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Engels naar Hongaars - Tarieven: 0.08 - 0.12 EUR per woord / 25 - 30 EUR per uur Hongaars naar Engels - Tarieven: 0.08 - 0.12 EUR per woord / 25 - 30 EUR per uur Nederlands naar Hongaars - Tarieven: 0.08 - 0.12 EUR per woord / 20 - 25 EUR per uur Nederlands naar Engels - Tarieven: 0.07 - 0.12 EUR per woord / 20 - 25 EUR per uur Engels - Tarieven: 0.07 - 0.12 EUR per woord / 20 - 25 EUR per uur
Translation Omvang: 10000 words Ingevuld: Jun 2016 Languages: Nederlands naar Engels
answers to questions about travel company
Toerisme & reizen
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Translation Omvang: 10000 words Ingevuld: Jun 2016 Languages: Nederlands naar Engels
answers to questions about travel company
Toerisme & reizen
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Translation Omvang: 13300 words Ingevuld: Nov 2015 Languages: Nederlands naar Engels
Court decision translation
Juridisch: Contract(en)
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Translation Omvang: 4300 words Ingevuld: Dec 2014 Languages: Engels naar Hongaars
translation of meteorological web-site text from En to Hu
translation and following checking and adjusting its validity to the context of the site
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Translation Omvang: 46 hours Ingevuld: Nov 2014 Languages: Nederlands naar Engels
A set of documents describing environmental policy in a Dutch city
Milieu & ecologie
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Translation Omvang: 35 days Ingevuld: Jul 2014 Languages: Nederlands naar Engels
Translation and data entry into information sheets
Juridisch: Contract(en)
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Translation Omvang: 2900 words Ingevuld: Jun 2014 Languages:
Hongaars naar Engels
Business agreement translation
Computers: Programma's
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Translation Omvang: 1 days Ingevuld: Mar 2014 Languages: Nederlands naar Hongaars Engels naar Hongaars
Translation of short video ad script at short nocite
Reclame / voorlichting
positief Inter Voice Over Nederland: Geen commentaar.
Translation Omvang: 1 days Ingevuld: Mar 2014 Languages: Engels naar Hongaars
Transl, then "transliteraton" and recording of translation
Client gave hazy information on what he wanted as "transliteration", couldn't accept IPA transcription on dubious grounds, made unprofessional claims afterwards and may not want to pay
Poëzie en literatuur
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Translation Omvang: 1 days Ingevuld: Mar 2014 Languages: Hongaars naar Engels
translation of short confidential text
Zaken / handel (algemeen)
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Translation Omvang: 1 days Ingevuld: Mar 2014 Languages: Engels naar Hongaars
3 short ad texts on car hire
Voertuigen / auto's & vrachtwagens
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Translation Omvang: 3 days Duration: Jan 2014 Languages:
Hongaars naar Engels
8-page data sheet of employee
Juridisch: Belasting & douane
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Transcription Omvang: 4 days Duration: Jan 2014 to Feb 2014 Languages:
Transcription of Hu items into IPA langauge
Algemeen / conversatie / begroetingen / brieven
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Translation Omvang: 47000 words Duration: Apr 2014 to May 2014 Languages:
Hongaars naar Engels
Contracts of medical research in Hungary
Juridisch: Contract(en)
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Translation Omvang: 187600 words Duration: Nov 2015 to Mar 2017 Languages:
Hongaars naar Engels
translation of a novel
The novel has been published in Hungarian in Hungary. The English translation is awaiting publisher.
Poëzie en literatuur
positief Unlisted : Geen commentaar.
Translation Omvang: 45 days Duration: Sep 2017 to Oct 2017 Languages: Engels naar Hongaars
Third party guidelines, explanations etc.
Zaken / handel (algemeen)
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Hongaars naar Engels: What goes on in children's brains when they are watching television? General field: Wetenschappelijk
Brontekst - Hongaars Gerald Hüther professzor, az egyik legismertebb német agykutató és neuropszichológus a GEOkompakt
gyermek-fejlődéspszichológiai témájú számában megjelent interjúban elmagyarázza, hogy mi történik azon gyerekek agyában, akik sokat tévéznek vagy számítógépeznek.
- Professzor úr, Ön neurobiológusként azt kutatja, hogyan hat a média az emberi agy fejlődésére. Tudna nekünk egy gyerekeknek szóló jó tévéműsort vagy számítógépes játékot ajánlani?
- Nem, és ilyesfajta ajánlások nem is visznek minket előrébb. Mert úgy csak egy felszínes eszmecserébe bonyolódnánk a kínálatok tartalmi minőségéről – ezt azonban jobb elkerülni. A másik, hogy nem is kell sokáig keresgélnie: nagyon gyorsan talál öt olyan tanulmányt, amely kimutatja Önnek, hogy állítólag milyen jó is a gyerekek számára a tévézés.
További öt tanulmány ezzel szemben viszont azt fogja bizonyítani, hogy a televízió rossz. Ez a vita teljesen haszontalan a szülők számára. Én nem tartalmakról beszélek, sokkal messzebbről közelítem meg a kérdést.
