MemoQ 10.6 extremely slow compared to 9.8? [UPDATE: Solved elsewhere; server issue]
De persoon die dit onderwerp heeft geplaatst: Rebecca Capowski
Rebecca Capowski
Rebecca Capowski
Verenigde Staten
Local time: 17:30
Lid 2014
Japans naar Engels
Jul 4, 2024

[Note: For your sanity, please read entire post for update and warning before continuing downthread.]

I just downloaded 10.6 for a client who requested use of this particular version for a project. I've used 9.8 for several projects with no issue. I'm finding 10.6 downright glacial—it pauses for 10 to 15 seconds when I'm confirming a segment. I have 8 GB of RAM, so basic functionality of this program shouldn't be impeded.

No other CAT program has been this u
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[Note: For your sanity, please read entire post for update and warning before continuing downthread.]

I just downloaded 10.6 for a client who requested use of this particular version for a project. I've used 9.8 for several projects with no issue. I'm finding 10.6 downright glacial—it pauses for 10 to 15 seconds when I'm confirming a segment. I have 8 GB of RAM, so basic functionality of this program shouldn't be impeded.

No other CAT program has been this unresponsive for me. What is 10.6 _doing_ that it's so slow? Is there some ill-advised feature that's on by default in this release that should be turned off for better performance?

UPDATE: Turns out there are some server-side issues about which I'm communicating with the client. If you're experiencing similar issues, get in touch with your client and check that all's right on their end.

Also: this thread attracted some of the absolute worst advice that's been posted to this forum. For Pete's sake, don't argue with your client. Don't be reflexively dismissive of your client's tech or platform requests. If someone asks a tech question to which you don't know the answer, don't try to co-opt the thread to start a spec war—go to Reddit and get it all out there instead. While planning for ever-increasing performance needs is useful and wise, don't invest money on specs better-suited to a gaming platform if you're just looking for a reliable workstation. If you keep tons of applications and tabs you're not using open on your machine, it will impact its performance. If your uninformed advice doesn't prove useful in solving a user's tech issue, adopting a condescending attitude and insisting you know more about the conversations they're having with clients or the performance of their workstation will not retroactively convince said user that you were right.

OK, that's enough. Please go elsewhere. It's all sadness below.

[Edited at 2024-07-05 14:41 GMT]

Thomas T. Frost
Thomas T. Frost  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:30
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Versions Jul 4, 2024

I've never noticed any performance difference. It could be the network or server. The memoQworld server (memoQ's own) can be slow.

You don't need to use the exact same version as the client. If the client server is version 10, it is supported to use memoQ versions 9 to 11.

I'm on version 11, but it needs to be started once in administrator mode before it will work due to a yet unsolved bug.

Michael Beijer
Michael Beijer  Identity Verified
Verenigd Koninkrijk
Local time: 22:30
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8GB is at the lower limits of what I would recommend for a program like memoQ Jul 4, 2024

Rebecca Capowski wrote:

I just downloaded 10.6 for a client who requested use of this particular version for a project. I've used 9.8 for several projects with no issue. I'm finding 10.6 downright glacial—it pauses for 10 to 15 seconds when I'm confirming a segment. I have 8 GB of RAM, so basic functionality of this program shouldn't be impeded.

No other CAT program has been this unresponsive for me. What is 10.6 _doing_ that it's so slow? Is there some ill-advised feature that's on by default in this release that should be turned off for better performance?

By the way 8GB is at the limits of what I would recommend for a program like memoQ. I have 64GB, probably overkill, but memoQ (I'm running v11) runs pretty fast on my computer, Scrolling in the grid can be a bit slow, but this is due to the underlying system used for the UI. Definitely usable though.


8 GB required; 16 GB or more recommended" ( )

Thomas T. Frost
John Fossey
Thomas T. Frost
Thomas T. Frost  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:30
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32GB Jul 4, 2024

Yes, 8GB isn't much today. I have 32GB and am using 16GB, but the memory hogs are mainly Chrome and Office. I've seen memoQ use 2GB sometimes, though.

