How can I export source file.
De persoon die dit onderwerp heeft geplaatst: NguyenMinh (X)
NguyenMinh (X)
NguyenMinh (X)
Local time: 14:43
Engels naar Vietnamees
Jun 10, 2010

Hi everybody,

This seem to be an odd question. Since I lost the source file and my project is finished and I just want to modify the source file (update table of contents).

Many thanks,


Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT
Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:43
Lid 2005
Engels naar Spaans
+ ...
Maybe copy all to source? Jun 10, 2010

The first thing that jumps to mind is to copy the source to the target in all segments (select all segments with Edit > Select all; then do Edit > Copy source to target), MAKING SURE YOU DO NOT CONFIRM THE SEGMENTS AS DOING SO WILL SMASH YOUR TRANSLATIONS IN THE MEMORY, then go to the project view, choose the file and use "Save (dialog)" with the file in that state. This should yield an original document in the source language only.

Once you have the source file again,
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The first thing that jumps to mind is to copy the source to the target in all segments (select all segments with Edit > Select all; then do Edit > Copy source to target), MAKING SURE YOU DO NOT CONFIRM THE SEGMENTS AS DOING SO WILL SMASH YOUR TRANSLATIONS IN THE MEMORY, then go to the project view, choose the file and use "Save (dialog)" with the file in that state. This should yield an original document in the source language only.

Once you have the source file again, make sure you delete all the contents of the target side (Operations > Clear translations > All translations) and do a Pre-translate (Operations > Pre-Translate) with your memory, in order to recover the translations from the memory.

Maybe Kilgray or other colleagues have simpler ideas, but I think this is what I do if I could not come up with anything else.

I hope this works for you!

Craig Thomas Smith
T F F  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:43
Engels naar Italiaans
No need to think about other solutions... Jun 10, 2010

...I find Tomas' solution very simple & nice...I would say, enjoyable!

Lourdes Macias
Lourdes Macias
Local time: 01:43
Spaans naar Engels
+ ...
An easier way to export source files Mar 11, 2020

Based on Tomás Cano suggestion, I double-clicked on the Dashboard to open the project. Then I right-clicked on the file's name to select Export (Dialog). This way the source file is exported with warnings that several segments remain untranslated. Just click on OK; you'll already have the source file in your computer.


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