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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Post SNEVT relaxation

November 25, 2007, 12:00 am
NederlandDen HaagIn personNederlands
Literaire wandeling (alweer eentje!) met achteraf tijd voor een 'chat & a snack'. Kids zijn welkom (ik neem zelf mijn kleinste mee).

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (31) / Confirmed: 11 / Tentative: 1
Name NoteWill Attend
Claudia Ait-Touati  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" ...  y
Marijke Mayer   Rijkelijk laat, maar ik kom wel vanmiddag. Helaas zie ik geen mobiele telefoonnummers dit keer om iemand op de hoogte te stellen.  y
Monique van Prehn   Hoi Claudia, door familieomstandigheden ga ik het niet redden komend weekend. Wat jammer, zien we elkaar weer niet. Volgende keer ben ik graag van de partij!  n
Dave Calderhead   Work for good client running late - need Sunday afternoon to help catch up  n
Maaike van Vlijmen   Ik woon voor een tijdje in Den Haag, dus perfect!  y
XMieke Tulp (X)   Sounds interesting.   y
XPercy Balemans (X)   Maybe.  y
Inge Dijkstra   Provided I am not suffering from "post-birthday blues", you can count me in!  y
_TILLI  \"Photographer\" Hi! Do not speak Dutch - and failed to find the programme. But willing to come and meet you- indeed!  y
XHarris Couwenberg   Harris Couwenberg  
Filippo Rosati   Hoi allemaal, héééél leuk idee want DeHách is altijd "out of the picture", maar ik kan helaas niet komen, ik zit net in het buitenland. Veel plezier allemaal en tot de volgende! ;-)  n
Petra Molenaar  \"Photographer\" Hi, Ik doe graag mee!  
srpen   Keep me posted!  
ofelia1   ik weet het nog niet zeker...  
Cristina Casas Peregrina  \"Photographer\" ...  
Claire Rascle   I don't work in the "literaire" field, but will try and come  n
XJan Willem van Dormolen (X)   Ik zal zien of ik deze keer weer eens kan komen.  m
Mark Haasen   Sorry, ik zou er graag aan deelnemen, zeker omdat ik in Leiden woon, maar ik kan er om persoonlijke redenen niet bij zijn. Graag tot een volgende keer!  n
XLeen Antwerpen (X)  \"Photographer\" Wegens een zware verkoudheid kan ik er deze keer helaas niet bij zijn. Volgende keer beter!  n
XArie Monster   ...  n
XSiobhan Schoonhoff-Reilly   I would love to attend, but unfortunately I won't be able to make it.  n
Heather Lane   What time is this planned for? I have to teach on Sundays but if you tell me what time this starts I can reschedule my lesson for later, or earlier...  
XRenee O   I live in The Hague, so the location is most convenient ;) I'll do my best to participate. I've never participated in an event such as this, so I'm quite curious  n
XWillem Cremers (X)   Bunnik was goed, op naar Den Haag!  y
Nigel Saych   I'd like to come, if only to have another philosphical chat with Albert and get my free jar of Vegemite from Claudia. Not sure if I can make it but I'll do my best.  n
Nina Breebaart   Hi, leuk, ik zal er zijn.  y
helmavdboom  \"Photographer\" Zo dichtbij voor mij en dan kan ik niet! Jammer, graag tot ziens op een volgende Powwow!  n
laura castori   sorry, but I cannot come anymore. Hope ya'll enjoy it!  n
vixen   Maybe.  n
Armand Hellegers   Armand Hellegers, Looking forward to my first powwow, just starting as a translator  y
Monica Santoro   I'll come with my partner. Could we please have English speaking guides?  y

Postings about this event

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Powwow: Den Haag - Netherlands
Claudia Ait-Touati
Claudia Ait-Touati  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:14
Engels naar Nederlands
+ ...
Welkom Albert Oct 11, 2007

Hi Albert, thanks for showing interest in this powwow. I am going to sit for the SNEVT. Unfortunately I am not quite sure about the place and exact date of the powwow; I'm doubting between Eindhoven and somewhere in the West and the 25/26th of November. I guess I should have waited with my posting, but time is running out. The problem is my extremely tight travel plan (I only stay for 2 weeks). I am waiting for an email from a possible speaker (maybe even two). Once I have final confirmations fr... See more
Hi Albert, thanks for showing interest in this powwow. I am going to sit for the SNEVT. Unfortunately I am not quite sure about the place and exact date of the powwow; I'm doubting between Eindhoven and somewhere in the West and the 25/26th of November. I guess I should have waited with my posting, but time is running out. The problem is my extremely tight travel plan (I only stay for 2 weeks). I am waiting for an email from a possible speaker (maybe even two). Once I have final confirmations from them, I will post more details. Sorry about the confusion but I do hope to meet you!
Warm regards,

PS we kunnen trouwens ook Nederlands mailen als dat de voorkeur heeft, not sure...

