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Portugees naar Engels - Standaardtarief: 0.08 EUR per woord / 30 EUR per uur
Os atletas enumerados no Anexo-l estão devidamente
representados por seus d. procuradores que esta subscrevem, através das procurações outorgadas para essa finalidade e que instruem a presente notificação.
Por seu turno é incontroversa a utilização da imagem
dos atletas profissionais de futebol ora representados nos jogos acima descritos e consoante demonstrativos individuais de cada jogador.
Muito embora tenha sido concedida licença pela
FIFPRO, conforme consta nas contracapas dos jogos, a mesma não tem validade em
território nacional, nem para os atletas residentes no Brasil.
Pois bem, a Constituição Federal de 1988 e o Código /
Civil consagram os direitos da personalidade como direitos fundamentais do ser L--humano
e, dentre eles, está incerto o direito à imagem.
o direito à imagem protege a representação física da
pessoa, não apenas o semblante do indivíduo, mas partes distintas do seu corpo, sua própria voz, características, enfim, quaisquer sinais pessoais de natureza física pelos quais possa ser ela reconhecida, bem como a figura pública do indivíduo (seus traços de personalidade e comportamento) perante os demais membros da comunidade.
A escolha de tal direito não foi aleatória. O direito à
imagem é um direito da personalidade e, portanto, fundamental , protegido constitucional e infraconstitucionalmente.
Logo, essencial para a preservação da dignidade da
pessoa humana.
A Constituição Federal em seu art. 5°, incisos V, X e
XXVIII, preceituam:
"Art. 5° Todos são iguais perante a lei, sem distinção de
qualquer natureza, garantindo-se aos brasileiros e aos
estrangeiros residentes no País a inviolabilidade do direito à
vida, à liberdade, à igualdade, à segurança e à propriedade,
nos termos seguintes:
V - é assegurado o direito de resposta, proporcional ao
agravo, além da indenização por dano material, moral ou à
( .. )
X - são invioláveis a intimidade, a vida privada, a honra e a
imagem das pessoas, assegurado o direito a indenização pelo
dano material ou moral decorrente de sua violação;
XXVIII - são assegurados, nos termos da lei:
a) a proteção às participações individuais em obras coletivas
e à reprodução da imagem e voz humanas, inclusive nas
atividades de;,portivas; "
De acordo com o texto constitucional, tanto os
brasileiros quanto os estrangeiros residentes no país terão seu direito à imagem
protegidos (caput do art. 5° da Constituição Federal de 1988). Não há restrição
quanto à nacionalidade do sujeito para que seu direito seja tutelado. Todavia, o
estrangeiro não residente no país terá o direito à sua imagem resguardado, haja vista
o princípio maior da dignidade da pessoa humana.
Vertaling - Engels THE FACTS
The sportspersons listed and properly qualified in Appendix I are represented by their lawyers that subscribe this document through the powers of attorney granted for this purpose and which authorise this present notification.
For its part, the use of images of the professional football players hereby represented in the games described above is undisputed, and as a result dependent on individual declarations from each player.
Even though a licence has been granted by FIFPro, as indicated on the back covers of the games, it has no validity in the territory of Brazil, or for sportspersons residing in Brazil.
The 1988 Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988 and the Brazilian Civil Code enshrine personality rights as being fundamental rights of human beings, and, within this, image rights are included.
Image rights protect the representation of a person, not just the face of an individual but other parts of the body such as the voice, characteristics, in short any personal signs of a physical nature, in addition to the public figure of an individual (personality and behaviour), through which said individual could be recognised by other members of the community.
The choice of such a right was not random. Image rights are personality rights and, as such, a fundamental right that is protected by the constitution and by other legislation.
Essential, therefore, in the preservation of the dignity of the human person.
