MemoQ for Universities
De persoon die dit onderwerp heeft geplaatst: Arkadi Burkov
Arkadi Burkov
Arkadi Burkov  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:14
Engels naar Russisch
May 22, 2009
I was just wondering how this option is supposed to work. Are all universities that provide translation training eligible? Has anyone had any experience with getting educational licenses for their university? I would feel very much obliged if you could share your first-hand experience.
If you ask me why I don't contact Kilgray to sta
... See more
I was just wondering how this option is supposed to work. Are all universities that provide translation training eligible? Has anyone had any experience with getting educational licenses for their university? I would feel very much obliged if you could share your first-hand experience.
If you ask me why I don't contact Kilgray to start with, I'll say that I did and got no reply (maybe I just didn't wait long enough).
Thank you all in advance for any input you may have on my query.

Nima Nourkami
Nima Nourkami
Local time: 05:14
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MemoQ for Universities May 26, 2009


yes, basically Universities that teach Applied Linguistics and Translation will get MemoQ free of charge. The goal is to have the translators of tomorrow working with the best and most efficent CAT-tool on the market.

Greetings from Germany

Stanislav Pokorny
Stanislav Pokorny  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:14
Engels naar Tsjechisch
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Universities May 26, 2009

Nima Nourkami wrote:
yes, basically Universities that teach Applied Linguistics and Translation will get MemoQ free of charge. The goal is to have the translators of tomorrow working with the best and most efficent CAT-tool on the market.

Sounds like an ad.

Okay, I've been teaching CAT tools at Masaryk University (Czech Rep.) for four semesters now. I started with the free editing versions (SDLX Lite & StarTransit Satellite) + WordFast.
This year, we have acquired 21 free copies of Transit NXT for a year. We've been also dealing with SDL about Trados, but there is yet a long way to go before Trados is finally implemented.
And three days ago I also spotted Kilgray's offering to universities, so I immediately mailed to the people responsible for that (I'm only an associate, part-time lecturer with hardly any influence on such decisions). I hope there will be some results as regards MemoQ soon. If there are some, I will keep you updated in this thread.

[Upraveno: 2009-05-26 13:30 GMT]

Arkadi Burkov
Arkadi Burkov  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:14
Engels naar Russisch
MemoQ for Unis - how can I proceed further? May 26, 2009

Nima Nourkami wrote:
yes, basically Universities that teach Applied Linguistics and Translation will get MemoQ free of charge.

Thanks so much, Nima. That's great news. So does that mean basically any university that teaches Applied Linguistics and Translation is eligible, even if it's based in a non-EU country (if that matters)?

The goal is to have the translators of tomorrow working with the best and most efficent CAT-tool on the market.

The best it is, I am with you there 100%
Now the problem is, I want to proceed further but I can't get through to the Kilgray people in charge of the academia program. Can you possibly help me with that?

Arkadi Burkov
Arkadi Burkov  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:14
Engels naar Russisch
Hi Stanislav May 26, 2009

Stanislav Pokorny wrote:
And three days ago I also spotted Kilgray's offering to universities, so I immediately mailed to the people responsible for that (I'm only an associate, part-time lecturer with hardly any influence on such decisions). I hope there will be some results as regards MemoQ soon. If there are some, I will keep you updated in this thread.

[Upraveno: 2009-05-26 13:30 GMT]

Hi Stanislav

I would really appreciate that!


Stanislav Pokorny
Stanislav Pokorny  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:14
Engels naar Tsjechisch
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E-mail address May 26, 2009

Hi Arkadi,
their site provides the following e-mail link for academia purposes: balazs.kis[at]
But what is it for, if they don't even bother to reply...?

FarkasAndras  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:14
Engels naar Hongaars
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Kilgray May 26, 2009

Stanislav Pokorny wrote:

Hi Arkadi,
their site provides the following e-mail link for academia purposes: balazs.kis[at]
But what is it for, if they don't even bother to reply...?

That guy taught our CAT tools class at university... If you really can't get hold of anyone at Kilgray I might be able to get hold of him. But I'm sure someone from Kilgray will pop up in this thread soon enough, they seem to keep an eye on proz forums.

István Lengyel
István Lengyel
Local time: 05:14
Engels naar Hongaars
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if that does not work, try support May 27, 2009

I think it may have been a spam filter. Those who don't work in sales are using spam filters, and Balázs is actually the managing director. I have known him for a long time, and normally he's very responsive, I'm positive he never received it. Please try again or drop a line to support at kilgray (dotcom), it's normally for product-related things but we have full tracking for that address.

And if you don't get an answer from one person, just follow up with Nima or myself...
See more
I think it may have been a spam filter. Those who don't work in sales are using spam filters, and Balázs is actually the managing director. I have known him for a long time, and normally he's very responsive, I'm positive he never received it. Please try again or drop a line to support at kilgray (dotcom), it's normally for product-related things but we have full tracking for that address.

And if you don't get an answer from one person, just follow up with Nima or myself


Nima Nourkami
Nima Nourkami
Local time: 05:14
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Introduction Kilgray Employee May 27, 2009


I am sorry but I thought it was clear and would be shown in my proz profile but it does not.
I work for Kilgray in Germany.

I have already forwarded your requests. We will be anouncing something official very shortly. Watch this space for more information!


Arkadi Burkov
Arkadi Burkov  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:14
Engels naar Russisch
I got mail from Kilgray May 28, 2009

Nima Nourkami wrote:

I have already forwarded your requests. We will be anouncing something official very shortly. Watch this space for more information!


Many thanks, Nima.
I got a message from Balázs - looks like Kilgray is about to announce some major changes in the academia program very soon. Changes for better. So we just have to wait a little.

I want to thank everyone for showing their interest in this thread:)

Stanislav Pokorny
Stanislav Pokorny  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:14
Engels naar Tsjechisch
+ ...
Thank you May 29, 2009

That's good news. I look forward to learning more.


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MemoQ for Universities

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