Albert Stufkens
Albert Stufkens  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:44
Nederlands naar Engels
+ ...
SNEVT Oct 11, 2007

Hallo Claudia,
Dankzij maak je heel fascinerende ontmoetingen mee. Wat 'on earth' betekent SNEVT?
Waarom nu geen Utrecht? Zoals je weet: Utrecht is een heel intelligente stad. Er is maar één Dom.
Is het leuk in Australië? Ik heb er ook gewoond. 14 jaar in Sydney.
Wel, zo te zien komen we elkaar wel tegen.
Succes met je doelstellingen.

Dave Calderhead
Dave Calderhead  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:44
Nederlands naar Engels
+ ...
Location Oct 14, 2007

Utrecht is good idea and Albert's suggestion sounds good.
(I might even be able to arrange a performance by the Utrecht Morris side to add some traditional English colour.)

Claudia Ait-Touati
Claudia Ait-Touati  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:14
Engels naar Nederlands
+ ...
Welkom allemaal! 25 november Oct 14, 2007

Thanks all for registering! SNEVT is het examen van de stichting Nederlandse Examens voor Vertalers en Tolken. Een vertolking is altijd welkom Dave; I would love to see Morris dancers!! Sorry to all to be so indefinite over this powwow, a lot still depends on the travel partners. I will get back to you all this week with a definite location and time. The date will definitely be the 25th of November. Looking so much forward to seeing you all!

Claudia Ait-Touati
Claudia Ait-Touati  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:14
Engels naar Nederlands
+ ...
English Oct 15, 2007

Dear all,
Could we post the messages in English? This way everybody can understand the messages and some more people might want to join us. Also welcome to Kaliamma; if you have any questions regarding the Dutch messages, please ask me.
Marijke gave me a great tip for a bite afterwards; Restaurant Garoeda on the Kneuterdijk. It's an Indonesian restaurant (delicious!!!!!!!!) and it's close to the literary museum for the ones who are interested. Please note that everything is optional.
... See more
Dear all,
Could we post the messages in English? This way everybody can understand the messages and some more people might want to join us. Also welcome to Kaliamma; if you have any questions regarding the Dutch messages, please ask me.
Marijke gave me a great tip for a bite afterwards; Restaurant Garoeda on the Kneuterdijk. It's an Indonesian restaurant (delicious!!!!!!!!) and it's close to the literary museum for the ones who are interested. Please note that everything is optional. Take care and I will see you soon in Den Haag, 'mooie stad achter de duinen'.

Inge Dijkstra
Inge Dijkstra  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:44
Nederlands naar Engels
+ ...
@Claudia: suggestion for your SNEVT exam Oct 27, 2007

Hi Claudia,

I have read your recent requests to the VSE-group. Particularly if this is your last chance to obtain the "kort-HBO" certificate, I would strongly advise you to keep track of their messages! I joined the club some years ago, and they provide extremely valuable information on the SNEVT exams, particularly on the subjects related to "Maatschappijkennis". Unfortunately, this is - as you may know - the biggest obstacle in the exams ...
Anyway, I wish you all the best and
... See more
Hi Claudia,

I have read your recent requests to the VSE-group. Particularly if this is your last chance to obtain the "kort-HBO" certificate, I would strongly advise you to keep track of their messages! I joined the club some years ago, and they provide extremely valuable information on the SNEVT exams, particularly on the subjects related to "Maatschappijkennis". Unfortunately, this is - as you may know - the biggest obstacle in the exams ...
Anyway, I wish you all the best and good luck! Hope to see you in The Hague!
P.S. For those of you who are not familiar with VSE: this is a YAHOO forum specifically aimed at students preparing for their SNEVT exams. If you would like to know more, please let me know!
Warm regards to everyone! Inge

Inge Dijkstra
Inge Dijkstra  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:44
Nederlands naar Engels
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@Albert Oct 27, 2007

Hi Albert,
Since you are currently "reading something on the history of the Dutch language", this site may be of particular interest: Please check "snelnavigatie".

@all: Although this posting should perhaps not be placed here, I decided to do so because of the literary part of this powwow. Hope you won't mind ...

