The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Tsjechisch naar Engels Medisch (algemeen) Translation Glossary

Tsjechisch term Engels translation
lfta Anterior talofibular ligament
Entered by: Sarka Lhotak
(zobrazení) sytější (image) rather saturated
Entered by: Jiri Lonsky
1 blok + 1 sklo bio 1 block + 1 (microscopic) slide
14 ERD 14 × red cells resuspended leucocyte depleted
1x PL 1 copy for the general practitioner
4/zp 4 per FOV
6F sheath ex po výkonu 6F guide sheath extracted following the procedure
8-otvorová dláha 8 hole tubular plate
a. j. arbitrary unit, AU, a.u.
a.a. dle dok allergy history as per documentation
a.rad HK radial artery upper limb
abbreviation NS Nephrotic syndrome
abbreviation \'skl.\' skloubení
ACB ad RIA (LIMA) et RDI et RIVP autovenosus aortocoronary bypass/CABG LIMA-LAD and First Diagonal Branch to PDA (Posterior Descending Artery)
Entered by: liz askew
ad TE total excision
AF++ femoral (artery) pulse ++ (present on palpation)
AH Antrum of Highmore
AH absolutní hodnota = absolute value
Akromotorika fine motor skills (of right hand)
alfa a betalytické účinky effects on alpha and beta receptors
ALG. SY. algic syndrome / pain syndrome
Entered by: Guido Villa
amblyopie provázená divergencí ex anopsia amblyopia ex-anopsia (caused by/ follow)
amening without meningeal signs
angioresuscitační péče endovascular resuscitation and trauma management
anomalní osobnost abnormal personality
AP anteroposterior
APPE Appendectomy
architektura kostní trámčiny trabecular bone structure
arytenoidní hrboly colliculi of arytenoid cartilage
asc ascorbic acid
Entered by: Sarka Lhotak
ATB Antibiotics
ATS Atherosclerosis
atypie atypia
autodermo L5 L5 dermatome
autovstříkovače autoinjector
č. epi: no. of case history
časti later hyperfce lateral part, hyperfunction of the rest of the left ventricle
čípek cyl cervix cylindrical
Špinění (blood) spotting
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