Freelance translators » Engels naar Pools » Juridisch / patenten » Telecom(municatie) » Page 1

Below is a list of Engels naar Pools freelance translators specializing in translations in the Juridisch / patenten: Telecom(municatie) field. Voor meer zoekvelden probeert u een uitgebreide zoekactie door op de koppeling rechts te klikken.

146 resultaten (betalende leden)

Freelance translator native in

Specializes in

Michael Entin
Michael Entin
Native in Engels Native in Engels
Keywords for search engine: law, legal, documents, birth, marriage, divorce, adoption, certificates, copyright, patents, ...
Katarzyna Kołakowska
Katarzyna Kołakowska
Native in Pools Native in Pools
Localization, localize, translation, software, help, documentation, CAT, freelance, trados, passolo, ...
Malgorzata Kurowska
Malgorzata Kurowska
Native in Pools Native in Pools
automotive, automobile, cars, kfz, gabelstapler, fork-lifts, engineering, technology, it, software, ...
Daniel Olkowicz
Daniel Olkowicz
Native in Pools Native in Pools
translator, tłumacz, übersetzer, sport, tourism, marketing, journalism, ekonomia, economics, wirtschaft, ...
Brygida Kowalska-Nwaimo
Brygida Kowalska-Nwaimo
Native in Pools Native in Pools
technical, technical translations, technical translator, manual, manuals, marketing, PR, general, cars, automotive, ...
J. Grzyb & M. Kulawik
J. Grzyb & M. Kulawik
Native in Pools Native in Pools
Polish, into, translation, cheap, Accounting, Auditing, Advertising, Agriculture, Archaeology, Architecture, ...
Native in Pools (Variants: Standard-Poland, Old Polish) Native in Pools
impeccable quality and culture of translation is always a paramount objective, as is the best possible flavour of emotions and subtleties exercised while interpreting.
Adi Gherghel
Adi Gherghel
Native in Roemeens Native in Roemeens
Literature, Linguistics, Arts, Journalistic, Movie, Theatre, Geography, Tourism, History, Politics, ...
Mark Ordon
Mark Ordon
Native in Engels (Variants: Canadian, US) Native in Engels, Pools (Variants: Standard-Poland, Silesian (śląski)) Native in Pools
translation, intepretation, transliteration, IT, engineering, marketing, industrial, literary, fiction, non-fiction, ...
Renata Gnyp
Renata Gnyp
Native in Pools (Variant: Standard-Poland) Native in Pools
Polish, polski, law, prawo, finance, finanse, medicine, medycyna, translation, pisemne, ...
Mikolaj Rasmussen
Mikolaj Rasmussen
Native in Pools Native in Pools
Polish-English translation, Polish-Danish translation, Spanish-Polish translation, medical translations, marketing, public relations, tłumaczenia przysięgłe, automotive translations, technical translations, literary translations, ...
Witold Hrycyk
Witold Hrycyk
Native in Pools Native in Pools
it, information technology, pc, computers, localization, hardware, software, marketing, corporate, corporate communication, ...
Piotr Domanski
Piotr Domanski
Native in Pools Native in Pools
translation, tłumaczenie, localization, lokalizacja, IT, computer, LQS, post-editing, games, gry, ...
Aleksandra Wójcik
Aleksandra Wójcik
Native in Pools Native in Pools, Spaans Native in Spaans
traductor polaco, traductor de polaco, traductor polaco español, traductor español polaco, traductor espanol polaco, traductor polaco espanol, traducciones de polaco, traducciones polaco, traducción polaco, traducción polaco españa, ...
Native in Pools Native in Pools
Polish, sport, immigration, community interpreter, literature, tourism, travel, documents, journalism, art, ...
Jakub Hnidec
Jakub Hnidec
Native in Pools Native in Pools
english, polish, computers, technology, VMS, software, technical, IT, traffic, safety, ...
Adam Jarczyk
Adam Jarczyk
Native in Pools Native in Pools
<b>Polish<>English</b>, engineering degree, translations, <b>IT, technical, mechanical engineering, industrial engineering</b>, mining, safety, machines, ...
Elina Niero
Elina Niero
Native in Engels Native in Engels, Pools Native in Pools
English, Spanish, Polish, technology, telecommunications, marketing
Tadeusz Trzaskowski
Tadeusz Trzaskowski
Native in Pools Native in Pools
ArrayInternationale organisaties / ontwikkeling / samenwerking, Juridisch (algemeen), Juridisch: Contract(en)
Katarzyna Klamra
Katarzyna Klamra
Native in Pools Native in Pools
IT, software, localization, computers, networks, documentation, software localization, hardware, manuals, help guides, ...

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