Freelance translators » Chinees naar Engels » Techniek » Wiskunde & statistiek » Page 1

Below is a list of Chinees naar Engels freelance translators specializing in translations in the Techniek: Wiskunde & statistiek field. Voor meer zoekvelden probeert u een uitgebreide zoekactie door op de koppeling rechts te klikken.

49 resultaten (betalende leden)

Freelance translator native in

Specializes in

Native in Chinees Native in Chinees
Bilingualism, Bilingual, Biculture, Translation, China, Hong Kong, USA, Asian American Chinese, Cantonese, Traditional Chinese, ...
Qiang Wang
Qiang Wang
Native in Chinees Native in Chinees
Native Chinese, mandarin, engineering, technology, computers, software, finance, translator
James L.
James L.
Native in Chinees (Variants: Mandarin, Simplified) Native in Chinees
Chinese, English, French, Français, Chinois, Interpreter, Translator, Voiceover, Localization, Technology, ...
Chuanyan Nie
Chuanyan Nie
Native in Chinees (Variant: Simplified) Native in Chinees
Religion, Psychology, Literature, Politics, Economics, Education, Marketing, Information Technology (IT), Creative Writing, Software, ...
Shirley Lao
Shirley Lao
Native in Chinees (Variant: Traditional) Native in Chinees
Health Care, Psychology, Questionnaires, Statistics, Data Analysis, Quantitative, Patent Translation, Business & Commerce (General), Terminology, Corpus Linguistics, ...
Suzie Zhou
Suzie Zhou
Native in Chinees Native in Chinees
chinese, english, computers, medical, legal, business, education
Li Rui
Li Rui
Native in Chinees Native in Chinees
English, Chinese, Translation, civil Engineering, Electric Power, PMP, Contractor, Energy, Geology, project management, ...
Wayne Wu
Wayne Wu
Native in Chinees (Variant: Traditional) Native in Chinees
Mechanical engineering, Automobile, CNC machine, Manufacturing, Automatic control, Patent, Computer hardware, Computer software, IT, Localization, ...
Eileen Peng
Eileen Peng
Native in Chinees Native in Chinees
native Chinese translator, English-Chinese translator, education, marketing, tourism, software localization, IT, computer, science & technology, website localization, ...
Mohammad Azizul Waheed Anogh Anogh
Mohammad Azizul Waheed Anogh Anogh
Native in Bengalees (Variants: Indian, Bangladeshi) Native in Bengalees
Native bengali, chinese to bengali, chinese to Bangla, English to bengali, English to Bangla, Bangla to English, Bengali to English
Wenjing Chen
Wenjing Chen
Native in Chinees (Variants: Mandarin, Traditional, Cantonese, Simplified) Native in Chinees
Chinese, Cantonese, simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese, English, localization, automobile, retail, marketing, trading, ...
Kin Yeung Lam
Kin Yeung Lam
Native in Chinees Native in Chinees, Engels Native in Engels
english, chinese to english, games, accounting, finance, psychology, history, culture, science, translation, ...
Jan Chia
Jan Chia
Native in Chinees (Variants: Traditional, Simplified) Native in Chinees, Maleis (Variant: Malaysian) Native in Maleis
Chinese to English, English to Chinese, Chinese to Malay, Malay to Chinese, Malay to English, English to Malay, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Cantonese, Mandarin, ...
Harris Liao
Harris Liao
Native in Chinees (Variants: Mandarin, Cantonese, Simplified, Taiwanese, Traditional) Native in Chinees
chinese, science, technology, engineering, medical, semiconductor, environment
Philippe Chang
Philippe Chang
Native in Engels Native in Engels, Chinees Native in Chinees
Chinese, English, IT, food, international trade, academic, medical, technical, technology, social science, ...
David Smith
David Smith
Native in Engels Native in Engels
Chinese to English, Technical Translation, Engineering Translation, Computing, Science, Hardware, Software, Patent Translation, High-quality Translation, Native English Speaker, ...
Native in Chinees (Variants: Mandarin, Traditional, Simplified) Native in Chinees
English, Chinese, semiconductor, computer technology, electronics, mechanical, green energy, wind power. Japanese.
Native in Chinees Native in Chinees
NAATI accreditation, government working experience, academic background in policy analysis, economics and etc.Certified translation of licenses, certificates, including driving license, household register, transcript, diploma, degree scroll, ...
Native in Engels Native in Engels, Spaans (Variants: Puerto Rican, Latin American, Standard-Spain, Colombian, Peruvian, Chilean, Mexican) Native in Spaans
marketing, mercadeo, business, negocios, insurance, seguros, fashion, moda, transport, transporte, ...
Cuiping Jiang
Cuiping Jiang
Native in Chinees Native in Chinees
Life Science, Automobile, Aerospace, Machinery, Localization, Biotechnology, Chemical, Contract and Legal, War Industry, Material Processing, ...

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  • De grootste gemeenschap van vertalers en tolken ter wereld

Vertalers, evenals tolken, maken communicatie tussen culturen mogelijk, door van de ene taal in de andere te vertalen. Vertalers werken met geschreven tekst, in tegenstelling tot het gesproken woord.

Vertalen vraagt veel meer dan simpele woord-voor-woord conversie van de ene taal naar de andere. Vertalers moeten het onderwerp van de tekst die ze vertalen heel goed begrijpen, maar ook de betreffende culturen van de bron- en doeltaal.

Met meer dan 300.000 geregistreerde vertalers en tolken is op het internet de grootste gegevensbank in de vertaalsector. Wanneer u een vertaler zoekt, kiest u een talencombinatie of probeert u de 1,540,200uitgebreide zoekmogelijkheid naar vertalers en tolken. Ook kunt u offertes aanvragen voor een bepaald vertaalproject door een offerteaanvraag voor een vertaalopdracht te plaatsen.