Feature request: Handling tracked changes in SDL Studio packages
De persoon die dit onderwerp heeft geplaatst: CafeTran Trainer
CafeTran Trainer
CafeTran Trainer
Lid 2006
May 7, 2018

When using CafeTran Espresso 2018 as an interesting alternative for SDL Studio 2017, there are occasions where one has to deal with the feature Tracked Changes of Studio.

The first occasion is where the translator opens a Studio package in CafeTran Espresso 2018 and inserts tracked changes while reviewing her own or someone else's translation. Personally, I don't think that this scenario will be used very frequently.

The second scenario is more likely to happen:
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When using CafeTran Espresso 2018 as an interesting alternative for SDL Studio 2017, there are occasions where one has to deal with the feature Tracked Changes of Studio.

The first occasion is where the translator opens a Studio package in CafeTran Espresso 2018 and inserts tracked changes while reviewing her own or someone else's translation. Personally, I don't think that this scenario will be used very frequently.

The second scenario is more likely to happen: a translator creates a translation of a Studio package in CafeTran Espresso and sends the translated package to his client for review. A reviewer adds tracked changes in Studio and returns the reviewed package. The translator will have to process these tracked changes in CafeTran Espresso.

In order to use this second scenario, CafeTran Espresso will need the following enhancements:

  • Filter on segments that contain tracked changes
  • Accept or ignore individual tracked changes
  • Accept or ignore all tracked changes at once

Note that I'm not requesting a feature to create Studio-compatible tracked changes in CafeTran Espresso 2018.

Elena Volpato
CafeTran Trainer
CafeTran Trainer
Lid 2006
Tracked changes Apr 13, 2021

Long time ago, Hans Lenting wrote:

When using CafeTran Espresso 2018 as an interesting alternative for SDL Studio 2017, there are occasions where one has to deal with the feature Tracked Changes of Studio.

The first occasion is where the translator opens a Studio package in CafeTran Espresso 2018 and inserts tracked changes while reviewing her own or someone else's translation. Personally, I don't think that this scenario will be used very frequently.

The second scenario is more likely to happen: a translator creates a translation of a Studio package in CafeTran Espresso and sends the translated package to his client for review. A reviewer adds tracked changes in Studio and returns the reviewed package. The translator will have to process these tracked changes in CafeTran Espresso.

In order to use this second scenario, CafeTran Espresso will need the following enhancements:

  • Filter on segments that contain tracked changes
  • Accept or ignore individual tracked changes
  • Accept or ignore all tracked changes at once

Note that I'm not requesting a feature to create Studio-compatible tracked changes in CafeTran Espresso 2018.

Hello Igor,

I read this enthusiastic reaction of a translator who upgraded from Studio to CafeTran Espresso (https://www.proz.com/forum/sdl_trados_support/350267-will_rws_destroy_trados-page2.html ):

Since then, I've noticed that many of translators have already decided to get rid of it once and for all, in order to switch to another real effective CAT tool, for example CafeTran Expresso, which is the current successful rising state-of-the-art technology in matter of real CAT tools (but not the only one though).

I did the same and I've ultimately adopted CafeTran Expresso as my favorite CAT tool for a few weeks. Not only I do warmly recommand this tool, but I must say I don't regret the gain of time and the really outstanding accurate outcome of this CAT tool.

As a long-time user of CafeTran Espresso I only miss one feature of Studio: Tracking changes.

Is there any chance that CafeTran Espresso will learn how to deal with Studio's Tracked changes, just like it learned to deal with its TMs and termbases?

María Toresani
CafeTran Trainer
CafeTran Trainer
Lid 2006
Workaround Aug 16, 2021

See: https://cafetran.freshdesk.com/support/discussions/topics/6000064359?page=1

Igor Kmitowski
Igor Kmitowski
Local time: 02:50
It is being brewed Oct 27, 2021

The next CafeTran update will have the "track changes" feature implemented.

Jean Dimitriadis
CafeTran Trainer
CafeTran Trainer
CafeTran Trainer
Lid 2006
Caffeine! Oct 27, 2021

Igor Kmitowski wrote:

The next CafeTran update will have the "track changes" feature implemented.

Great news.

CafeTran Trainer
CafeTran Trainer
Lid 2006
CafeTran Espresso 11 supports tracked changes in Studio projects Dec 3, 2021

German Dutch Engineering Translation wrote:

When using CafeTran Espresso 2018 as an interesting alternative for SDL Studio 2017, there are occasions where one has to deal with the feature Tracked Changes of Studio.

The first occasion is where the translator opens a Studio package in CafeTran Espresso 2018 and inserts tracked changes while reviewing her own or someone else's translation. Personally, I don't think that this scenario will be used very frequently.

The second scenario is more likely to happen: a translator creates a translation of a Studio package in CafeTran Espresso and sends the translated package to his client for review. A reviewer adds tracked changes in Studio and returns the reviewed package. The translator will have to process these tracked changes in CafeTran Espresso.

In order to use this second scenario, CafeTran Espresso will need the following enhancements:

  • Filter on segments that contain tracked changes
  • Accept or ignore individual tracked changes
  • Accept or ignore all tracked changes at once

Note that I'm not requesting a feature to create Studio-compatible tracked changes in CafeTran Espresso 2018.

Great news: finally it's there. CafeTran Espresso 11 supports tracked changes in Studio projects.

  • Tracking Changes. This new feature is available via the Edit > Track Changes > Manage menu. See the Changes tab after activation. There, you can Accept and Reject changes to the current target segment.
  • Filtering on tracked changes via the Filter menu.
  • Accepting or rejecting all tracked changes in one task via the Task menu.


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Feature request: Handling tracked changes in SDL Studio packages

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