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Search results: (105 matches)
ForumOnderwerpTitelTekstGeplaatst doorTijd contests - discussion of individual entries Discussion about Poetry with a tune: "Translation of Lyrics" in English to Italian - Entry #14359 metrica credo, Luca, che sarebbe stato molto difficile
rispettare lo spirito della canzone badando anche
alla metrica. in alcune lingue si è tentato,
stravolgendo però il testo: ricorda anche ch
Claudia Cherici Feb 13, 2014 contests - discussion of individual entries Discussion about Poetry with a tune: "Translation of Lyrics" in English to Italian - Entry #14359 Thank you Many thanks to all the prozians who helped me win
the English to Italian contest. Johnny Cash is one
of my favourite artists ever and winning by
translating one of his songs makes me feel<
Claudia Cherici Feb 13, 2014 contests - discussion of competition in specific pairs Discussion about Poetry with a tune: "Translation of Lyrics" in English to Italian Thank you Thanks to all the voters who helped me win the
English to Italian contest. Johnny Cash is one of
my favourite artists ever which makes this win
even more rewarding for me

[Edited at
Claudia Cherici Feb 13, 2014
Translation news Google admits 'garbage in, garbage out' translation problem well spotted well done Jeff, you spotted the exact problem with
the Google trans system and using even the exact
wording is rather impressive, I must say
Claudia Cherici Feb 8, 2014
Translation news Are women really better at learning languages? genetics and epigenetics I am also strongly suspicious of studies like this
one. So girls are better at languages and boys at
maths uh? Maths and physics too complicated for
our pretty little heads? The brains of
Claudia Cherici Jan 18, 2014
Poll Discussion Poll: When I first started as a translator I felt _____ by other translators. crusty old barnacles Crusty old barnacles know a lot about how to enjoy
fuzzy warm moments, Julian!
Claudia Cherici Jan 14, 2014
Poll Discussion Poll: When I first started as a translator I felt _____ by other translators. another oldie (who felt encouraged) I'm with Julian and the other 'oldies' on this
one. Typewriter, electric typewriter (wow!) and
then a huge computer with a tiny screen - it felt
wonderful to finally be able to store a few
Claudia Cherici Jan 14, 2014
Poll Discussion Poll: Generally, do you enjoy proofreading assignments? With Juliet I could have written Juliet's post word by word... Claudia Cherici Dec 18, 2013
Poll Discussion Poll: Did your professional life as a freelancer change when you had children? interpreting I used to do a lot more travelling/interpreting
pre-daughter...but since I much prefer
translating, no harm done really! And as others
have pointed out, our profession allows for
Claudia Cherici Dec 17, 2013
Italian consiglio tariffa intanto, il cliente non dovrebbe offrire Tu sei la professionista, tu fai il prezzo. non è
che se vai dal commercialista gli 'offri' un
prezzo, te lo dice lui...poi, è chiaro che la sua
tariffa è un affronto. la tua è mediame
Claudia Cherici Dec 2, 2013
Interpreting Job ads specifying female interpreters You would?? [quote]Mario Cerutti wrote: [quote]Tom in
London wrote: [quote]Mario Cerutti
wrote: -----sometimes men find women more
pleasant and interesting to talk with. ....
Claudia Cherici Sep 5, 2013
Interpreting Job ads specifying female interpreters I can't believe it I can't believe so many of you fail to see the
gender discrimination here. And let's not kid
ourselves, it is highly unlikely that these female
interpreters who are requested to tick the
Claudia Cherici Sep 5, 2013
Italian OFF TOPIC: Forlì Imola io conosco molto bene questo ma è a imola, non
lontanissimo ma comunque non
Claudia Cherici Aug 29, 2013
Trados support No Trados expert, don't know what is tr+ed TRanslated and EDited? can't think of anything in strict relation with
Trados...usually outsourcers will ask if the files
have been verified, or QA-checked, but TR and ED?
perhaps they mean, have you edited the
Claudia Cherici Jul 5, 2013
Trados support Studio 2009 update today ok to update? Thank you very much for your info David. So you
think that it's safe and I should update without
any adverse effect on my settings?
