Translation grid questions
De persoon die dit onderwerp heeft geplaatst: Letra
Letra  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:58
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Nov 9, 2017

Hello! I have 2 questions regarding the translation grid in memoQ (8.2).

1. Is it possible to widen the left column with segment numbers? When translating long documents with over one thousand segments, the numbers don't display in full. For example, segment numbered 1134 shows only 11

2. Above the Source and Target columns there are windows where one can enter a word to search for it in the respective column. But in order to search for another word, I always have to c
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Hello! I have 2 questions regarding the translation grid in memoQ (8.2).

1. Is it possible to widen the left column with segment numbers? When translating long documents with over one thousand segments, the numbers don't display in full. For example, segment numbered 1134 shows only 11

2. Above the Source and Target columns there are windows where one can enter a word to search for it in the respective column. But in order to search for another word, I always have to click the button to reset the search. Is there any way to skip this? In Trados Studio, for example, I can simply delete the word in the window and put another one to search for it (no additional clicking required).

Maybe there are simple solutions for these questions but I could not find them. I would appreciate if anybody could help me solve them. Thanks in advance!

[Zmieniono 2017-11-09 13:19 GMT]

Thomas T. Frost
Thomas T. Frost  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:58
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Find/filter Nov 9, 2017

About locating words, the fields you refer to are 'filter' fields, not 'find' fields. The filter function reduces the view to the segments that match the filter criteria. If you filter again, the filter only looks in the existing view.

Perhaps what you really want is the Find function in the Edit tab. Shortcut: Ctrl+F.

Gusztáv Jánvári
Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT
Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:58
Lid 2005
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My two cents Nov 9, 2017

Letra wrote:
1. Is it possible to widen the left column with segment numbers? When translating long documents with over one thousand segments, the numbers don't display in full. For example, segment numbered 1134 shows only 11

I see numbers over 1000 alright in my screen. This could relate to the resolution and font size you have in your setup. The resolution is that you have in Windows, and the font size in the grid can be adjusted with right-click in the grid, Customize Appearance. Please be aware that, from a recent post on another matter with the grid, Kilgray report that they have a slight problem with element sizes in the grid at certain resolutions and that they expect to resolve it soon. In the mean time, you can play with resolution and font size to see if that helps.

Letra wrote:
2. Above the Source and Target columns there are windows where one can enter a word to search for it in the respective column. But in order to search for another word, I always have to click the button to reset the search. Is there any way to skip this? In Trados Studio, for example, I can simply delete the word in the window and put another one to search for it (no additional clicking required).

Indeed, to get rid of a filter you have to click the icon. However, the good point of this paradigm is that you can filter recursively: you filter by some word or phrase, and then can keep on filtering on the results of each filter until you reset the search. Very useful in order to locate specific combinations of words in the source and the target.

I hope this helps a bit!

Gusztáv Jánvári
Letra  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:58
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Filters Nov 9, 2017

Thank you, Thomas. You are right. What I meant was that when I am reviewing a translation and want to make global changes, I insert a word I am looking for to get all segments with this word. It makes it faster than Ctrl+F. Only resetting the filter is time consuming. Is there any way to switch it off? When using Display filter in Trados Studio, I don't have to reset filters to enter another word.

Letra  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:58
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Resolution Nov 9, 2017

Thank you, too. I tried to change the appearance but with no effect. Maybe it has something to do with my display with 4:3 ratio.

Thomas T. Frost
Thomas T. Frost  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:58
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Global changes Nov 9, 2017

I'm not aware of any option to switch the recursive functioning off.

But maybe you can use the Replace All function and tick List Results. When you do that, you will be shown a list of hits, and nothing will be changed until you click Replace All on that screen.

Letra  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:58
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Filtering Nov 9, 2017

Thank you for your input. Basically I consider filtering in memoQ pretty annoying. In addition to the above mentioned problem, there is another one. When I select a filter to display only segments with comments, for example, and then I insert a word in the target or source filter window to look for a specific term, when I clear the filter, it also clears the first one regarding segments with comments. This is why I like Trados Studio display filter better.