Sections V, X and XXVIII of Article 5 of The Brazilian Federal Constitution stipulate the following:
"Art.5. All are equal before the law, irrespective of their nature, guaranteeing Brazilians and foreigners residing in Brazil the inviolable right to life, liberty, equality, security and property, in the following terms:
V - the right of reply is guaranteed, in proportion to the grievance, as well as compensation for material and moral damages and damage to image;
X – the intimacy, private life, honour and image of a person are inviolable, guaranteeing the right to compensation for any material or moral damages resulting from violation thereof;
XXVIII - are guaranteed, under the law:
a) the protection of individual participation in collective activities and the reproduction of the human voice and image, including sporting activities;"
According to the constitution, both Brazilians and foreigners residing in Brazil enjoy protection of their image rights (main clause of Article 5 of the 1988 Brazilian Federal Constitution). There is no restriction as to the nationality of the subject in terms of rights being safeguarded. Even a foreigner who is not resident in Brazil enjoys protection of image rights, due to the superior principle of human dignity.
Portugees naar Engels: Software conditions of use General field: Juridisch / patenten Detailed field: Juridisch: Contract(en)
Brontekst - Portugees
Os termos a seguir regem o uso das ofertas de Software SAS pelo Cliente, que consistem em combinações de componentes do Software SAS ou incluem sub-componentes fornecidos por terceiros e pelo SAS (denominados coletivamente de “Soluções e Pacotes Integrados de Software” ou individualmente de “Solução ou Pacote Integrado de Software”). O Institute será denominado como “SAS” neste Anexo.
1. Soluções e Pacotes Integrados de Software são conjuntos integrados de componentes. O Cliente poderá usar tais componentes somente através da aplicação sob a qual eles estão agrupados, e não poderá usar ou dispor de qualquer componente individual em substituição por outro Software SAS. Componentes individuais poderão ser fornecidos ao Cliente na mesma mídia ou mídia diferente como outros componentes de Solução ou Pacote Integrado de Software. O SAS poderá adicionar, modificar ou excluir componentes individuais em novas versões. Todo componente de software adicional ou modificado deverá ser regido pelos termos do Contrato, do Suplemento e deste Anexo.
2. O SAS poderá notificar o Cliente quanto ao uso específico ou exigências de sistema relacionadas a Soluções e Pacotes Integrados de Software em particular, através de documentação de solicitação de produto, que seja mutuamente aceitável. As Soluções e Pacotes Integrados de Software só poderão ser usados pelo Cliente se o mesmo tiver uma licença para usar o Software SAS aplicável em um hardware apropriado como especificado na documentação de solicitação do produto.
3. Os funcionários do Cliente (“Funcionários”) e qualquer usuário final de terceiro autorizado (“Usuários Finais de Terceiros”) poderão usar as Soluções e Pacotes Integrados de Software para acessar as aplicações estáticas baseadas na web, escritas utilizando o Software SAS (“Aplicações”) que residam no mesmo hardware no qual as Soluções e Pacotes Integrados de Software estão licenciados pelo Cliente, desde que Sujeitos a quaisquer exigências ou restrições específicas aplicáveis às Soluções ou Pacotes Integrados de Software.
The following terms and conditions govern the use of SAS Software products supplied to the client. These products include combinations of components provided by SAS as well as sub-components provided by third-parties and SAS (collectively designated as “Software Solutions and Integrated Software Packages” and individually designated as “Software Solution or Integrated Software Package”). The institute will be designated as “SAS” in this annex.
1. Software Solutions and Integrated Software Packages comprise integrated sets of components. The client may only use these components for the associated application for which they are bundled, and may not use or adapt any individual component for the substitution of any other SAS Software. Individual components may be supplied to the client using the same media or other media as are other components of the Software Solution or Integrated Software Package. SAS reserves the right to add, modify or exclude individual components in updated versions. Any additional or modified software is subject to the same conditions that are established in the contract, the supplement and this annex.
2. SAS may inform the customer about mutually acceptable specific use, or system demands related to Software Solutions and Integrated Software Packages in particular, through the product information documentation. The Software Solutions and Integrated Software Packages may only be used by the customer where the customer has an applicable SAS Software licence and suitable hardware as specified in the product information documentation.