Claudia Cherici Jun 18, 2013
Trados support Studio 2009 update today other computer thank you Luca. I tried opening Studio on my
laptop as well, and I get the same
message...anyone at SDL has any idea?
Claudia Cherici Jun 18, 2013
Trados support Studio 2009 update today Hi all whenever I open my Trados Studio 2009
SP3 today I am asked to download a cumulative
update, something about Microsoft Visual C++ 2005
Redistributable SP1 MFC However, checking t
Claudia Cherici Jun 18, 2013
Interpreting AFTER my first interpreting day 20 euro? 20 euro/hour (and I bet it included taxes) is
nowhere near a serious interpreting rate
Claudia Cherici May 20, 2013
Italian Anna Rosa Saracino ci ha lasciati Mi associo La "conoscevo" e la apprezzavo tanto anch'io, con
molta intelligenza e sensibilità si era
confrontata con me su alcune risposte molto
specialistiche su Kudoz e mi aveva convinto. Mi
Claudia Cherici May 4, 2013
Trados support You are approaching the licensed number of translation units (Studio 2009, freelance version) Agree with GG It happened to me, too, working with an agency's
server-based TM. They told me not to worry as they
were negotiating an extension
Claudia Cherici Apr 16, 2013
Business issues Name of translator mentioned in published works when working for agencies Like Sonia In my case, I got the agency to use the wording
"Translation by Claudia Cherici - XXXX (name of
the agency)". I must say I was on excellent terms
with the agency.
Claudia Cherici Apr 9, 2013
Money matters How to charge a client who cancels a project halfway through? with Russell I'm with Russell on this one. The few times it has
happened to me with good clients, I mentioned to
them that I had to turn down other offers in the
meantime, and sure enough, I'd get anot
Claudia Cherici Mar 23, 2013
Off topic Three-syllable girl's names ending with "ay" or "y" Mallory Mallory one of my options when my girl was born... Claudia Cherici Mar 8, 2013
CAT Tools Technical Help 80% of translators use Trados? I do see it "but there is something more in this topic as you
may see" of course I do Radian, I wrote in my
post that I am not aware of percentages and that I
just wanted to say something against t
Claudia Cherici Feb 19, 2013
CAT Tools Technical Help 80% of translators use Trados? HAPPY WITH IT I use Studio and am happy with it I don't know
about percentages of use, but it has increased my
productivity and generally made my life easier I
use it whenever a text is suitable for i
Claudia Cherici Feb 19, 2013
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you suffer from various aches and pains resulting from prolonged computer use? Back ache My back sometimes is absolutely killing me...the
pain starts in my neck and goes all the way down
to my right elbow and the area between my shoulder
blades. Especially if I work on a diffe
Claudia Cherici Feb 13, 2013
Off topic Your country’s equivalent to a Stag Party? yep [quote]Alessandra Maugeri wrote: It's "addio al
celibato" (for men) or "addio al nubilato" (for
women) - meaning farewell to singleship!
[/quote] and unspeakably sad occasions they
Claudia Cherici Jan 10, 2013
Italian Off-topic - Come avete gestito il lavoro durante la gravidanza? maternità...? ciao, intanto hai la mia solidarietà se ora
ti sembra di aver poco tempo, dopo con il bambino,
altro che alcune ore per gli esami! dovrai
mettere in conto di aver tantissime nuove
Claudia Cherici Dec 3, 2012
Money matters Ever sent a non-payment report to proz? how? Hi all, how did you do that then, send a
non-payment report? Is there a special
form/procedure and where do I find it? Thank you!
Claudia Cherici Nov 12, 2012
Trados support Trados Studio 2011: Automatic update failed same here I am experiencing the same problem with Studio
2009...could someone from SDL post some news?