My system drive is 100% SSD. 200/100Mbps fibre. This is a laptop from 2018 that I bought with specifications to last more than a couple of years.

The amount of TB and TM entries, and whether they are local or online, can impact response times.

Mario Chávez
Mario Chávez
Verenigde Staten
Local time: 17:30
Lid 2024
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32-bit or 64-bit version installed? Jul 5, 2024

Rebecca Capowski wrote:

I just downloaded 10.6 for a client who requested use of this particular version for a project. I've used 9.8 for several projects with no issue. I'm finding 10.6 downright glacial—it pauses for 10 to 15 seconds when I'm confirming a segment. I have 8 GB of RAM, so basic functionality of this program shouldn't be impeded.

No other CAT program has been this unresponsive for me. What is 10.6 _doing_ that it's so slow? Is there some ill-advised feature that's on by default in this release that should be turned off for better performance?

I'm quite familiar with memoQ 10.6. I used to run it on a 32GB RAM Windows 10 laptop (a XPS 17 Dell for heavy graphics applications). Never had an issue with lag. Do you have the 32-bit version of memoQ installed? Because that could be one of the sources of the lag you're experiencing.

Check Task Manager for memory hogs (yes, Chrome, MS Office and some system resources might be using big chunks). Can you share your PC's configuration, maybe a screen shot of your Task Manager? You can click the memory column to see which application or resource is using more memory. I have 38 Chrome tabs open (among several other programs) and my PC has 32GB of RAM.

Can you say why your client requested 10.6 in particular? As far as I know, memoQ AGT (a plugin) requires 10.4 and later to operate.


Mario Chávez, CAD software translator
memoQ 10.6, DVX3, Adobe Creative Suite
Windows and Mac

Rebecca Capowski
Rebecca Capowski
Verenigde Staten
Local time: 17:30
Lid 2014
Japans naar Engels
Seriously, Mario. 38 tabs? Jul 5, 2024

Thomas T. Frost wrote:

You don't need to use the exact same version as the client. If the client server is version 10, it is supported to use memoQ versions 9 to 11.

The client specifically requested use of this version due to compatibility issues with their server. While I will be making note of this issue with them, I don't find it good practice to argue with clients about tech issues or try to get them to change their tech practices right off the bat.

As for the recommendation that you need 32 or 64 GB to run CAT platforms: I haven't in my experience (daily, heavy use of MemoQ 9.8 & other tools) found this remotely necessary. Before MemoQ 10.6, I've never had even a hiccup from any CAT platform with my machine. They've all been instantly responsive.

My system drive is 100% SSD. 200/100Mbps fibre. This is a laptop from 2018

Until this one project, I seem to have gotten the same results—flawless CAT tool performance—with my 8 GB machine. Perhaps you enabled ray tracing on MemoQ? That might be why you need such high specs to run the platform.

Hey, in fact:

Mario Chávez wrote:

I have 38 Chrome tabs open (among several other programs) and my PC has 32GB of RAM

Well, that's the problem! You guys need all that RAM because you aren't closing your garbage.

In any case: I appreciate the attempts to help, but I think I'm going to take this issue to a...tidier userbase. In the meantime: close your tabs!

Rebecca Capowski
Rebecca Capowski
Verenigde Staten
Local time: 17:30
Lid 2014
Japans naar Engels
Solved. Jul 5, 2024

Iiiiiit's a server issue—nothing local. Mystery solved. Return to your fiber internets and 1.4615016e+48 GB RAM sticks.

Thomas T. Frost
Thomas T. Frost  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:30
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Compatibility Jul 5, 2024

Rebecca Capowski wrote:

The client specifically requested use of this version due to compatibility issues with their server. While I will be making note of this issue with them, I don't find it good practice to argue with clients about tech issues or try to get them to change their tech practices right off the bat. says:

'For the purposes of translation, we guarantee compatibility for one major version “ahead” and “behind”: anyone using memoQ 9.x translator pro must be able to translate projects on memoQ server 8.x or memoQ TMS 10.x. Similarly, memoQ 10.x translator pro works with memoQ server 9.x and will work with memoQ TMS 11.x.'