Néhány évvel ezelőtt mi neurobiológusok, még úgy gondoltuk, hogy a genetikai programok automatikusan létrehozzák az összes kapcsolatot az agyban. A komplex neuronális hálózatokat tehát, melyek a gondolkodásunkat, az érzelmeinket, a cselekvéseinket irányítják, genetikailag programozottnak tartottuk. Azonban már tudjuk, hogy hosszú távon csak olyan kapcsolatok jönnek létre a gyermek agyában, amelyek a konkrét élet-világban is rendszeresen aktiválódnak. Amit nem használunk, az elsorvad. A genetikai programok arról gondoskodnak, hogy először nagy többlet jöjjön létre idegsejt-kapcsolatokból. Az agyunkban lévő legfontosabb neuronális áramkörök kialakításához elsősorban arra van szükségük a gyerekeknek, hogy megtapasztalják saját testüket. És ezt nem a képernyő előtt ülve szerzik meg, függetlenül attól, hogy mi megy a
- Miért olyan meghatározóak a testi tapasztalatok?
- Csak az tudja kognitív képességeit kibontakoztatni, akiben kialakul a megfelelő testérzet. Már vannak olyan tanulmányok, melyek bizonyítják: azok az alsó tagozatos gyerekek, akik jók matekból, különösen jól tudnak egyensúlyozni is. Az ember úgy szerzi meg a háromdimenziós és absztrakt gondolkodáshoz, ill. a matematikához szükséges feltételeket, hogy megtanulja egyensúlyban tartani a testét. Amint egy gyerek a tévé előtt ül, nem érzi többé a testét. Nem mászik, nem ugrál, nem egyensúlyoz, sőt nem mászik fára sem – azaz nem a testének tanulásával tölti az időt.
Vertaling - Engels What goes on in children's brains when they are watching television?
In the latest edition of GEOkompakt, devoted to child-development psychology, Gerald Hüther professor, one of the best-known German brain researchers and neuropsychologists explains what goes on in the minds of children who watch television or play with the computer very much.
"Professor, as a neurobiologist, you research how the media affect human brain development." Could you recommend to us a good TV program or a computer game for Children?
"No, and such recommendations would not help us any further. This is because in that way we would only get mired in a superficial conversation about the content quality of the supply; however, it is better to avoid that. On the other hand, you do not need to look for very long: you can quickly find five studies which show you how good watching television is for children, allegedly.
In contrast to this, however, another five studies will prove that TV is bad. This discussion is completely useless for parents. I do not talk about content, I approach the question from much further away.
A few years ago, we neurobiologists still thought that the genetic programs automatically set up all connections in the brain. Therefore, the complex neuronal networks, which direct the ways we think, feel, act, were thought to be genetically programmed. It is now known, however, that in the long run, only those relationships are created in the child's mind which are regularly activated in real life. What is not used, withers away. The genetic programs ensure that at first large surpluses of neuron-links get created.
For the creation of the most important neuronal circuits in the brain, children need to experience their own bodies first of all. And this is not acquired sitting before the screen independently of what goes on on TV.
"Why are bodily experiences so definitive?"
"Only those can fully develop their cognitive abilities in whom the appropriate feelings of their own bodies mature. There already exist studies which prove that those young children who are good at mathematics, are especially capable of balancing too. One obtains the capabilities necessary for three-dimensional and abstract thinking and for mathematics that he learns to keep his body in balance. As a child is sitting in front of the tv, he no longer feels his body. He does not climb, does not jump, does not balance, or does not climb a tree, i.e. he does not pass the time by learning his body.
(the full original and its full translation can be found in three installments in my blog at
Master's degree - Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Budapest
Jaren vertaalervaring: 34. Geregistreerd op Feb 2013.
Engels (University of Cambridge , verified) Engels (Eötvös Loránd University, verified) Engels naar Hongaars (The Presence Group) Engels naar Hongaars (Fordító- és Tolmácsképző Tanszék, verified) Hongaars naar Engels (Fordító- és Tolmácsképző Tanszék, verified)
Engels naar Hongaars (Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem (Eötvös Loránd University)) Hongaars naar Engels (Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem (Eötvös Loránd University)) Engels naar Hongaars (American Translators Association)
I am a native Hungarian teacher of English with an MA, MEd from the university of Budapest, and a CELTA certificate. Although I haven't received specific training directed at translation (to a large part because in the 1970's there weren't any such trainings in Hungary), I did translation during most of my career as an English teacher if there was a need and I had time for it. For a year at the Budapest High School of Economics I even taught translation and Economics for would-be graduates of Economics. Afterwards I received some training and a translator's certificate at the University of Budapest (ELTE).
As I also have an MSc in Geography, that field, along with politics, Economics, Geology and related subjects as Biology and Medicine are my favourite areas. I also received informal training in Law from my ex-wife, a lawyer, early on. I'm also an amateur musician and have written and published a book about singing techniques, so music also features highly on my menu. Pedagogy is one of my most important areas not only because I'm a teacher, but also because I've worked on an English course-book for Hungarians with colleagues under the British Council for a couple of years. I can translate between English and Hungarian both ways about a wide range of other topics as well. My translation of a Hungarian book (called Angela) has been published in English by Amazon (under the title 'The Good, the Bad and the Beast').
As I've been living in the Netherlands for several years and studied the language, I can translate common texts from that language too. I've worked here as a cook, and this is one of those areas I could translate in all directions, also because I am a self-trained cook in my private life as well. I've also worked as a job-coach interpreting between Hungarian industrial workers and Dutch companies. My other areas with respect to Dutch would be geography, history, literature and health-related matters.
I am a certified member of the American Translators Association in translation EN>HU (see: ). I am certified by ELTE Budapest in translation HU>EN and EN>HU.
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