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Spaans naar Bulgaars Spaans naar Engels Pools naar Bulgaars Japans naar Engels Frans naar Bulgaars Russisch naar Bulgaars Duits naar Bulgaars Duits naar Turks Engels naar Macedonisch Duits naar Nederlands Engels naar Russisch Engels naar Arabisch Engels naar Turks
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Brontekst - Engels Use your MOUSE to play
Vertaling - Bulgaars Използвайте МИШКАТА, за да играете
НАТИСНЕТЕ ЛЕВИЯ БУТОН и задръжте падащите кръгове, за да ги направите по-големи.
Отпуснете ЛЕВИЯ БУТОН, за да ги комбинирате с мигащите кръгове по размер.
Ако пропуснете, Кошмарите ще станат по-силни.
Разполагате с ограничено време, за да сбъднете мечтите си.
Използвайте МИШКАТА, за да играете
Кликвайте върху предмети, за да накарате събитията да се случат.
Някои събития могат да се ускорят като се кликва на два или повече различни предмета.
Някои предмети се съхраняват в инвентарния Панел, кликвайте на тези предмети, за да ги използвате.
Погледнете жокерите в играта.
Закарайте пингвините на другия край.
По-малките пингвини ще избягат, ако родителите им не са близо до тях.
Комбинирайте пингвините според цвета им. Само пингвини с един и същи цвят могат да останат заедно.
КЛИКНЕТЕ С ЛЕВИЯ БУТОН върху пингвините, за да ги придвижите.
КЛИКНЕТЕ С ЛЕВИЯ БУТОН върху леда, за да се преместите на отсрещния бряг. Ледът се движи само, ако на него стои пингвин.
Само Два пингвина могат да пътуват по леда едновременно.
Bulgaars naar Engels: Pharmacology
Brontekst - Bulgaars Дозирането и продължителността на лечението трябва да се определят в зависимост от типа и тежестта на инфекцията и състоянието на пациента.
Препоръчва се дневна дозировка както следва:
500мг. венозно на всеки 8 часа при лечение на пневмония, инфекция на пикочните пътища, гинекологични инфекции като ендометрит, инфекции на кожата и меките тъкани.
1г. венозно на всеки 8 часа при лечение на вътреболнични пневмонии, перитонит, подозирани инфекции при пациенти с неутропения и септицемия.
При кистозна фиброза са използвани дози до 2г. на всеки 8 часа; повечето пациенти са били лекувани с дози от 2г. на всеки 8 часа.
При менингит се препоръчва приложение на 2г. на всеки 8 часа.
Vertaling - Engels
Dosing and duration of the treatment must be defined according to the type and seriousness of the infections and the patient’s condition.
A daily dosing as follows is recommended:
500 mg intra- venously every 8 hours when treating pneumonia, infections of the urinary tracts, gynaecological infections such as endometritis, infections of the skin, infections of the skin and the soft tissues.
1 gr intra- venously every 8 hours when treating intrahospital pneumonia, peritonitis, suspected infections in patients and septicemia.
In the case of cystic fibrosis doses up to 2g at every 8 hours are used; most patients were treated with doses up to 2 g at every 8 hours.
For meningitis the application of 2 g at every 8 hours is recommended.
Pools naar Engels: Lathe Manual
Brontekst - Pools Foreman Ass.Dept. odpowiada za:
►całość organizacji: montażu, odbioru technicznego i przygotowania do wysyłki,
►zapisy prowadzone przez podwładnych i ich wiarygodność,
►przestrzeganie zasad postępowania opisanych w procedurze.
QC Inspector odpowiada za:
►tworzenie i nadzór nad zapisami jakości wynikającymi z MACHINE CARD,
►niezwłoczne zgłaszanie każdej krytycznej usterki (po zapisaniu w Liście Korekt) do kompetentnej osoby,
►zgłoszenie gotowości obrabiarki do wysyłki do QC Dept. Chief,
►przestrzeganie zasad postępowania opisanych w procedurach SZJ,
QC Dept. Chief odpowiada za:
► nadzór nad zapisami jakości wynikającymi z MACHINE CARD i procedur SZJ,
► ostateczną akceptację obrabiarki do wysyłki.
Technical Director ma uprawnienia do:
► merytorycznej strony opisów technicznych i wymagań zawartych in MACHINE CARD,
► udzielania zgody na odstępstwa (osoba zastępująca – PD lub GD).
Vertaling - Engels Foreman Ass.Dept. is responsible for:
► the organizational integrity: installation, technical acceptance and preparation for dispatching
► the records made by subordinates and their credibility
► complying with proceding principles described in the procedure
QC Inspector is responsible for:
► creating and inspecting the quality records emerging from the MACHINE CARD,
► notifying immediately the corresponding qualified person about any critical flaw (after entering it in the Correction List)
► announcing readiness of the lathe to be dispatched to QC Dept. Chief,
► complying with the proceding principles described in the SZJ /System for Quality management/ procedure
QC Dept. Chief is responisble for:
► inspecting the quality records emerging from the MACHINE CARD and the SZJ procedures,
► final approval for dispatching the lathe
Technical Director is auhtorized for:
► the essential part of the technical specifications and requirements included in the MACHINE CARD,
► giving permission for deviations (deputy – PD or GD).
Bachelor's degree - St. Cyril and St. Methodius University, Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria
Jaren vertaalervaring: 27. Geregistreerd op Dec 2007. Lid sinds: Jan 2008.
Bulgaars naar Engels (University of St. Cyril and St. Methodius, Veliko , verified) Bulgaars naar Pools (University of St. Cyril and St. Methodius, Veliko , verified) Engels naar Bulgaars (University of St. Cyril and St. Methodius, Veliko , verified) Pools naar Bulgaars (University of St. Cyril and St. Methodius, Veliko , verified)
Adobe Photoshop, Indesign, memoQ, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, InDesign, MemoQ, Trados Tag Editor, Idiom Worldserver Desktop Workb, Other CAT tool, Powerpoint, Trados Studio, Wordfast
Native in Bulgarian, I am a certified translator/interpreter from/to Bulgarian-English-Polish, with functional knowledge of Spanish.
I hold a Bachelor's degree in Applied Linguistics and a Master's degree in Translation Studies and have very extensive experience both as a freelance translator and a translation project manager.
My fields of specialty include Tourism and Travel, Law, EU documentation, Software and Website localization, Marketing, Social Services, Economics, International Law, Patents, IT and Technology, etc.
I work with many different CAT tools among which SDL Trados, Wordfast, MemSource, MemoQ, SDLX, Idiom Worldserver, etc.
My passion for languages makes me learn and grow every day - I enjoy each part of the translation process and would love to assist you with your translation project.