You don't need to argue or otherwise debate this with them. You can simply use your preferred version within the scope of the compatibility policy. You don't have to account for that to your clients any more than which Windows build you are using. This is not their tech practice, it's yours.

Some clients are unaware of the compatibility policy and think, 'just to be safe, let's insist on the same client version as our server,' but it's not necessary.

Rebecca Capowski wrote:

Until this one project, I seem to have gotten the same results—flawless CAT tool performance—with my 8 GB machine. Perhaps you enabled ray tracing on MemoQ? That might be why you need such high specs to run the platform.

Well, that's the problem! You guys need all that RAM because you aren't closing your garbage.

I didn't say that I need such high specs to run memoQ. What I did in 2018 was to design the specs to be sufficient many years into the future to avoid having to buy new equipment too frequently. If you buy a computer that is only just good enough, it won't be good enough for many years because applications become greedier all the time. RAM is particularly important because when there is not enough, the computer begins to swap, i.e. move idle segments from the RAM to the main drive and then back if they are needed. This slows everything down, so the best way to get good performance is to avoid swapping by having enough RAM.

Right, I don't close my garbage because I like to have it readily available. I don't want to limit how I work just to save 8GB of RAM. The tech should adapt to me, not the other way around.

Rebecca Capowski
Rebecca Capowski
Verenigde Staten
Local time: 17:30
Lid 2014
Japans naar Engels
Hmm. Jul 5, 2024

Thomas T. Frost wrote:

This is not their tech practice, it's yours.

No, the instructions as for which version to use were explicit. I was the one in communication with the client, so I would be the one to know. While I will inform a client of technical issues if they hamper a project, as they did in this case, I don't find it good practice to lie to the client or be dismissive of their instructions.

If you buy a computer that is only just good enough, it won't be good enough for many years

But this machine has been good enough for many years. It'll need upgrading eventually, like all machines—I use it heavily, after all—but its specs haven't given it an unnaturally-short useful life. Again: I'm the person using it as my workstation, so I would know.

the computer begins to

Yes, I know how RAM works.

Right, I don't close my garbage because I like to have it readily available

I like to run a slimmer, more focused operation, and that's worked very well for me. Loads of RAM is useful in many circumstances, but if you need 64 GB to run CAT platforms, you've got way too much else running at once on your machine, and you're not really in a position to give tech advice.


I've tried to treat this with humor, but most of the advice here wasn't applicable in my circumstance, and a good deal of it consists of strange, unproductive attempts to shame me for not spending tons of bucks on a feature that hasn't proven necessary for this use case and very strange, very bad advice about being aggressive toward one's client. It hews more to all the bad stereotypes of IT techs than advice professional communicators would give.

The problem was solved elsewhere, and it wasn't my machine. I don't find the attempts to convince me otherwise after the fact informed or useful. The attempts will doubtless continue, but as this thread hasn't proven productive, I won't be reading them.

[Edited at 2024-07-05 14:20 GMT]

Thomas T. Frost
Thomas T. Frost  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:30
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Last word Jul 5, 2024

Rebecca Capowski wrote:

I like to run a slimmer, more focused operation, and that's worked very well for me. Loads of RAM is useful in many circumstances, but if you need 64 GB to run CAT platforms, you've got way too much else running at once on your machine, and you're not really in a position to give tech advice.

We are each entitled to our preferences. You can run a slim operation and I can keep more stuff open as I like, and it's not because I do the latter that it entitles you to claim that I am not in a position to give tech advice. That sort of arrogance is not needed. I believe 20 years as an IT specialist do give me some background, but you always have options in IT. I just gave my opinion.

