Measuring translation quality

Formats: Webinar presentations
Topics: Expand your business and advance in your career
Language specific courses
Business of Translation and Interpreting

Course summary
Start time:Nov 30, 2011 16:00 GMT     Add to calendar

The webinar will last 90 minutes.

Links to handouts and video recording will be emailed to all registered and paid users within 5 working days after the training.

Useful links:
If you have a credit to redeem please feel free to purchase this training with your credit by clicking on a "Purchase for $ (Use purchase credit)" button on your right as it is suggested on this screenshot.
Once uploaded, the video will be available from the video centre training cancelation policy

Summary:Want to better manage client satisfaction? Dream of recruiting the best specialists? Measuring translation quality can aid your business.
This training covers:
- Approaches to translation quality.
- What's the difference between assessing translation quality, assessing vendor competences, customer and end-user satisfaction, and observing workflow requirements.
- How to use structured specifications for quality assessment.
- How to select samples.
- In-workflow vs. post-delivery assessment: best practices.
- 1st-party, 2nd-party and 3rd-party assessment: best practices.
- TQI (translation quality index): pro's and con's.
- Use and limitations of existing translation quality metrics: SAE J2450, LISA QA Model 3.1, ATA Framework for Standard Error Marking.
- Vendor competence assessment: marking errors and giving feedback.
- How to motivate your project managers and vendors using translation quality as a KPI.
Target audience
Target audience:
- Owners and top managers of translation agencies.
- Project managers.
- Quality management specialists.
- Revisers and reviewers.
Learning objectives
Learning objectives:
After the training the audience will be able to:
- Set up a cost-effective translation quality assessment system.
- Set up a cost-effective competence assessment system.
- Improve their quality management practices.
Created by
Allcorrect Group    View feedback | View all courses
Bio: Demid Tishin is co-owner of All Correct Language Solutions LLC (, Russian delegate to ISO workgroup on translation and interpreting standards (TC37), co-founder of Translation Forum Russia (, and management consultant. Since 2007 he has researched translation quality assessment, and in 2010 developed a vendor competence assessment system based on marking translation errors in samples. Demid is a frequent speaker at localization industry events in Russia and abroad, including conferences and LISA Forum Europe.
General discussions on this training

Measuring translation quality
Veronique Haour
Veronique Haour Identity Verified
Verenigde Staten
Local time: 02:26
Engels naar Frans
+ ...
Measuring translation quality -- Course materialsNov 4, 2011

I have downloaded the course materials available for this webinar. It is a 30 page pdf document entitled "Working as a Public Services Interpreter in the UK" by Ania Heasley. Are you sure this is right?
Véronique Haour

Allcorrect Group
Allcorrect Group
Local time: 01:26
Measuring translation quality -- Course materialsNov 7, 2011

Hallo Veronique,
The materials you mentioned haven't got any relation to my webinaricon_smile.gif
Can you send me the link to the page where you accessed the file? (dtishin [at]

Veronique Haour wrote:

I have downloaded the course materials available for this webinar. It is a 30 page pdf document entitled "Working as a Public Services Interpreter in the UK" by Ania Heasley. Are you sure this is right?
Véronique Haour

Valeria Faber
Valeria Faber Identity Verified
Local time: 02:26
Engels naar Italiaans
+ ...
Wrong materials packageNov 23, 2011

Hi Demid,

I went to the webminar page and downloaded the related material, but as for Veronique, the package doesn't seem to be the right one.
The given link is at the Registration box on top right side of the screen.


Ade Indarta
Ade Indarta Identity Verified
Local time: 08:26
Lid 2007
Engels naar Indonesisch
Where to download the materials?Nov 23, 2011

So where can I download the materials? Any link? I tried to click the link at the Registration box and it gave me the incorrect interpreting training materials.

Thank you!

Best regards,

Allcorrect Group
Allcorrect Group
Local time: 01:26
Webinar materials will be distributed after the webinarNov 24, 2011

Dear attendees, the course materials will be sent to you after the webinar. What you see as materials now (something about interpretation) is obviously an error, and I hope staff will fix the issue soon. Thanks!

Allcorrect Group
Allcorrect Group
Local time: 01:26
Which items on the agenda are most important to you? Want to share your experience on the topic?Nov 24, 2011

If you feel that some issues outlined in course description require special attention, please send me an e-mail. Then I will try to highlight them during the webinar. You are also encouraged to share your experience / problems in translation quality and competence assessment by e-mail, and I'll cover these points during the session. Thank you!
My e-mail: dtishin [at], dtishin [at]

lalvida Identity Verified
Local time: 06:26
Other methods of payment?Nov 27, 2011

Dear Mr.Tishin,

will you please advise if I could pay for the webinar by yandex money, or webmoney, or,in the worst case, by paypal. I don't seem to have all the necessary data for conducting payment by credit card.

Many thanx in advance!

Looking forward to your reply.



Alejandro Cavalitto
Alejandro Cavalitto Identity Verified
Local time: 22:26
Lid 2008
Engels naar Spaans
+ ...
Please submit a support request if you need anything elseNov 29, 2011

Hello LaLa,

I see you could successfully register and pay for this training session. Pleasesubmit a support request if you need anything else.

Best regards,

Allcorrect Group
Allcorrect Group
Local time: 01:26
Thank you for attending the webinar!Dec 1, 2011

Dear colleagues, thank you for attending the webinar!
If you have any further questions about the topic, please contact me by email: dtishin [at]


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