Freelance translators » Engels naar Roemeens » Overig » Computers (algemeen) » Page 3

Below is a list of Engels naar Roemeens freelance translators specializing in translations in the Overig: Computers (algemeen) field. Voor meer zoekvelden probeert u een uitgebreide zoekactie door op de koppeling rechts te klikken.

124 resultaten (betalende leden)

Freelance translator native in

Specializes in

Native in Pools Native in Pools, Frans Native in Frans
Polish polonais Pologne traduction translation proofreading
Tibor Szasz
Tibor Szasz
Native in Hongaars Native in Hongaars, Roemeens Native in Roemeens
medical translator and conference interpreter pharmaceutical industry, biology, biochemistry, clinical trials, investigators' meetings, FDA audits, medical conventions medical conferences, simultaneous, medical, consecutive, ...
Alina Haralambie
Alina Haralambie
Native in Roemeens Native in Roemeens
ArrayJuridisch: Contract(en), Juridisch (algemeen), Juridisch: Belasting & douane
Cristian Iscrulescu
Cristian Iscrulescu
Native in Roemeens Native in Roemeens
engineering, patents, computers, medical devices, pharmaceuticals, Romanian, English, Swedish, legal, immigration, ...
Linda Pricajan
Linda Pricajan
Native in Roemeens Native in Roemeens
Subtitling, translating, proofreading, non-fiction, technical, reality show, medical, movies, cartoons, tv, ...
Bianca Constandin
Bianca Constandin
Native in Roemeens Native in Roemeens
law, EU documents, tech-eng, automotive, user guides, websites
Robert Puscoiu
Robert Puscoiu
Native in Roemeens (Variant: Romania) Native in Roemeens, Spaans (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in Spaans
spanish, english, romanian, catalan, galician, italian, french, german, portuguese, localization, ...
Corina Cristea
Corina Cristea
Native in Roemeens (Variant: Romania) Native in Roemeens
traducere germana, traduceri germana, traduceri engleza, traducere engleza, freelancer, technique, germana, german, english, engleza, ...
Alina - Maria Chiteala
Alina - Maria Chiteala
Native in Roemeens Native in Roemeens
publicity, technical, commerce, tourism, telecommunication, law, literature, IT, economy, English, ...
George Blum
George Blum
Native in Roemeens (Variant: Romania) Native in Roemeens
science, technology, chemical, mechanical, electrical, automotive, military, IT, appliances, advertising, ...
Ruxandra Grigorescu
Ruxandra Grigorescu
Native in Roemeens (Variant: Romania) Native in Roemeens
english, spanish, romanian, translator, interpreter, legal, economics, EU, consecutive interpretation, simultaneous interpretation, ...
Native in Spaans Native in Spaans, Roemeens Native in Roemeens
spanish, romanian, german, tourism, computer, economy, software, english, engineering.
Kickwords Limited
Kickwords Limited
Native in Engels Native in Engels
translation services, translation online, translator, certified translations, usa, canada, uk, translate, word translate, language translator, ...
Marilena Berca
Marilena Berca
Native in Roemeens Native in Roemeens, Spaans Native in Spaans
translation, letters, tests, works, books, articles, Web sites, pamphlets, thesis, any kind of essay or work, ...
Bogdan Murg-Perlmutter
Bogdan Murg-Perlmutter
Native in Roemeens Native in Roemeens
Translator, Traducator, Traduceri tehnice, Technical Translation, English to Romanian, English to Romanian Translation, Data Sheets, Specifications, Instruction and Operating Manuals, Service Instructions, ...
Cristina Moldovan do Amaral
Cristina Moldovan do Amaral
Native in Roemeens Native in Roemeens
cosmetology, medicine, film, music, tennis, business, documentary, history, immigration, legal, ...
Maria Popescu
Maria Popescu
Native in Roemeens Native in Roemeens
English Romanian translator, English Romanian translation, English Romanian localization specialist, English to Romanian app translation, English to Romanian software localization, Romanian business translation, Romanian website translator, Romanian language localisation, Romanian language localization, English Romanian marketing translator, ...
Maria Tulbure
Maria Tulbure
Native in Roemeens Native in Roemeens
acquis communautaire, EU documents, environment protection, industry, steel plants, rolling mills, wire drawing plants, law (contracts), management, calls for tenders, ...
Native in Engels (Variants: US, British) Native in Engels, Roemeens (Variants: Moldovan, Romania) Native in Roemeens
translation service, translation services, translation agencies, translation agency, translation company, translation companies, online translation services, online translation service, interpreting services, professional translation services, ...
Irina Adams
Irina Adams
Native in Engels (Variants: US, British) Native in Engels, Roemeens (Variant: Romania) Native in Roemeens
Romanian, English, Translator, voice over, over 10 years experience, return projects in no time, fast, reliable, law, business, ...

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Vertalen vraagt veel meer dan simpele woord-voor-woord conversie van de ene taal naar de andere. Vertalers moeten het onderwerp van de tekst die ze vertalen heel goed begrijpen, maar ook de betreffende culturen van de bron- en doeltaal.

Met meer dan 300.000 geregistreerde vertalers en tolken is op het internet de grootste gegevensbank in de vertaalsector. Wanneer u een vertaler zoekt, kiest u een talencombinatie of probeert u de 1,539,700uitgebreide zoekmogelijkheid naar vertalers en tolken. Ook kunt u offertes aanvragen voor een bepaald vertaalproject door een offerteaanvraag voor een vertaalopdracht te plaatsen.