Freelance translators » Engels naar Frans » Techniek » Biologie (biotechnologie, biochemie, microbiologie) » Page 12

Below is a list of Engels naar Frans freelance translators specializing in translations in the Techniek: Biologie (biotechnologie, biochemie, microbiologie) field. Voor meer zoekvelden probeert u een uitgebreide zoekactie door op de koppeling rechts te klikken.

236 resultaten (betalende leden)

Freelance translator native in

Specializes in

Native in Frans 
Engineering, science, scientific, environment, sustainable development, geology, earth science, pedology, soil, agronomy, ...
laure claesen
laure claesen
Native in Frans (Variant: Belgian) 
<b>Specialities<b> : English into French, medical clinical trials, protocol synopsis, patient information, medical report, medical instruments, informed consents, patients rights and responsibilities, tissue bank policy, pharmaceutical, ...
Antoine Emeriaud
Antoine Emeriaud
Native in Frans (Variant: Standard-France) 
traducteur littéraire anglais français, traducteur scientifique anglais français, traducteur technique anglais français, traducteur humain anglais français, traducteur freelance anglais français, traducteur indépendant anglais français, traduction anglais français, informatique, technologie, SAP, ...
Martina del Tufo
Martina del Tufo
Native in Italiaans , Frans Native in Frans
Interprète de conférence - Italien <> Français, Italien <> Anglais, Anglais > Français Interprète assermentée - Italien <>Français
Paul Berthelot
Paul Berthelot
Native in Frans (Variant: Standard-France) 
traduction, français, francese, french, translation, traduzione, italien, italiano, italian, english, ...
Amélie St-Aubin
Amélie St-Aubin
Native in Frans (Variant: Canadian) 
Michaela Weber
Michaela Weber
Native in Duits (Variants: Germany, Swiss, Luxembourgish, Belgian) 
Spanish, English, Romanian, German, technology, health care, translator, real estate
Farkas Veronika
Farkas Veronika
Native in Hongaars (Variant: Hungary) 
franch-hungarian translator, hungarian-french translator, english-german translator, english-french translator, english -hungarian translator financial translation, low transltion, homepage translation
Aline Reid (X)
Aline Reid (X)
Native in Frans 
reports, cooperation proposals
Francoise Rubi
Francoise Rubi
Native in Frans 
Health alternatives, marketing, educational, websites, environmental, technical, speech, insurance, human resources, accounting, ...
Abdelkader KADIALLAH
Abdelkader KADIALLAH
Native in Frans 
Technical, technology, computer, industrial, engineering and general translation; Advertising / Public Relations, Business/Commerce (general), Engineering (general), IT (Information Technology), Law (general), Marketing / Market Research, ...
Anne Geurts-d'Assonville
Anne Geurts-d'Assonville
Native in Frans Native in Frans, Engels Native in Engels
communications, press releases, press kits, websites, oenology, travel, tourism, Europe, history, gastronomy, ...
Native in Frans (Variants: Standard-France, Canadian, Cameroon, African) Native in Frans, Engels (Variants: US, British, South African, UK) Native in Engels
Chrystelle Sanlaville
Chrystelle Sanlaville
Native in Frans 
Translation, English, French, Anglais, Français, Biology, Medical science
Isabelle Colson
Isabelle Colson
Native in Frans (Variants: Belgian, Standard-France) 
English, French, Scientific translation, Medical translation, Technical translation
Nicolas Gambardella
Nicolas Gambardella
Native in Frans (Variants: Luxembourgish, Canadian, Swiss, Belgian, Standard-France) 
French to English, English to French, Français vers Anglais, Anglais vers Français, proofreading, correction, editing, edition, translation, traduction, ...

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