3. The client's employees (“Employees”) and any authorized third-party end users (“Third-party End Users”) may use the Software Solutions and Integrated Software Packages to access web-based static applications that have been written using SAS Software (“Applications”) that reside on the same hardware for which the customer holds a Software Solutions and Integrated Software Packages licence, unless subject to any specific restrictions or limitations applicable to the Software Solutions and Integrated Software Packages.
Nederlands naar Engels: Tender specifications, Dutch to English
Brontekst - Nederlands DEEL 2 ‘TECHNISCHE GEDEELTE’
Artikel 1 Algemeen:
Het Werk bestaat uit het leveren en bedrijfsvaardig monteren van de werktuig¬kundige installaties, over¬eenkomstig de hierna volgende om¬schrij¬ving en de bij dit bestek behorende tekeningen.
Deze tekeningen zijn voor de uitvoering bindend, behoudens de loop van de leidin-gen/luchtkanalen, die naar de toestand ter plaatse, tijdens de uitvoe¬ring, definitief wordt bepaald. Indien de aannemer als gevolg hiervan plaatselijk meer of minder materi¬aal verwerkt, is dit, voorzover het geen ingrijpende verande¬ringen betreft, zulks ter beoordeling van de directie, niet verreken¬baar.
Artikel 2 Uitgangspunten/ontwerpcriteria van de installa¬tie(s):
§ 1 Klimatologische buitencondities:
• temperatuur(lucht) : - 10°C;
• vochtgehalte : 1 g/kg droge lucht;
• windsnelheid : conform ISSO-publicatie nrs. 51, 53 & 57.
• temperatuur(lucht) : 28°C;
• rel.vochtigheid : 60%.
Opmerking: Koelmachine(s) en condensor(s) te selecteren op de volgende buitencondities:
32°C – 50% RV.
Artikel 3 Principes en grondslagen van de installatie
§ 1 Verwarmingsinstallatie:
Warmteverliesberekeningen moeten worden uitge¬voerd volgens de ISSO-publicaties 51, 53 en 57, al naar gelang het type ruimte en de gebouwfunctie. Bij de berekening moet worden uitgegaan van de in Deel 3 genoemde ruimtetemperaturen.
§ 2 Luchtbehandelings-/ventilatie- installatie:
ventilatie behoefte (buitenlucht):
Luchtverversing per vertrek als aangeven op de bestekstekeningen.
luchttechnische installatie(s):
De luchttoevoerkanalen worden berekend volgens de methode van geleide¬lijk afnemende snelheid vanaf de inblaasunit(s) naar de inblaas¬orna¬menten.
De retourluchtkanalen en de afzuigsystemen van toi¬letten e.d. worden berekend volgens de methode van geleidelijk oplo¬pende snelheid vanaf de aanzuigpun¬ten naar de af¬zuigven¬tila¬tor.
Maximale luchtsnelheden in de kanalen:
• In Technische ruimten tussen ventilator en geluiddempers : 9,0 m/s;
• In Technische ruimten na geluiddempers : 7,0 m/s;
• In schachten (bouwkundig afgewerkt) : 6,0 m/s;
• In verlaagde plafonds gangen e.d. : 5,0 m/s;
• In verlaagde plafonds kantoren e.d. : 4,0 m/s;
• In aftakkingen van en naar roosters : 3,5 m/s.
§ 3 Koeltechnische-installatie:
Koellastberekeningen moeten worden uitgevoerd volgens NEN 5067 en de ISSO publicatie nr. 8.
Voor berekeningen ten behoeve van het bepalen van de temperatuuroverschrijding moet standaard worden uitgegaan van klimaat referentiejaar 1964, tenzij in Deel 3 anders is aangegeven. De berekening dient te worden uitgevoerd met behulp van het VABI VA-114 of DYWAG , waarbij zal moeten worden aange¬toond hoeveel uur de ruimte tem¬peratuur, gedu¬rende het jaar, de norm zal overschrij¬den. Eveneens dient gebruik gemaakt te worden van ISSO publicatie nr. 12.
