Freelance translators » Engels naar Frans » Medisch » Archeologie » Page 1

Below is a list of Engels naar Frans freelance translators specializing in translations in the Medisch: Archeologie field. Voor meer zoekvelden probeert u een uitgebreide zoekactie door op de koppeling rechts te klikken.

128 resultaten (betalende leden)

Freelance translator native in

Specializes in

Claudia Iglesias
Claudia Iglesias
Native in Frans Native in Frans, Spaans Native in Spaans
education, educación, éducation, enseignement, pédagogie, literature, literatura, littérature, history, historia, ...
Laurent Calluaud
Laurent Calluaud
Native in Frans Native in Frans
litterature, prose, novel, short story, history, software, multimedia, video game, role playing game, RPG, ...
Raphaël Gingras
Raphaël Gingras
Native in Frans Native in Frans
environment, sustainable development, écologie, développement durable, informatique, it, technology, technologie, logiciel, software, ...
Fumiko & Alberto Zaccagnini
Fumiko & Alberto Zaccagnini
Native in Italiaans (Variants: Tuscan / Toscano, Roman / Romanesco, Florentine, Standard-Italy) Native in Italiaans, Japans Native in Japans
officially licensed and authorized Tourist Guide for Florence and its province, Tuscany and the whole of Italy, in English, French, Japanese and Italian, tourist guide, tour guide, history of art, giapponese, inglese, ...
Native in Engels Native in Engels, Spaans Native in Spaans
physics, chemistry, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, thermochemistry, solid state, astronomy, quantum computing, quantum mechanics, quantum optics, ...
Michel Maurice
Michel Maurice
Native in Frans (Variant: Standard-France) Native in Frans, Spaans (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in Spaans
Interprétation, interprétariat, interprète simultané, interprétariat simultané, interprétation simultanée, interprète de conférence, interpretación simultánea, intérprete de conferencia, traduction médicale, traduction tourisme, ...
Caroline Vallvé Cheng
Caroline Vallvé Cheng
Native in Frans Native in Frans
Interpretation, interpreting, conference, meeting, congress, seminar, security, airport, training, simultaneous, ...
Juliette Frye
Juliette Frye
Native in Frans (Variant: Standard-France) Native in Frans
french, english, german, literature, academic, professional, general, marketing, product descriptions
Annie Rigler
Annie Rigler
Native in Frans Native in Frans
literature, art, humanities, linguistics, stylistics, education, media, tv, films, leisure, ...
Evelin Mrose
Evelin Mrose
Native in Duits Native in Duits, Frans Native in Frans
littérature jeunesse, littérature, études sociologiques et anthropologiques, journalisme, marketing, publicité, commerce, tourisme, jeux vidéo Literatur für Kinder und Jugendliche, Literatur, ...
Mélanie Démeraux
Mélanie Démeraux
Native in Frans Native in Frans
traducteur assermenté, traduction certifiée, anglais vers le français, allemand vers le français, italien vers le français, management, marketing, communication, commerce en ligne sworn translator, certified translation, ...
Hugues Roumier
Hugues Roumier
Native in Frans Native in Frans
English to French, English to French translator, translator contact, finance, law, contracts, medicine, scientific report, financial, French to English, ...
Odile Breuvart
Odile Breuvart
Native in Frans (Variant: Standard-France) Native in Frans
French lessons, French tutor, subtitling, French subtitles, French transcription, Chatbot training, French conversation, English to French translator, Dutch to French translator, traducteur anglais français, ...
Ligia Mihaiescu
Ligia Mihaiescu
Native in Roemeens Native in Roemeens
interprétation, traduction, roumain, français, interpretare, traducere, romana, franceza, sworn interpreter, assermenté, ...
Basak Balkan
Basak Balkan
Native in Turks Native in Turks, Engels Native in Engels
European Union, enlargement, political, government, development, defence, simultaneous interpretation, art, music, history, ...
Abdallah Mefire
Abdallah Mefire
Native in Engels Native in Engels, Frans Native in Frans, Duits Native in Duits, Nederlands Native in Nederlands
english, french, translation, traduction, anglais, français
Jean-Claude Elias
Jean-Claude Elias
Native in Frans Native in Frans
French, Computers, Technology, Music, Business.
Maria Rigli
Maria Rigli
Native in Grieks Native in Grieks
English, French, Greek, translation, proofreading, editing
Aurore Mettifogo
Aurore Mettifogo
Native in Frans (Variant: Standard-France) Native in Frans
french, italian, english, transport, fashion, marketing, tourism, hotel, e-commerce, webpage, ...
Alexandra Leroux
Alexandra Leroux
Native in Frans (Variants: Canadian, Standard-France) Native in Frans
french, english, general translation, pharmaceutical translation, medical translation, patient facing document, informed consent form, protocol, psychology test, cognitive test, ...

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Vertalen vraagt veel meer dan simpele woord-voor-woord conversie van de ene taal naar de andere. Vertalers moeten het onderwerp van de tekst die ze vertalen heel goed begrijpen, maar ook de betreffende culturen van de bron- en doeltaal.

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