Thomas T. Frost
Thomas T. Frost  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:58
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Indeed Nov 9, 2017

There are many annoying things in CAT tools, and it's different what annoys which user.

When I work with files full of locked segments, I usually filter them out, but then if I need to filter for something else and clear that, it also clears the filter for locked segments, so I have to re-filter that. I haven't used Studio much yet, but maybe that function is better.

I absolutely hate how Kilgray have turned MemoQ's Shift+F3 case toggle function into a menu in version 8
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There are many annoying things in CAT tools, and it's different what annoys which user.

When I work with files full of locked segments, I usually filter them out, but then if I need to filter for something else and clear that, it also clears the filter for locked segments, so I have to re-filter that. I haven't used Studio much yet, but maybe that function is better.

I absolutely hate how Kilgray have turned MemoQ's Shift+F3 case toggle function into a menu in version 8/8.1/8.2 so much that I refuse to use that version. It keeps interrupting my thoughts to have to glance at a stupid menu each and every time I need to toggle case. Deliriously annoying. Studio doesn't do that, but it isn't smart enough to toggle a word if just the cursor is in it; you have to select the letters to toggle. Until version 2015, MemoQ had the best case toggle function out of MemoQ, Studio, Memsource and MS Office; now it’s the worst.

If only developers would let users decide how they want to use functions like that instead of hammering a one-size-fits-all solution down our throats and change the interface according to some silly developer's latest whims without having any idea if the users like it, CAT tools would be much less frustrating, but “users” and “clients” seem to be highly abstract concepts for many CAT tool developers.

Gianna Senesi
Gianna Senesi  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:58
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Following up - segment number grid May 30, 2018

Hello, everyone!
I was wondering if anyone is aware of any improvement regarding the above.
I am experiencing the same segment number grid issue Letra was mentioning.
I can only see numbers up to 99. After that, numbers are displayed as 10(1), 10(2)... and so on,
which is pretty annoying especially when I have to provide a reference number for a specific segment...
I already tried to change the screen resolution in windows,
but this doesn't really help.
... See more
Hello, everyone!
I was wondering if anyone is aware of any improvement regarding the above.
I am experiencing the same segment number grid issue Letra was mentioning.
I can only see numbers up to 99. After that, numbers are displayed as 10(1), 10(2)... and so on,
which is pretty annoying especially when I have to provide a reference number for a specific segment...
I already tried to change the screen resolution in windows,
but this doesn't really help.
Any helper?


Epameinondas Soufleros
Epameinondas Soufleros  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:58
Lid 2008
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Annoyances with a long history Jun 1, 2018

The annoyances with regard to segment filtering have existed for a long time. Many years and many complaints later, they still exist without the slightest change, in all their 'glory'.

Having to grab the mouse to remove a filter always irritates me—DéjàVu has a keyboard shortcut for this. In addition, if I have set my filter to hide locked segments and then filter the grid based on a phrase, it irritates me that locked segments reappear when I remove the filter. What I would exp
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The annoyances with regard to segment filtering have existed for a long time. Many years and many complaints later, they still exist without the slightest change, in all their 'glory'.

Having to grab the mouse to remove a filter always irritates me—DéjàVu has a keyboard shortcut for this. In addition, if I have set my filter to hide locked segments and then filter the grid based on a phrase, it irritates me that locked segments reappear when I remove the filter. What I would expect is to remove only the phrase-based filter, not the locked-status filter.

Unexpected, illogical behaviour = bug, according to all introductory programming books, despite what software companies might tell you. A bug is a bug, not just a quirk, not a peculiarity, and most certainly not a feature.

I believe that Kilgray need to focus on user experience and make a complete GUI overhaul. They have totally abandoned whole parts of the interface: you can still find several dialog boxes with an illogical tab order: pressing the Tab key should move focus from one control to the next from left to right, top to bottom, not in a random order. It's as if they produce quick prototypes to see how a feature works and never polish them before releasing them to production. That's a pity.

Ron Willems

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Translation grid questions

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