To say that I was compelled by Parasite from start to finish is an understatement; its filming style with tracking shots are enthralling. Having watched several Korean films during the London Korean Film Festival, I was familiar with the usual genres employed in such films but Parasite seemed to defy them all! Parasite is comedic, in a quirky way, it is also a thriller, straddles class divisions and also depicts a family tale amongst other genres and is therefore likely to appeal to all ages.
Parasite truly deserves to be watched in a cinema to appreciate its nuances and the stylish cinematography. As a summary, to avoid spoilers, Parasite tells the tale of the interaction between the Park family and the Kim’s, an unemployed family, whose contrasting worlds collide with long lasting consequences.
[...]Bong Joon-Ho manages to pique the audience’s interest with brightly lit shots coupled with the effective use of indoor space, and it is surprising to realise, after the film’s 2 hour 12 minute length, that most of the scenes occur within the Park family’s home. The mundane elements of domesticity are displayed with an intriguing perspective showcasing Bong Joon-Ho’s flair. It is a slow burner but you will revel in its beauty and ingenuity as Parasite convinces that it operates solely on one level but it is in fact multi-layered and depicts social realism with empathy and pathos.
The cast are beguiling to watch, every facial movement and action is accentuated, even the mere act of walking up or down stairs can convey hidden meaning, which the camera fragments. Levels of unease are also created by virtue of that effective use of space with unusual camera angles and dramatic weather conditions ratcheting up that sensation. There is a surreal nature to Parasite, which its score emphasises, and furthermore the film adopts elements of the absurd devised in such an ingenious way which is truly cinematic magic. Parasite’s apparent eeriness will certainly keep you riveted and would not feel alien to the Twilight Zone school of filmmaking.
The actors are very impressive and add breadth to their roles creating relatability whilst seeming effortlessly cool. When Ki-Woo and Ki-Jeong Kim were working within the Park family home as private tutors they certainly epitomised this level of nonchalant, understated authority creating an aura of mysticism with the unspoken, almost mythical, tutoring techniques employed. Quite simply, the actors Park So-Dam and Choi Woo-Sik, as Ki-Woo and Ki-Jeong, are compelling to watch in the different directions that Parasite follows and they carry these performances seamlessly thereby inviting the audience to be on their side.
[...]Parasite is a remarkable piece of extremely skilful filmmaking, it is simply a must see film, and so I am looking forward to re-watching the film on its UK general release date. | Parasite hasieratik amaiera harte konbentzitu ninduela gutxi esatea da; bere jarraipen planoekin filmatzeko estiloa liluragarria da. Londresko Koreako Zinemaldian zehar Koreako hainbat film ikusita, ezagutzen nituen horrelako filmetan erabiltzen diren ohiko generoak, baina Parasitek guztiak desafiatzen zituela zirudien! Parasite komikoa da, modu bitxian, thriller bat ere bada, klase-zatiketak gainditzen ditu eta beste genero batzuen artean familia-istorio bat ere irudikatzen du, beraz, adin guztientzako erakargarria da. Parasite zinema batean ikustea benetan merezi du bere ñabardurak eta zinematografia dotorea baloratzeko. Laburbilduz, spoiler-ak saihesteko, Parasitek Park familiaren eta Kim-en arteko elkarrekintzaren istorioa kontatzen du, langabezian dagoen familia bat, non bi mundu ezberdinak talka egiten dute iraupen luzerako ondorioekin. [...] Bong Joon-Hok ikusleen interesa piztea lortzen du argiz beteriko planoak eta barruko espazioen erabilera eraginkorra batera erabiliz, eta harrigarria da 2 ordu eta 12 minutuko iraupeneko filmaren ondoren, eszena gehienak Park familiaren etxean gertatzen direla konturatzea. Etxekotasunaren elementu arruntak Bong Joon-Ho-ren estiloa erakusten duen ikuspuntu interesgarriarekin erakusten dira. Pixkanaka pixkanaka interesa pizten duena da, baina bere edertasuna eta asmamena igertuko dituzu Parasitek maila bakar batean funtzionatzen duela konbentzitzen baitu, baina egia esan, azal anitzekoa da eta errealismo soziala enpatiaz eta patetismoz irudikatzen du. Aktoreak ikustea ikusgarria da, aurpegiko mugimendu eta ekintza guztiak nabarmentzen dira, eskailerak gora edo behera ibiltzearen ekintza hutsak ere esanahi ezkutua helarazi dezake, kamerak zatitzen duena. Urduritasun mailak ere sortzen dira espazioaren erabilera eraginkor horren ondorioz, kameraren angelu ezohikoekin eta eguraldi-baldintza dramatikoekin sentsazio hori areagotzen dutenak. Parasite-k izaera surrealista du, bere puntuazioa azpimarratzen duena, gainera, filmak absurduaren elementuak asmatzen ditu hain modu argian magia zinematografikoa dela. Parasiteren itxura bitxiak, zalantzarik gabe, liluratuta mantenduko zaitu eta ez litzateke estralurtarra sentituko Twilight Zone zinemagintza eskolatik. Aktoreak sekulakoak dira eta beren rolei indarra ematen diete erlazionagarritasuna sortuz, esfortzurik gabe lasai diruditen bitartean. Ki-Woo eta Ki-Jeong Kim Parkeko familiaren etxean tutore pribatu gisa lanean ari zirenean, zalantzarik gabe, axolagabetasun maila hau irudikatu zuten, mistizismo aura bat sortuz, erabilitako tutoretza-teknika isil eta ia mitikoekin. [...]Besterik gabe, Park So-Dam eta Choi Woo-Sik aktoreak, Ki-Woo eta Ki-Jeong gisa, Parasite-k jarraitzen dituen norabide ezberdinetan ikusteko sinesgarriak dira eta antzezpen hauek ezin hobeto eramaten dituzte, ikusleak bere alde egoteko gonbidapena eginez. .[...]Parasite oso trebea den zinemagintzako pieza nabarmena da, ikusi beharreko filma da, eta beraz, Erresuma Batuko estreinaldi orokorrean filma berriro ikusteko irrikitan nago. |