The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Frans naar Engels Voertuigen / auto's & vrachtwagens Translation Glossary

Frans term Engels translation
bras inferior de train avant lower wishbone (arm)
brassage mixing
Bridage / Débridage restriction/derestriction
bridé restricted
brut couvercle unmachined cover
brut (Mett.) casting
bureau d'émission issuing office
butée de carter Carter (clutch) bearing
butée de fin de course end-of-travel stop
Entered by: Tony M
butée hydraulique Hydraulic stop
buter to abut
cacheroue wheel cover
Entered by: Steffen Walter
cadence moyenne journaliere average daily production rate
Entered by: Tegan Raleigh
cadre à longeron enveloppant Surrounding Spar (Technology) frame
Entered by: Yolanda Broad
cahier de banc log book
Cahiers des conditions particulières de reception Specifications for special conditions of acceptance
caisse en blanc body in white
Entered by: Anna Fitzgerald
caisson sous caisse underbody box section
calage timing/tuning
calages moteur Ignition setting, injection timing, engine timing,
Calcul dégradé Simplified calculation
calculateur de contrôle moteur engine control unit (ECU)
calculateurs moteurs engine control units / engine management systems
cale shim
cale aspirante vacuum sanding block
cale élastique rubber shim
Entered by: Gina W
cale de condamnation locking block
Caméra/Vidéo de recul Reversing camera
campagne de moulage casting campaign
Entered by: Gina W
campagnes de rattrapage véhicule vehicle recall campaign
canalisations hydrauliques type aéronautique aeronautical-type hydraulic(s) lines
caoutchouc tires
caoutchoucs galoshes, overshoes
Entered by: Mark Nathan
capabilité des moyens resource capability/ies
Entered by: Roseanne Gaspari
capitalisation aux jalons capitalization milestones
Entered by: Don Green
capotage de la transitique inter-postes enclosing of material handling equipment between work station
capter le contact fire up/start the engine
capteurs fin de course limit switch
Entered by: Radu DANAILA
capteurs mesure de place disponible peints couleur caisse parking space measurement sensors (finished) in body colour
Entered by: Carlos Segura
carénage shroud
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