8,838 registrants

ProZ.com's 2014 virtual conference for International Translation Day

Sep 30, 2014

Conference recap


Date: Sep 30, 2014
Registrants: 8,838
Attendees: 4,780
Sessions: 35


Group discussion

Chat room

Time: 10:00 to 20:00

Succeed at ProZ.com

Time: 10:00 to 10:50

Free Tools for Translators

Time: 10:15 to 11:00

How a freelance translator can leverage MT for greater efficiency and still maintain quality

Time: 11:15 to 12:15

Getting Starting with an MT system for small and medium business contexts

Time: 11:45 to 12:45

Technical translation: is it really about terminology?

Time: 12:45 to 13:45

Translation Economics – Pricing

Time: 13:00 to 13:45

Machine Translation panel for LSP's

Time: 14:00 to 14:45

Managing client expectations

Time: 14:15 to 14:45

Machine Translation panel from a freelancer perspective

Time: 15:00 to 16:00

The art of asking questions

Time: 16:00 to 17:00

Patenting strategies of medical biotech companies

Time: 16:15 to 17:25

Medical documents for academic publishing: Creating English content with precision, accuracy, and style

Time: 17:15 to 17:45

Understanding the differences between Literal, Cultural and Artistic translation

Time: 17:45 to 18:45

Technical translations: Choosing the right terminology

Time: 17:45 to 18:25

Becoming a tech-savvy translator and interpreter in the Digital Age

Time: 18:15 to 19:25

How Translators Can Assess PEMT Opportunities

Time: 19:00 to 20:00

Welcome video

Time: 09:55 to 10:00

Using trade fairs to efficiently gain new customers (in German)

Time: 10:00 to 10:05

21st Century Technologies you cannot keep ignoring: CAT/MT and Virtual Interpreting

Time: 10:05 to 10:10

Human Translators and Machine Translators: Possibilities of Interaction

Time: 10:10 to 10:15

From code of ethics & standards of practice to national certification: Leaving the semi-professional status behind

Time: 10:15 to 10:20

Technical translations: Choosing the right terminology

Time: 10:20 to 10:25

Understanding the differences between Literal, Cultural and Artistic translation

Time: 10:25 to 10:30

Searching outside the Box: Internet Search Techniques to Find the Information You Need

Time: 10:30 to 10:35

The Fastest Way to Get More Clients

Time: 10:35 to 10:40

Ethical Codes for Translators and Interpreters

Time: 10:40 to 10:45

Methodology for specialized translations Example with Medical & other technical translations

Time: 10:50 to 10:55

Vendre ses services de traducteur indépendant : les 3 plus grandes erreurs à éviter

Time: 10:55 to 11:00

Tradutor humano e tradutor máquina: possibilidades de interação

Time: 11:00 to 11:05

5 myths about income diversification for translators

Time: 11:05 to 11:10

5 hábitos de traductoras exitosas: Servicios al cliente

Time: 11:10 to 11:15

Jak začít? (úvod pro začátečníky)

Time: 11:15 to 11:20

Hlasová výchova v tlumočnické praxi – aneb Jak nepřijít o hlas a nervy? (Jiří Svoboda)

Time: 11:20 to 11:25

Proč je užitečné být na překladatelských a tlumočnických portálech?

Time: 11:25 to 11:30

Conference feedback

Happy translator´s day for all my colleagues and thank you for this useful gift (Proz.com virtual 2014 event)

A great thank you to all of you who made it possible for this event to happen! I learned a lot and will continue to do so with all of the videos I haven't yet had the time to watch. Looking forward to the conference next year! :)

Jasa Pipan
Member since: Mar 7, 2018

Highly important and helpful presentations. Interesting points of view at the panels.

Great event!

Nausica Annelise Kristine Popa
Member since: Dec 17, 2010

Thank you for all you've done.
Very useful and interesting. A pity I could not follow all the events, but I'll see the recording of some of them. :)

Giuseppe Bellone
Member since: May 14, 2009

It enjoyed this useful event. This only is worth paying annual membership at proz.com. Thanks a lot!

Vladimir Matviyenko
Member since: Dec 12, 2008

Leave feedback → - View all feedback →

Search chat logs


Chat session:

Chat session is based on session start and end time. There may be some overlap.

Time From To Content
11:38 Apr 8, 2014 Epameinondas Soufleros: 951887 All Trados 2014 doesn't even adapt the numbers of TM matches to the ones actually present in the current source segment... DVX2 does this beautifully
11:38 Apr 8, 2014 Blandine-ATRIL: 1459982 All otherwise it is too complicated
11:39 Apr 8, 2014 Cathy_Atril: 1469690 All OK.
11:39 Apr 8, 2014 Epameinondas Soufleros: 951887 All And I dont' have to strain my eyes double-checking all those model and part numbers...
11:39 Apr 8, 2014 hnoronha: 556405 All I got to the point where I can order but the credit card wont work and paypal wont work either
11:39 Apr 8, 2014 hnoronha: 556405 All I tried 2 cards
11:39 Apr 8, 2014 Cathy_Atril: 1469690 All Oh, sorry. What error message are you getting?
11:40 Apr 8, 2014 Epameinondas Soufleros: 951887 All And DVX2's handling of SDLXLIFF's is much, much better than memoQ's, which I've also tried using for the very same projects.
11:40 Apr 8, 2014 hnoronha: 556405 All both are obviously good. French messages. Paypal says simply we cannot send your payment right now and the credit cards are getting refused
11:40 Apr 8, 2014 hnoronha: 556405 All I am in the USA so that should not be the problem
11:40 Apr 8, 2014 Epameinondas Soufleros: 951887 All It retains all translation statuses as they were in the Trados package and delivers them in perfect conditions, while memoQ messes them up and my PM can't see what I've translated.
11:40 Apr 8, 2014 Epameinondas Soufleros: 951887 All DVX2 doesn't do that. It processes them perfectly.
11:41 Apr 8, 2014 Pavel Tsvetkov: 634408 All Well, I have used
11:41 Apr 8, 2014 Pavel Tsvetkov: 634408 All Trados for 7 years now, and MemoQ for 2.
11:41 Apr 8, 2014 Cathy_Atril: 1469690 All No, it shouldn't be a problem, but sometimes it happens. I can send you an invoice and a PayPal payment request--that usually works without problems.
11:41 Apr 8, 2014 Pavel Tsvetkov: 634408 All Compared to them Deja vu has some amazing features, and some unexplainable drawbacks.
11:41 Apr 8, 2014 Pavel Tsvetkov: 634408 All It is a boutique tool.
11:41 Apr 8, 2014 hnoronha: 556405 All OK; that would be great. Then I can pay independently via paypal immediately.
11:42 Apr 8, 2014 hnoronha: 556405 All email address is [email protected]
11:42 Apr 8, 2014 Cathy_Atril: 1469690 All You are ordering an upgrade from DVX2 Workgroup to DVX3 Workgroup with a +1 activation, right?
11:42 Apr 8, 2014 hnoronha: 556405 All yes. The amount showing up as$650
11:42 Apr 8, 2014 Daniel Benito: 1130548 All Pavel: apart from the propagation, what other "unexplainable" drawbacks have you found?
11:43 Apr 8, 2014 Daniel Benito: 1130548 All I'd love to hear from you about what things you think we can improve
11:43 Apr 8, 2014 Daniel Benito: 1130548 All so feel free to write to me at [email protected]
11:44 Apr 8, 2014 hnoronha: 556405 All Which I can transfer immediately - just need an invoice numer so i can associate payment with use through paypal