§ 4 Binnengasleiding-installatie(s):
De binnengasleiding(en) dienen geïnstalleerd en berekend te worden overeenkom¬stig de NEN 1078. Inrichting van de opstellingsruimte of stookruimte dient te geschie¬den overeenkom¬stig NEN 1078 en NEN 3028, met in achtneming lo¬kaal gestelde eisen van onder andere Brand¬weer en Milieudienst.
Vertaling - Engels PART 2 'TECHNICAL SECTION'
Article 1 General information:
The work consists of the supply and professional assembly of mechanical systems, in accordance with the following descriptions and the drawings accompanying this tender specification.
These drawings are binding for implementation, except for the routes of pipes and ducts, which will be determined definitively according to local conditions during implementation. If the Contractor should use more or less material as a result of this, then no settlement will be made insofar as, at the discretion of the Management, no major changes are involved.
Article 2 Principles and design criteria of the systems:
§ 1 Climatic conditions:
Winter Situation:
• temperature (air) : -10°C;
• moisture : 1g/kg dry air;
• wind speed : according to ISSO publications 51, 53 and 57.
Summer Situation:
• temperature (air) : 28°C;
• relative humidity : 60%.
Note: Any chillers and condensers must be suitable for the following external conditions:
32°C – 50% RH.
Article 3 Principles and basics of the system
§ 1 Heating installation:
Heat loss calculations must be performed in accordance with ISSO publications 51, 53 and 57, depending on the type of area and the building function. The calculation must be based on the area temperatures set out in Part 3.
§ 2 Air handling and ventilation system:
ventilation necessities (exterior air):
Air refreshment per area as indicated on the contract drawings.
air conditioning systems:
The air intake ducts are calculated according to the method of gradually decreasing speed between the supply unit or units and the supply grills.
The return air ducts and the extraction systems in toilets etc. are calculated according to the method of gradually increasing speed between the extraction points and the extraction fan.
Maximum velocities in the channels:
• In mechanical rooms between the fan and silencers: : 9.0m/s;
• In mechanical rooms after silencers : 7.0m/s;
• In shafts (architecturally finished) : 6.0m/s;
• In suspended ceilings in corridors etc. : 5.0m/s;
• In suspended ceilings in offices etc. : 4.0m/s;
• In ductwork branches and to grills : 3.5m/s.
§ 3 Refrigeration System:
Cooling load calculations must be performed in accordance with NEN 5067 and ISSO publication No. 8.
Calculations for the purpose of determining excessive temperature must as a rule be based on the climate in 1964 as a reference, unless otherwise stated in Part 3. The calculation must be performed using the VABI VA-114 of DYWAG (Dynamic Heat Use in Buildings), whereby the amount of hours that the area temperature exceeds the norm during a year must be indicated. ISSO publication No. 12 must also be used.
§ 4 Interior gas lines:
Interior gas lines must be calculated and installed in accordance with NEN 1078. The design of the installation area or boiler room must be in accordance with NEN 1078 and NEN 3028, taking into account local regulations including fire service and environmental requirements.
Jaren vertaalervaring: 18. Geregistreerd op Jan 2013.
Hi there! I'm a UK national, although I've lived in Portugal for the past 25 years. Before moving here, I lived in Holland for 6 years, so I'm entirely fluent in both Dutch and Portuguese.
In addition, I'm a qualified TEFL teacher and very interested in linguistics in general.
Over the years, I've worked in a wide range of environments with both Dutch and Portuguese nationals, principally broadcast TV and building renovation. Between 2004 and 2012, I carried out occasional translation jobs from Dutch and Portuguese into English, as well as some teaching work. Since 2012, I have worked as a translator full-time, averaging 60,000 to 70,000 words a month. My work has covered websites, HR documents, tender specifications, accident reports, literature, and minutes of meetings.
My educational background is in engineering; I have a degree from King's College London, so I'm well equipped to take on technical translations.
Flexibility and intelligent use of technology mean that I can accompany your projects accurately and swiftly, and I will go that extra mile to translate a tricky word.
I understand the need for cost control and the necessity to meet deadlines, and I won't let you down!
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