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Gilles Snoeck
UN translator

Lokale tijd: 22:07 CET (GMT+1)

Moedertaal: Frans Native in Frans
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What Gilles Snoeck is working on
Sep 20, 2023 (posted via  Participated in the biennia Conference of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme happening in Samoa –– one week of getting up at midnight and going to sleep at 4 am while translating thousands of conference and discussion reports :) ...more, + 17 other entries »
Total word count: 0

Accounttype Zelfstandige vertaler en / of tolk
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
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Diensten Translation, Editing/proofreading, Subtitling, Interpreting, Project management
Gespecialiseerd in:
Biologie (biotechnologie, biochemie, microbiologie)Juridisch (algemeen)
Internet, elektronische handelFinancieel-economisch (algemeen)
Computers: Programma'sInternationale organisaties / ontwikkeling / samenwerking
Marketing en marktonderzoekMedisch: Geneesmiddelen, farmacie
Reclame / voorlichtingMedisch (algemeen)


Blue Board-bijdragen van deze gebruiker  0 beoordelingen
Portfolio Proefvertalingen ingeleverd: 5
Ervaring Jaren vertaalervaring: 17. Geregistreerd op Apr 2011. Lid sinds: Mar 2019.
Getuigschriften N/A
Lidmaatschappen N/A
Programma's Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, DejaVu, Indesign, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, SDL Trados, Powerpoint, Smartcat, Trados Studio, XTM
CV/Resume Engels (PDF)
Professionele procedures Gilles Snoeck onderschrijft's Professionele richtlijnen.

I'm a UN translator with 10 years experience, currently working for UNECA in Addis Abeba as part of the UN staff (took function in 2022). Additionally, since I passed the UN examination for translators in 2017 I have been working as consultant for the UN HQ in Geneva as well as FAO/IFAD. Most of my freelance activity over the last ten years was for as well as companies such as ABBYY Lingvo, SmartCat, REV, and others.

As a result of my scientific background in bio-engineering and my daily experience, I'm the ideal person for the translation of any document connected to medicine, pharmacy, biology, environment, agriculture, earth science, and so on.

Moreover, my wide general culture means I'm able to handle jobs on all kinds of topics. Most of the tasks I get from the UN are related to government finance and development programmes, but I'm also a favourite translator for a vast diversity of clients, ranging from Flemish gardening brands to the Norwegian Ministry of Culture, motorbike firms, travel agencies, political organisations, Russian and Italian law firms, Italian courts, US high schools, video games (including Blizzard, Nintendo and Games Workshop), and Facebook (help with assessing and correcting the translation made by the integrated automatic translation tool).

I'm quite a gamer myself : I'm the lead translator for the French translation team of the Ninth Age project, a community-made wargame regrouping thousands of players from every continent. As a result I have translated hundreds of pages of almost-lawyer quality rulebooks as well as litterary fantasy works connected to the project, and helped managed the volunteer team as head of Glossary (8 languages Glossary containing gaming as well as literary terms). More recently, I have started organizing a Russian translation team made of community members that I help working together for the « Russification » of our game. This is 100% volunteering: I'm just a translation passionate – when I'm not translating for work, then I'm translating for fun.

Looking forward to discover what you have in store for me ! Any text is welcome ;)

– Gil

Trefwoorden: Russian, agriculture, politics, science, English, French, Dutch, History, geography, biology. See more.Russian, agriculture, politics, science, English, French, Dutch, History, geography, biology, sociology. See less.

Profiel voor het laatst bijgewerkt
Sep 13, 2022