1 |
Jin HanNative in Koreaans (Variant: South Korea) 
Academic, technical, chemical, engineering, architecture, art, art history, humanities, social science, civil engineering. medical, ...
2 |
Korean translation, English to Korean translation, Korean to English translation, Tae Kim, Tae Soo Kim, social sciences, history, anthropology, sociology, geography, ...
3 |
electricaNative in Koreaans (Variant: South Korea)  , Engels (Variant: US) 
Korean, English, engineering, electrical, computers, semiconductors, IT
4 |
Kunst, kunstnijverheid, schilderkunst, Media / multimedia, Fotografie / beeldbewerking (& grafische kunst), Computers (algemeen), ...
5 |
Advertising for major Airlines, MBA degreed, Over 10 years in marketing communications, terse and clear localization for many IT related materials
6 |
Korean, English, translation, translator, localization, education, higher education, art, design, marketing, ...
7 |
spanish, english, korean, game, gaming, software, subtitiles, social, religion, medical, ...
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English, French, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Japanese, technoloty, software, localization, games, ...
9 |
Onderzoeken, Kunst, kunstnijverheid, schilderkunst, Drukken & uitgeven, Internet, elektronische handel, ...
10 |
Fotografie / beeldbewerking (& grafische kunst), Transport / vervoer / logistiek, Telecom(municatie), IT (informatietechnologie), ...
11 |
Drukken & uitgeven, Veiligheid, Psychologie, Voeding, ...
12 |
Drukken & uitgeven, Veiligheid, Medisch: Gezondheidszorg, Computers (algemeen), ...
13 |
Psychologie, Medisch (algemeen), Medisch: Gezondheidszorg, Medisch: Instrumenten, ...