Freelance translators » Duits naar Pools » Techniek » Page 1

Below is a list of Duits naar Pools freelance translators specializing in translations in the Techniek field. Rechts kunt u een meer specifiek veld vinden.

63 resultaten (betalende leden)

Freelance translator native in

Specializes in

Kateřina Mlejnková
Kateřina Mlejnková
Native in Tsjechisch Native in Tsjechisch
Czech, trados, memoQ, Across, medical, technical, Czech technical translation, Czech Medical translation, software localization, Czech software localization, ...
Zofia Dolecka
Zofia Dolecka
Native in Pools Native in Pools, Duits Native in Duits, Russisch Native in Russisch, Oekraïens Native in Oekraïens
ArrayTechniek (algemeen), Techniek: Industrieel, IT (informatietechnologie), Werktuigbouwkunde / mechanische techniek, ...
Marek Kuczynski
Marek Kuczynski
Native in Pools Native in Pools
niemiecki, tłumacz niemieckiego, Übersetzer für die polnische Sprache, Polnisch, Polnisch-Übersetzer, juristische Übersetzungen ins Polnische, tłumaczenia prawnicze, automotive, maschinenbau, medizintechnik, ...
Wojciech Modrzycki
Wojciech Modrzycki
Native in Pools Native in Pools
Engineering, Technology, Automotive Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Manufacturing, Automation Systems, Production Engineering, Computers, Information Technology, Internet, ...
Ewa Stoch
Ewa Stoch
Native in Pools Native in Pools
polish, polaco, marketing, fashion, tourism, SAP
Paweł Gruchała
Paweł Gruchała
Native in Pools Native in Pools
english, German, technical documentation, manuals, software localization
Janusz Kubów
Janusz Kubów
Native in Pools Native in Pools
Übersetzung, polnisch, polish, german, deutsch, english, englisch, translation, localization, technical, ...
Native in Deens Native in Deens, Zweeds Native in Zweeds
Translation, medical, technical, marketing, legal, word, indesign, FrameMaker, Memoq, SDL Studio, ...
Native in Pools Native in Pools
technical, translations, automotive, manuals, translator, professional, agency, electronics, hardware, software, ...
Katarzyna Klamra
Katarzyna Klamra
Native in Pools Native in Pools
IT, software, localization, computers, networks, documentation, software localization, hardware, manuals, help guides, ...
Natalia Ludewig
Natalia Ludewig
Native in Pools Native in Pools
ArrayInternet, elektronische handel, Computers (algemeen), Textiel / kleding / mode, Transport / vervoer / logistiek, ...
Mateusz Brandys
Mateusz Brandys
Native in Pools Native in Pools
translation into Polish, sworn translation into Polish, conference equipment rental in Poland, conference equipment in Poland, automotive Polish translator, technical Polish translator, simultaneous equipment rental in Poland, Polish translation, into Polish, Polish translator, ...
Daniel Olkowicz
Daniel Olkowicz
Native in Pools Native in Pools
translator, tłumacz, übersetzer, sport, tourism, marketing, journalism, ekonomia, economics, wirtschaft, ...
Mirka Lenarcik
Mirka Lenarcik
Native in Pools (Variant: Standard-Poland) Native in Pools
Polish, archaeology, anthropology, history, geology, food, tourism
Julia Nelson
Julia Nelson
Native in Duits Native in Duits, Engels Native in Engels
German translation, Danish translation, Swedish translation, Norwegian translation, Bulgarian translation, Czech translation, Latvian translation, Portuguese translation, Polish translation, Romanian translation, ...
Tomasz Misiak
Tomasz Misiak
Native in Pools Native in Pools
ArrayElektronica / elektrotechniek, Energie / stroomopwekking, Techniek (algemeen), Werktuigbouwkunde / mechanische techniek, ...
Native in Duits Native in Duits, Engels Native in Engels
German, English, Polish, all languages, Spanish, French, Italian, all Baltic languages, technical, legal, ...
Piotr Szukalski
Piotr Szukalski
Native in Duits Native in Duits, Pools Native in Pools
german-polish, polnischer Übersetzer, polish translator Deutsch-Polnisch, machinery, automotive, Across, MemoQ, Transit NXT, Automotive, Technik, ...
Yulia Rose
Yulia Rose
Native in Duits Native in Duits, Russisch Native in Russisch
ArrayTechniek (algemeen), Medisch: Cardiologie, Drukken & uitgeven, Landbouw, ...
Brygida Kowalska-Nwaimo
Brygida Kowalska-Nwaimo
Native in Pools Native in Pools
technical, technical translations, technical translator, manual, manuals, marketing, PR, general, cars, automotive, ...

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