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memoQ set-up with SSD (solid state drive)
De persoon die dit onderwerp heeft geplaatst: Charlie Bavington
Charlie Bavington
Charlie Bavington  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:04
Frans naar Engels
Workflow Jan 14, 2016

FarkasAndras wrote:

Charlie Bavington wrote:

Given that I work by creating a new, project-specific TM for each memoQ project, I could even experiment, and see if there is a noticeable difference in speed between TM on SSD and TM on HDD.

You probably won't notice a difference with small TMs that only contain a couple hundred or a couple thousand segments....(etc.)

With the info I gave, the assumption that the project-specific TMs might be relatively small was a fair one to make. However, it is not in fact the case, as I have a couple of general TMs I usually include during the project creation phase in case they contain anything useful, and these alone are over 100,000 segments altogether. "Project-specific" (and therefore fairly short-lived) TMs approaching a quarter of a million segments can be expected in the near future.

I don't know if the addition of this information makes a difference to the advice about storing TMs on the SSD, given that TMs of this size might be created and deleted once or twice a week. Unless I change my workflow, of course...
(I'm starting to feel I probably should have mentioned TM size before...)

FarkasAndras  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:04
Engels naar Hongaars
+ ...
yes Jan 14, 2016

Charlie Bavington wrote:

With the info I gave, the assumption that the project-specific TMs might be relatively small was a fair one to make. However, it is not in fact the case, as I have a couple of general TMs I usually include during the project creation phase in case they contain anything useful, and these alone are over 100,000 segments altogether. "Project-specific" (and therefore fairly short-lived) TMs approaching a quarter of a million segments can be expected in the near future.

I don't know if the addition of this information makes a difference to the advice about storing TMs on the SSD, given that TMs of this size might be created and deleted once or twice a week. Unless I change my workflow, of course...
(I'm starting to feel I probably should have mentioned TM size before...)

I gave a bipartite answer to accommodate that uncertainty:) With 100,000+ segments the speed difference is probably noticeable, especially when importing those 100,000 segs, analysing/pretranslating large documents and searching the TM for the first time in a session. Possibly on every successive search as well. The bottom line is, you want those TMs on the SSD. Weekly creation/deletion doesn't factor into it. Just leave at least a couple GB free on the drive and use it as normal.

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memoQ set-up with SSD (solid state drive)

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