Lid sinds Feb '07

Engels naar Kroatisch
Kroatisch naar Engels
Spaans naar Kroatisch
Nederlands naar Kroatisch
Engels (eentalig)

Lidija Marta Kozlovac
Languages are my world

Zagreb, Grad Zagreb
Lokale tijd: 15:53 CET (GMT+1)

Moedertaal: Kroatisch Native in Kroatisch
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Bericht van de gebruiker
A professional certified (sworn) full time freelance translator for Croatian, English, Spanish and Dutch. Please visit my web site
Accounttype Zelfstandige vertaler en / of tolk, Identity Verified Geverifieerd lid
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Connecties This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Diensten Translation, Editing/proofreading, Training
Gespecialiseerd in:
LandbouwZaken / handel (algemeen)
Certificaten, diploma's, vergunningen, CV'sScheikunde; chemische wetenschap / techniek
EconomieFinancieel-economisch (algemeen)
PersoneelJuridisch (algemeen)
Juridisch: Contract(en)

KudoZ-activiteit (PRO) KudoZ-punten op PRO-niveau: 179, Vragen beantwoord: 78, Vragen gesteld: 46
Vertaalopleiding Master's degree - University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of English and Spanish
Ervaring Jaren vertaalervaring: 33. Geregistreerd op Feb 2007. Lid sinds: Feb 2007. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Getuigschriften Spaans naar Kroatisch (County Court of Zagreb, Croatia, verified)
Engels naar Kroatisch (County Court of Zagreb, Croatia, verified)
Spaans (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities&Soc.Sc, verified)
Engels (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities&Soc.Sc, verified)
Nederlands (EdukaCentar, verified)

Lidmaatschappen Croatian Translators' Association
Programma's memoQ, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, MemoQ Webtrans, Powerpoint
CV/Resume CV available upon request

I hold a master's degree (M.A.) in English and Spanish language & literature from the University of Zagreb, the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department for Languages. I have attended Dutch courses at the foreign language school with a Dutch teacher. 

I have been a translation team member for the Directorate General for Translation of the European Commission (DGT), Brussels, Belgium. I attended the Conference of External Translation for Candidate Countries and Potential Candidate Countries in Brussels, Belgium in March 2011. I translated the project Action Plan EU Strategy for the Danube Region for the European Commission, Brussels, Belgium.

 Full-time English/Croatian/Spanish/Dutch freelance translator (also a certified sworn translator for English, Croatian, Spanish). 

Translations from English/Dutch/Spanish to Croatian include: 

 EU affairs (EU directives, Regulations, Policies, Documents of the European Union and the European Commission, Public Administration, etc.); 

Chemistry (Safety Data Sheets, Technical characteristics of products, Chemical products, Certificates of product compliance and quality, Analyses, etc.);
Law and Legal documents (all kinds of contracts, Powers of attorney, Resolutions, Decisions, Decrees, Last wills, Minutes, Notarized documents, Sworn translations, etc.);
Education (translations for the School Education Gateway portal, etc.);
Economy (Contracts, Documents for incorporation and registration of companies, entire financial statements and auditor's reports, etc.);
Tender documentation
Environment (Environment Catalogues, Environmental Protection Measures, etc.);
Prospectuses, Brochures, Catalogues, Web sites, Guides;
Diplomas, School transcripts, Birth and Marriage Certificates, Certificates of no criminal records, etc.
Main areas of specialization: Business/General; EU Affairs; Chemistry; Education; Legal; Economy; Human Resources; Marketing; Agriculture; Finance; Sworn translations, etc.

Some of my projects:  

 Translation from English to Croatian – Action Plan EU Strategy for the Danube Region – 155 pages for the European Commission, Directorate General for Translation, Brussels, Belgium

 Translations from English to Croatian in the area of EU affairs, EU policies and chemistry (Safety Data Sheets and specifications of products) for Eurideas Kft, Horvat u. 14-24, 1027 Budapest, Hungary

 Translations from English to Croatian for School Education Gateway portal in the area of education and EU affairs as well as translations in the area of chemistry for EUN Partnership AISBL, Brussels, Belgium (European Schoolnet), Rue de Travese 1, 1040 Brussels, Belgium

 Translations from English to Croatian - Flash Eurobarometer surveys, translations in the area of human rights, consumers' rights and EU affairs for Verian - Kantar Belgium S.A., Avenue des Arts 58, Brussels, Belgium 

Translations from Dutch to English and Croatian - various documents in the area of law, certificates, economy for Vertaalbureau Perfect, Piet Heinstraat 1, 7511 JE Enschede, the Netherlands 

 Translations from Dutch to English and Croatian - various documents in the area of marketing, law, certificates etc. for Access Translations, 5 Bruach Na Laoi, Union Quay, Cork, Ireland 

 Translations from English to Croatian of various commercial and legal documents, tax documents issued by the Ministries, Municipalities and Tax Authorities, tax laws and tax rules and regulations for Tetra Pak d.o.o., the Swedish subsidiary in Croatia, Bani 110, Buzin, Zagreb, Croatia 

  Translations from Dutch, English, Spanish to Croatian - various documents for Translated S.R.L, Via Indonesia 23, 00144 Rome, Italy 

 Translations from Dutch to Croatian - various documents and certificates for Lidija Pomper, Samora Machelstraat 24, 3573 XK Utrecht, the Netherlands 

 Translations from English to Croatian on ECHA Reports / European Chemical Agency for the Translation Agency Paspartu from Athens, Greece 

 Translation from English to Croatian of Chemical Manual for the Translation Agency Borfer S.L., C/Zuloga, 2 D, 28222 Majadahonda, Madrid, Spain 

 Computer skills:
Microsoft Office, MS Windows, Internet, Smart Editor, CAT tools: MemoQ WebTrans

 Please see my web site


Trefwoorden: Business/Financial Translation, Legal Translation, Tech/Engineering Translation, Sales/Marketing Translation, Agriculture/Chemistry Translation, Social Sciences Translation; certified translator; reliability, accuracy, fast service.

Profiel voor het laatst bijgewerkt
Jan 5