Rebecca Capowski wrote:

I've tried to treat this with humor, but most of the advice here wasn't applicable in my circumstance, and a good deal of it consists of strange, unproductive attempts to shame me for not spending tons of bucks on a feature that hasn't proven necessary for this use case and very strange, very bad advice about being aggressive toward one's client. It hews more to all the bad stereotypes of IT techs than advice professional communicators would give.

When someone describes a problem, we cannot guess in advance which advice may end up being useful and which not.

With your educational background, you should surely be able to read and understand a post without misinterpreting it so grossly as you do. At no point was any shaming written or intended. I gave my opinion, and you didn't like it, but please do not read anything in it that was not there and accuse me of something I didn't do.

There is also not a word about being aggressive or lying to your client. Using software compatible with their server is not lying. But again, you choose how you want to deal with it. What you should not do is to make unfounded accusations against your colleagues.

If people are so eager to take offence at everything, maybe it's better not to reply to posts like yours. That way, we won't be verbally assaulted for posting suggestions.

Mario Chávez
Mario Chávez
Verenigde Staten
Local time: 17:30
Lid 2024
Engels naar Spaans
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Close your garbage? Jul 5, 2024

Rebecca Capowski wrote:

Thomas T. Frost wrote:

You don't need to use the exact same version as the client. If the client server is version 10, it is supported to use memoQ versions 9 to 11.

The client specifically requested use of this version due to compatibility issues with their server. While I will be making note of this issue with them, I don't find it good practice to argue with clients about tech issues or try to get them to change their tech practices right off the bat.

As for the recommendation that you need 32 or 64 GB to run CAT platforms: I haven't in my experience (daily, heavy use of MemoQ 9.8 & other tools) found this remotely necessary. Before MemoQ 10.6, I've never had even a hiccup from any CAT platform with my machine. They've all been instantly responsive.

My system drive is 100% SSD. 200/100Mbps fibre. This is a laptop from 2018

Until this one project, I seem to have gotten the same results—flawless CAT tool performance—with my 8 GB machine. Perhaps you enabled ray tracing on MemoQ? That might be why you need such high specs to run the platform.

Hey, in fact:

Mario Chávez wrote:

I have 38 Chrome tabs open (among several other programs) and my PC has 32GB of RAM

Well, that's the problem! You guys need all that RAM because you aren't closing your garbage.

In any case: I appreciate the attempts to help, but I think I'm going to take this issue to a...tidier userbase. In the meantime: close your tabs!


May I suggest you adopt a more polite tone at the group of users who took the time to read your request for help and responded in good faith? Some people find 3-4 Chrome open tabs to be enough for work, others need more. Why? Ask yourself that question, don't assume others work like yourself.

Telling everyone that you're taking this (now resolved) issue to a tidier userbase is quite rude of you. Keep it professional.

Thomas T. Frost
Thomas T. Frost
Thomas T. Frost  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:30
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Behaviour Jul 5, 2024

Mario Chávez wrote:


May I suggest you adopt a more polite tone at the group of users who took the time to read your request for help and responded in good faith? Some people find 3-4 Chrome open tabs to be enough for work, others need more. Why? Ask yourself that question, don't assume others work like yourself.

Telling everyone that you're taking this (now resolved) issue to a tidier userbase is quite rude of you. Keep it professional.

Thanks for your support, Mario. This is the second time in as many days that the person asking for memoQ advice has become aggressive with those trying to help. The first time was over here:

I don't know what makes people so angry. Some people want to see shaming, microaggression, mansplaining, etc. everywhere and apparently don't stop and question their own faulty interpretations. Or maybe it's because if someone is a white male, he is by definition an evil coloniser taking advantage of white privilege. When all this nonsense goes in, common sense goes out.

In any case, I'm done trying to help anyone in such an aggressive climate. If anyone wants my opinion, it will be in the forum, where people still know how to behave, not here.


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MemoQ 10.6 extremely slow compared to 9.8? [UPDATE: Solved elsewhere; server issue]

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