Claudia Cherici Nov 7, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Did you employ the services of a professional interior designer to design your home office? ??? you've got to be kidding, right? Claudia Cherici Nov 3, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: In your working fields, do you work on documents that may be considered highly technical? All the time ehr..yes, all the time, in fact, highly technical
translation is what I do, 90% of the time. With
some simpler stuff in-between when I need to take
my mind off advanced engineering or medi
Claudia Cherici Oct 14, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever been given free samples of what you are translating/interpreting about? yes, lots When I used to interpret in the GP racing
environment, yes, all sorts of was
kind of unreal actually...anyway, I decided to
quit a few years ago and focus on translation, for
Claudia Cherici Oct 8, 2012
Business issues Feeling guilty about turning away work. My feeling entirely @Nicole. Just wondering; do you mean EUR0.10/word
is ridiculous for a freelance translator or for an
outsourcer? In the former case you can earn
EUR1000/week or more, which might not be en
Claudia Cherici Oct 3, 2012
Trados support Studio 2009: Cannot open target docx. file same problem Hi, I had the same problem some time ago and I
could not solve it in any way...the problem was
with the source file, and with the HTML in
particular. There's also another forum post on
Claudia Cherici Sep 21, 2012
Italian Agenzie e tariffe non sono tariffe proponibili Max, le tue tariffe sono già al limite del
mercato. Quelle suggested sono tariffe assurde,
neanche proponibili. Ma non pensi che ti avvii a
fare una professione, specializzata, che richie
Claudia Cherici Aug 7, 2012
Trados support Should I upgrade from Studio 2009 to 2011? 2009 Hi Massimo but by upgrading would you then retain
Studio 2009 and have both versions (2009 + 2011)
or just 2011?
Claudia Cherici Jul 5, 2012
Trados support Term Recognition in Trados Studio 2009 does not work .BAT Have you tried launching the LaunchStudio .bat
file? I can mail it to you if you post your
email. That did the trick for me
Claudia Cherici Apr 20, 2012
Trados support Word Experienced a Serious Problem with multiterm8.dotm (Studio 2011 user) same here Hi, I have Studio 2009 but am experiencing exactly
the same problem so would be very grateful if
anyone knows how to help!
Claudia Cherici Apr 12, 2012
KudoZ Leaning on Kudoz for translations that are over your head? exactly Lisa this is exactly the guideline I was quoted when I
reported the abuse. I was told that, this being a
guideline and not a rule, nothing much could be
done... Well, it should be a rule. I gu
Claudia Cherici Mar 23, 2012
KudoZ Leaning on Kudoz for translations that are over your head? everyone Personally, I think the rules should be changed. I
don't think that Kudoz should be open to
'everyone'. I think questions the answers to which
can (very) easily be found elsewhere
Claudia Cherici Mar 23, 2012
KudoZ Leaning on Kudoz for translations that are over your head? moderator Don't you think it would be a good idea to attract
moderators to this forum, just to show them how
deeply resented this bad practice is?
Claudia Cherici Mar 19, 2012
KudoZ Leaning on Kudoz for translations that are over your head? Tomàs I am perfectly aware of the "all information to be
taken with care" rule. It's not what I mean: I
mean Kudoz should be a place for professional,
qualified translators looking for ways out
Claudia Cherici Mar 18, 2012
KudoZ Leaning on Kudoz for translations that are over your head? still I agree with you guys completely I recently
reported one particular asker in my language pair
to one of the moderators, after he or she had
posted up to 10 questions a day, all incredib
Claudia Cherici Mar 17, 2012
Italian traduzione di termini medici in italiano concordo con i due colleghi che mi hanno preceduto. li
traduco, assolutamente
Claudia Cherici Jan 28, 2012
Italian Quali lingue parlano i vostri figli? brave se ci riuscite... Io non ce l'ho fatta con mia figlia neanche in un
ambiente bilingue...ora ha 7 anni ed è bilingue
passiva, capisce bene l'inglese ma non lo
parla...eppure ho fatto tutto come da
Claudia Cherici Jan 24, 2012
Off topic Merry Christmas to all colleagues, moderators and friends !!! thank you! and Happy Holidays to everyone Claudia Cherici Dec 25, 2011
Trados support Track changes hindering project set-up thank you Thank you George! I'll try that too.... Claudia Cherici Dec 13, 2011
Trados support Track changes hindering project set-up Where? Hi Stephanie, and where did you find this
item? "Process documents with non accepted track
changes" thanks
Claudia Cherici Dec 12, 2011 job systems Proposal re use of words "exciting" and "fantastic" in job postings How true Robert, I'm with you on this (I was just about to
add an exclamation point but then thought better
of it...)
Claudia Cherici Dec 2, 2011

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