese, experienced, translator, interpreter, art, religion, education, social science, geography, information technology, ...
17 |
Ella ChangNative in Chinees (Variants: Simplified, Mandarin, Traditional) 
Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, English, medical, pharmaceutical, energy, power generation, tech, engineering, ...
18 |
Zhang LuNative in Chinees (Variants: Simplified, Mandarin) 
Chinese, English, fashion, art, literature, luxury, cosmetics, beauty, perfume, fashion show, ...
19 |
Chinese, CAT, MTPE, localisation, copywriting, revise, subtitle, finance, trade, marketing, ...
20 |
aeronautic translation, automotive translation, chemical translation, medical translation, marketing translation, legal translation, Shanghai translation/interpretion, technical translation, exhibition translation
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Gerelateerde gedeelten: Freelance interpreters
Vertalers, evenals tolken, maken communicatie tussen culturen mogelijk, door van de ene taal in de andere te vertalen. Vertalers werken met geschreven tekst, in tegenstelling tot het gesproken woord.
Vertalen vraagt veel meer dan simpele woord-voor-woord conversie van de ene taal naar de andere. Vertalers moeten het onderwerp van de tekst die ze vertalen heel goed begrijpen, maar ook de betreffende culturen van de bron- en doeltaal.
Met meer dan 300.000 geregistreerde vertalers en tolken is op het internet de grootste gegevensbank in de vertaalsector. Wanneer u een vertaler zoekt, kiest u een talencombinatie of probeert u de 1,540,200uitgebreide zoekmogelijkheid naar vertalers en tolken. Ook kunt u offertes aanvragen voor een bepaald vertaalproject door een offerteaanvraag voor een vertaalopdracht te plaatsen.
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