Engels naar Nederlands
Nederlands naar Engels
Nederlands (eentalig)

Ellemiek Drucker
BSc (Hons) in psychology - Trados

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Moedertaal: Nederlands 
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Accounttype Zelfstandige vertaler en / of tolk, Identity Verified Geverifeerde gebruiker van de site
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Diensten Translation, Editing/proofreading
Gespecialiseerd in:
PsychologieIT (informatietechnologie)
Computers: Programma'sMilieu & ecologie
Medisch: GezondheidszorgMedisch (algemeen)
PersoneelToerisme & reizen
Koken / culinairVoedsel & zuivel

KudoZ-activiteit (PRO) KudoZ-punten op PRO-niveau: 85, Vragen beantwoord: 67, Vragen gesteld: 145
Woordenlijsten aviation, Business, Computers, Cooking, hypnotherapy, Medical, Society, wicca
Vertaalopleiding Other - ITV Hogeschool, Utrecht
Ervaring Jaren vertaalervaring: 24. Geregistreerd op ProZ.com: Oct 2001.
ProZ.com Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Getuigschriften Engels naar Nederlands (Dutch courts)
Nederlands naar Engels (Dutch courts)
Engels naar Nederlands (ITV Hogeschool voor Tolken en Vertalen)
Nederlands naar Engels (ITV Hogeschool voor Tolken en Vertalen)
Lidmaatschappen N/A
Programma's Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, SDLX, Trados Studio
CV/Resume CV available upon request
Events and training
Powwows attended
Professionele procedures Ellemiek Drucker onderschrijft ProZ.com's Professionele richtlijnen (v1.0).
I started translating on a part-time basis in 1994, whilst I was working in international nature conservation. In 1996, I enrolled in ITV Hogeschool voor vertalers (Utrecht, the Netherlands) where I received my Bachelors degree in English-Dutch translations. I have been translating full time from 2001. I am a native Dutch speaker, have lived and studied in North America and Spain and have been based on the Isle of Wight (UK) since 2003.

My main areas of interest are tourism, cookery and psychology. However I have made translations in most topics such as business, websites, technical texts, IT, medical/health, marketing and general business. Therefore I am happy to consider most fields; just send a sample of your text and I will confirm that I am able to take on the translation.

To date I have translated over 3 million words, with an estimated 482,000 words translated/proofread in 2008. Past subject areas include IT (574,000 words), technical texts (595,000 words), marketing text (227,000 words), general business documents (310,000 words), tourism (196,000 words), medical/health (86,000 words), cookery (187,000 words) and psychology (9100 words). Furthermore I have translated 21 books in various subjects (see below). Further details are available on request, but projects include the following:

Information Technology (574.000 words total) including
Help files and software manuals - 96,000 words Installation/maintenance/troubleshooting guides - 131,000 words

Technical (595,000 words) including
* 5 years of daily IT/technical translations and proofreading for large software company (estimated word count exceeding 164,000 words)
* Over 59 user manuals for consumer goods and office equipment (such as: espresso machines, toasters, vacuum cleaners, TV sets, wall mounting systems, electric heaters, copiers, digital camer’s, scanners etc.) - over 287,000 words
* Various instructions for mounting of flat screens – 29,000 words
* Product descriptions for global health & hygiene company – 34,000 words
* Product descriptions for various products – 23,000 words
* Technical instructions – 47,000 words

Marketing (227,000 words) including
Questionnaires, surveys & responses – 84,000 words
Corporate presentation – 15,500 words
Promotional texts for ticket sales – 77,000 words
Various press releases – 36,000 words
Marketing campaigns – 5100 words

General business (310,000 words) including
Company information: 23,000 words
Customer enquiries: estimated 150,000 words
Compliance/policy related: 21,000 words
Websites: 8400 words
Company newsletters: 21,000 words
Minutes + employee agreements for global hotel chain – 14,000 words
Corporate guidelines on how to act in emergencies – 5000 words
Exhibition brochures & guidelines – 12,000 words
Tender documents – 39,000 words

Tourism (238,000 words) including
Itineraries and travel information for international launch events – 34,000 words
Translation of 11 travel guides (incl. Milan, Australia, Rome) 157,000 words
Brochure on Eden project – 1900 words
Presentation on tourism on Bonaire – 2700 words
Hostel booking website - 42,000 words

