The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Frans naar Engels Bioscoop, film, TV, toneel Translation Glossary

Frans term Engels translation
grain de sable qui dérègle la machine a fly in the ointment
Grand plan en mouvement Wide travelling shot
grandes lignes de feu de l'aventure the milestones of the great epic (story)
grill en cable wire lighting grid
gros télé (very) long (telephoto) lens
gueule larger-than-life characters
habillage packaging
Entered by: Yolanda Broad
Habillage identity
habillage de chaînes station visuals; visual branding of TV stations; station identification
habillage sonore et musicale sound and music tracks
hertzien television/terrestrial
huis-clos Closed set
Entered by: Lara Barnett
identité visuelle / identité sonore visual / sound identity
Il jugeait s'ils avaient une chance de plaire pour ce qu'on voulait He would decide if they were potentially what they were looking for/if they possibly had what they were looking for
image [in specific context of a movie script, referring not to THE image but to a list of images...] shot [see question for fuller discussion]
Entered by: Tony M
impressionné finished /post-production
Entered by: Helen Shiner
in et off live and pre-recorded commentary
interservice between-shift/ on call
italienne Italian Run
Entered by: Anne-Sophie Cardinal
jingle publicitaire break bumper
Entered by: Tony M
la bible littéraire series bible
La chanteuse vénéreuse The seductive singer
La forme n'est chez lui jamais préalable. form is never set in stone
Entered by: Philippa Smith
la logique de rétention selective memory/recognition
la révolte sous ses mains (with) rebellion in his hands/with rebellious hands
La Roue Tourne charity to help actors/actresses in need
Lampe Lamp
Lancement plateau announcer/presenter
l’oligopole à franges an oligopoly with a competitive fringe
le défi d'emmêler les pinceaux dans le filet des emotions sans couleur the challenge of brushing with a tangle of pallid emotions
le film débute par une filature the film opens with a tailing scene
le film en double bande double system or separate tracks
le film xxxx a vu ses droits cédés à xxxxxx the rights to the film were acquired
Entered by: Katherine Mérignac
le moyen du produit audiovisuel the (mere) conduit of the audiovisual product
le propos the theme
Entered by: Wyley Powell
le protagoniste masculin est proxénète à ses heures the male protagonist is a pimp on occasion
les films hors compétition qui ont marqué l’année This year's notable non-competing fillms
les industriels the industry / industrialists
Entered by: Yolanda Broad
Les inrockuptibles do not translate / "The Unrockables"
Entered by: Wyley Powell
les prises de vues camera work
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