| Onderwerp | Geplaatst door Reacties (Bekeken) Laatste bijdrage |
| Studio 2019 - "The process cannot access the file 'xxx.ldb', because it is being used by another pr" | 1 (951) |
| Trados Studio 2022 crashes at startup | 2 (1,378) |
| Off-topic: Help with Trados 19 | 6 (1,533) |
| Trados shows text I can't see in Word file | 5 (2,672) |
| Trados Studio 2022: adjusting settings | 2 (1,207) |
| Is it possible to enlarge the cells (segments) in Studio? | 4 (1,282) |
| From Studio to Indesign | 13 (2,476) |
| Variables not being added | 4 (1,249) |
| Can't create return package - Studio 2021 | 4 (3,428) |
| Trados does not get any Internet connexion | 3 (1,374) |
| Installation of Multiterm (2021) on a Window 11 OS | 9 (2,188) |
| Studio 2021 wouldn't deactivate - [197] error - after their suggested fix, now no license available! | 1 (1,292) |
| How to extract terminology from aligned documents using Multiterm? ( 1... 2) | 19 (4,756) |
| Trados 2021: Error: attempting to insert an item that is already part of a collection | 2 (1,176) |
| Unable to merge segments on Trados 2021 | 1 (936) |
| Studio 2022 Find/Replace dialog box always on top? | 5 (1,526) |
| Lame duck? ( 1... 2) | 20 (4,900) |
| SDL Trados - old translations overwrite new ones in updated document | 0 (797) |
| Working on xliff files exported from Wordpress WPML (Studio 2019) | 12 (5,332) |
| Auto-propagation dialog box missing in SDL Trados Studio 2021 ( 1... 2) | 15 (3,611) |
| Trados 2022 doesn't start, error after installing Trados Compatibility and Migration Power Pck | 0 (962) |
| Trados 2017 Quickinsert feature | 9 (3,397) |
| White background | 8 (3,824) |
| Trados refund | 4 (1,500) |
| Opening a .tmw TM in Trados Studio 2021 in order to export it | 10 (2,796) |
| @RWS staff on this forum: Selling / re-assigning Trados Studio 2017 Professional license | 4 (1,817) |
| Aligning 70 sdlalign-files - creating a tmx file | 4 (1,472) |
| Tags | 11 (2,832) |
| Alignment and TM damaged | 5 (1,529) |
| Trados Error Meldungsnummer 0x%1 der Meldungsdatei %2 Trados | 2 (1,028) |
| Converting Xliff files to Excel documents (.xls) ( 1... 2) | 15 (13,139) |
| Error when trying to open alignment file | 2 (1,019) |
| error processing command line arguments: an error occurred whilst trying to determine the file versi | 0 (825) |
| How to kill terminally the Generating Preview "feature"? | 8 (3,684) |
| Just installed Trados 2022 - what is my Groupshare Authentication login? | 4 (1,687) |
| Studio 2021 does not see xliff.wsxz file | 3 (1,238) |
| Adding/importing target text - Trados 2019 | 7 (2,443) |
| Problem with our TM | 4 (1,334) |
| Can Trados display the number of changes via Find and Replace? | 1 (856) |
| How to translate PDF comments using XFDF file | 2 (1,114) |
| Keyword management for translation memories in SDL Trados | 1 (785) |
| Json project shows 0 words | 13 (2,574) |
| Option to disable red lines above terms in source box with termbase matches (in Trados Studio) | 0 (732) |
| SDL Trados Studio 2021 crashes randomly | 11 (6,200) |
| Autosuggest becomes all uppercase (even if Caps lock is off) | 3 (1,972) |
| What does the "AT" stand for in the "New/AT" category of the analysis report? | 2 (1,062) |
| LanguageWeaver in Trados Studio: Only in Cloud? | 4 (1,297) |
| Spellcheck and QA of filtered segments in Studio 2022 | 3 (1,395) |
| Export a bilingual Word file using Trados 2021 | 7 (3,386) |
| Export bilingual review file – without tags | 10 (2,687) |