Albert Stufkens
Albert Stufkens  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:44
Nederlands naar Engels
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Neerlandistiek Oct 27, 2007

Heel 'goeie'. Heb dit toegevoegd aan mijn favorieten.
Waar Powwows al niet goed voor zijn!

Claudia Ait-Touati
Claudia Ait-Touati  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:14
Engels naar Nederlands
+ ...
Neerlandistiek en VSE groep Oct 27, 2007

Hi Inge! Hartstikke bedankt voor je tips! Ja, VSE is inderdaad een erg goede informatiebron. Mijn 'probleem' is tijd. Met 4 kindjes en full-time vertaalwerk schiet het leren er vaak bij in. Ik probeer me nu te concentreren op het doorlezen van oude examens als ik er de tijd voor krijg.

Ik verheug me jullie allemaal te ontmoeten!!



Claudia Ait-Touati
Claudia Ait-Touati  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:14
Engels naar Nederlands
+ ...
Time Nov 2, 2007

Dear All,
The literary walk takes 2 hours. We might want to meet at 14.00. I still need to confirm with the Gilde as well. Do you all prefer an English or Dutch speaking guide?
Hopefully we'll meet some interesting writers on our way! (I, for one, would love to meet Bart Chabot!).
I will confirm with the Gilde and see where exactly we need to meet and post it here soon.

The group is growing; fantastic!

I will bring a small token from Oz for all you brave
... See more
Dear All,
The literary walk takes 2 hours. We might want to meet at 14.00. I still need to confirm with the Gilde as well. Do you all prefer an English or Dutch speaking guide?
Hopefully we'll meet some interesting writers on our way! (I, for one, would love to meet Bart Chabot!).
I will confirm with the Gilde and see where exactly we need to meet and post it here soon.

The group is growing; fantastic!

I will bring a small token from Oz for all you brave ones who show up!icon_wink.gif)

Albert Stufkens
Albert Stufkens  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:44
Nederlands naar Engels
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Content Nov 2, 2007

Maybe the literary walk was done before but I am still in the dark as to what this entails. Visiting a museum? An institution? Having a cup of tea or coffee with a famous writer? Can you have a literary experience in the streets? It is all so mysterious.

Claudia Ait-Touati
Claudia Ait-Touati  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:14
Engels naar Nederlands
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content of walk Nov 3, 2007

Sorry Albert, it didn't even occur to me.
The literary walk is a 2 hour (approximately) guided tour through The Hague highlighting all the places of literary interest. This means residences of writers and such, so not really a super-duper literary experience in that sense, but it might be interesting for some of us to see a bit of The Hague and to learn a bit about the history of literary and the current status of the writers of The Hague. Particularly interesting because of the 'Crossing
... See more
Sorry Albert, it didn't even occur to me.
The literary walk is a 2 hour (approximately) guided tour through The Hague highlighting all the places of literary interest. This means residences of writers and such, so not really a super-duper literary experience in that sense, but it might be interesting for some of us to see a bit of The Hague and to learn a bit about the history of literary and the current status of the writers of The Hague. Particularly interesting because of the 'Crossing Border" festival that is held in The Hague only days prior to our get-together. One of the features at the festival is the daily chats with two acclaimed writers and two also acclaimed translators who discuss the subject of 'being translated'. Very interesting. I have emailed one of those translators and asked him if he would like to come to our little party but it seems like he's got another meeting to attend. Anybody who's going to the Crossing Border...I'm happy to hear all about it!

Cheers and see you all soon!

Got my suitcase almost ready...

Albert Stufkens
Albert Stufkens  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:44
Nederlands naar Engels
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Literary Museum Nov 3, 2007

Near Central Station there is the Literary Museum displaying collections of famous writers' curiosa from the year 1750 onwards.
Worth visiting? Relevant in any case!

Albert Stufkens
Albert Stufkens  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:44
Nederlands naar Engels
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Highlights in History of the Book Nov 3, 2007

Also close to Central Station: Meermanno Museum: Highlights in History of the Book

Renee O
Renee O  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:44
Frans naar Nederlands
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Meermanno Nov 4, 2007

Wat een geweldig idee! Ik ben er ooit een keer geweest in het kader van een bibliotheek- en documentatieopleiding, maar dat is eeuwen geleden!

Ik troon mijn buitenlandse gasten altijd mee naar het Mauritshuis voor Vermeer en naar het Gemeentemuseum voor Mondriaan.icon_biggrin.gif

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