Medical/Health (86,000 words) including
Article on Codex Alimentarius – 3000 words
Manual on hair removal – 26,000 words
Scientific article on fish consumption - 8500 words
Report on food hygiene – 6600 words
Medical inserts – 4500 words
User manual image capture device 19,000 words
Medical questionnaires – 6000 words

Cookery (187,000 words total)
Menu’s for Eurostar – 7700 words
Recipes - 1900 words
Catering plan – 2300 words
7 cookbooks – total number of words exceeding 175,000 words (see books)

Psychology (9100 words)
Presentation on dementia – 5000 words
Presentation on coaching styles – 4100 words

Environment & Nature
Brochure on branding the landscape – 35,000 words

Audio files from interviews on internet banking (over 200 minutes)

Books (411,000 words)
Breakfast & Brunches (2 cookbooks) - 16,000 words
Great healthy food by Azmina Govindji – 20,000 words
Booksmart veggie – 8000 words
Spectacular soups Lorenz Books – 13,000 words
Cookshelf Mediterranean by Anne White – 46,000 words
Cookbook Tuscany – 7100 words
Cookbook Eggs – 7000 words

Between death & Life byDolores Cannon – 58,000 words
Relaxation – live better Dr. Sarah Brewer – 18,000 words
Secrets of hypnotherapy by Janet Fricker & John Butler– 35,000 words

Fun to learn 3 titles (Colours, Letters, Numbers) – 6500 words
Origami by David Mitchell – 9000 words
Essential tools by Mike Collins – 14,000 words
Intarsia, 30 patterns for the scroll saw by John Everett – 24,000 words
Quilting illusions by Celia Eddy – 35,000 words
Complete craft part 2 (decorations) – 40,000 words

The little box of spells by Lucy Summers – 12,000 words
The girls book of enchantments by Lucy Summers – 43,000 words

For further information you are very welcome to contact me at [email protected].
Trefwoorden: advertising, agriculture, airlines, animals, beëdigd vertaler Engels-Nederlands, biology, certified translator, certified, company presentations, computer brochures. See more.advertising, agriculture, airlines, animals, beëdigd vertaler Engels-Nederlands, biology, certified translator, certified, company presentations, computer brochures, computer manual, computer manuals, computer marketing, computer network, computer networks, computer, computerhandleiding, computerhandleidingen, computernetwerk, computernetwerken, computers, construction, cookery books, cooking, culinary, defense, Dutch editor, Dutch native speaker translator, Dutch native speaker, Dutch proofer, Dutch to English translator, Dutch translator, Dutch, ecology, e-commerce, economics, medical translator, editing, education, Engels, England, English to Dutch translator, English, environment, ervaring, Esotericism, ethics, experience, filosofie, finance, fitness, flora & fauna, forestry, furniture, gastronomy, geestelijke gezondheidszorg, geography, healthcare, history, Holland, hospitality industry, hotel business, household appliances, informatietechnologie, information technology, internet, Isle of Wight, it brochures, it marketing, it reclame, it, IT, kookboek, kookboeken, language, livestock, localisation, localization, logistics, lokalisatie, lokaliseren, lokalisering, management, manuals, marketing, media, medical, mental health care, menu, microsoft, milieubescherming, militaria, military, multimedia, music, natuur, natuurbescherming, Nederland, Nederlands, Netherlands, netwerk, netwerken, network, networks, newsletters, nutrition, organisation, organisational psychology, patient information leaflets, patiënteninformatie, pedagogy, personnel management, pharmaceuticals, philosophy, philosophy, photoshop, plants, populair, pregnancy, pregnancy & labour, press releases, printer manual, printer manuals, printer, printers, proofing, proofreading, psychology, quilting, real estate, recepten, recipes, reclame computers, reclame, recreation, religion, retail, revisie, sales, science, social science, sociology, software localisation, software localization, software, specialisme, specialist, spirituality, sports, supply chain management, sworn translator, sworn, telecommunication, toerisme, tourism, Trados, translation, translator, travel, UK, vertaalster, vertaler, vertalingen, web site, web sites, website, websites, wetenschappelijk, wildlife conservation, windows . See less.

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