Powwow Report for België - Brussels (Jan 19 2002)

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Brigitte Gendebien
Alexander Schleber (X)
HGuehne (X)
Roberta Lizzi
Thijs van Dorssen
williamson (X)

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Feb 1 '02  Joeri Van Liefferinge: King Customer turns out to be more powerful than King Darling
Hi all

Since King Customer thinks that this weekend, I should stay home and work, I won't be able to make it tomorrow. I hope you all have fun and I look forward to seeing you at Alexander's "Theme Powwow" (great idea, by the way)!


Jan 29 '02  Brigitte Gendebien: Confirmation of the powwow of the 2nd of February
Date: Feb. 2, 2002

Time: 3 p.m.

Place: Les Salons de l’Atalaïde, 89, chaussée de Charleroi, 1060 Bruxelles.
The Seashell Room (le Salon des Coquillages) is the first room on the left when you enter the building.
See their website for details: http://www.lessalonsatalaide.be

See you there...


Jan 26 '02  Marijke Mayer: Unable to meet you all this time
Hello colleagues,

Due to various work commitments I have decided not to travel to Brussels this time. I'm sure you'll all have fun and I'm sure we'll meet in Bruges in September, or maybe sooner in Antwerp at Alexander's planned evening
Kind regards,