tools to share
De persoon die dit onderwerp heeft geplaatst: Brandis (X)
Brandis (X)
Brandis (X)
Local time: 08:36
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Jul 19, 2004

Hello all!

It has been going through my mind for sometime, that it would be of great advantage if there were a place to upload all those useful tools for the benefit of everybody, such that everyone can download and use them. May be the idea is not practicable, as it may cost too much webspace, considering all those thousands of tools in the web. I find it is an advantage, if there were such a place, as I do not remember all those hundreds of links where I got these from. Now, I hav
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Hello all!

It has been going through my mind for sometime, that it would be of great advantage if there were a place to upload all those useful tools for the benefit of everybody, such that everyone can download and use them. May be the idea is not practicable, as it may cost too much webspace, considering all those thousands of tools in the web. I find it is an advantage, if there were such a place, as I do not remember all those hundreds of links where I got these from. Now, I have found a great tool, it converts the Microsoft Glossaries into TWB format like magic, after that you can integrate into your local database, or even export to other formats.We all know how many these glossaries are and that a few of them are real huge. Any ideas or are we talking microsoft again. What do you say. For all those who think this is a needy tool called " ms-glossaries2twb" a conversion tool, contact me via profile page.

Marc P (X)
Marc P (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:36
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tools to share Jul 19, 2004


Feel free to add OmegaT to your list. Version 1.4.0 has just been released, by the way.


Brandis (X)
Brandis (X)
Local time: 08:36
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Heloo and thank you Jul 19, 2004

MarcPrior wrote:


Feel free to add OmegaT to your list. Version 1.4.0 has just been released, by the way.

Hello Marc, I remember I had promised some information in the past, regarding apache etc., I shall send this to you this week sometime. My only trouble is I have no server and webspace. My idea was to have some common webspace at the proz forum, where good tested products ( shareware or not, not the ones with license) with positive results could be shared commonly, without having to run around the web in their search. This would be certainly helpful for those with irregular internet connection or with small bandwidth or those who could use immediate help. That was the main thought. I have dcownloaded the latest OmegaT. Thank you. Sometime now I might just put up a webpage and upload these one after the other for a certain period. I wished webspace comes for free.

Marketing-Lang.  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:36
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At least a link collection Jul 20, 2004

... that would be a big help, for a start.
Oh, how many great links have I lost because of computer crashes... sigh!
I do now use, though. Never lose a link again

Roberta Anderson
Roberta Anderson  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:36
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How about a "links+description only" topic in our Forum? Jul 20, 2004

How about starting a "links+description only" thread in this forum?

It's true, so many links to useful tools are provided in the various threads, and searching through them is not always as immediate as it could be.

I could open a new "links only" thread in our localization forum, to which some specific rules will apply to make sure the info remains readily accessible:

1. The thread will be called "Useful links".

2. The subject of each post wil
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How about starting a "links+description only" thread in this forum?

It's true, so many links to useful tools are provided in the various threads, and searching through them is not always as immediate as it could be.

I could open a new "links only" thread in our localization forum, to which some specific rules will apply to make sure the info remains readily accessible:

1. The thread will be called "Useful links".

2. The subject of each post will have a brief description of the tool/link provided.

3. Each post will have as body the link itself, followed by a concise and to-the-point description of the link/tool. It might be useful to include also a keywords paragraph, including any keyword that would be useful for forum searches.

4. No discussion will be allowed in this topic (including no "thank you - that's great" kind of replies). To discuss any specific link/tool, a separate topic will be opened. To give easy access to such discussion, the poster of the original link can edit his post by adding a reference to any related discussion topic.

5. Of course, as per rules, no advertising will be allowed.

It's not the same as having a dedicated links section, but it can be started now and I think that if it is used in a disciplined way it could become a useful resource for all of us who follow the Localization forum.

If it receives regular input, it will remain at the top of the topics list and easy accessible.

What do you say?

Brandis (X)
Brandis (X)
Local time: 08:36
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good idea Jul 20, 2004

Roberta Anderson wrote:

How about starting a "links+description only" thread in this forum?

It's true, so many links to useful tools are provided in the various threads, and searching through them is not always as immediate as it could be.

I could open a new "links only" thread in our localization forum, to which some specific rules will apply to make sure the info remains readily accessible:

1. The thread will be called "Useful links".

2. The subject of each post will have a brief description of the tool/link provided.

3. Each post will have as body the link itself, followed by a concise and to-the-point description of the link/tool. It might be useful to include also a keywords paragraph, including any keyword that would be useful for forum searches.

4. No discussion will be allowed in this topic (including no "thank you - that's great" kind of replies). To discuss any specific link/tool, a separate topic will be opened. To give easy access to such discussion, the poster of the original link can edit his post by adding a reference to any related discussion topic.

5. Of course, as per rules, no advertising will be allowed.

It's not the same as having a dedicated links section, but it can be started now and I think that if it is used in a disciplined way it could become a useful resource for all of us who follow the Localization forum.

If it receives regular input, it will remain at the top of the topics list and easy accessible.

What do you say?
Hello Roberta, I find it a very practicable idea, pool resources or resourceinfos at one point, with a short description of which tool does what, and no discussions at this level and also no advertising. Link of the tool along with some short description should do, to check the link at a later time. The advantage as I see is avoiding the distributed information.

Jaroslav Tomiczek
Jaroslav Tomiczek  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:36
Engels naar Tsjechisch
Where is it? Oct 11, 2004

Has the thread been already started?

Roberta Anderson
Roberta Anderson  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:36
Lid 2001
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not yet - starting it now Oct 11, 2004

No, Jaroslav - I was actually waiting to see what the rest of you thought about it...

But I'll start it right now and hope it willprove useful.


Brandis (X)
Brandis (X)
Local time: 08:36
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The idea is great Oct 11, 2004

Roberta Anderson wrote:

No, Jaroslav - I was actually waiting to see what the rest of you thought about it...

But I'll start it right now and hope it willprove useful.

in a world of so many tools, one could easily miss the goal. Hi ! Roberta, this is a good thing, as it helps the community, I guess. It is a good initiative.


Ines Garcia Botana
Ines Garcia Botana  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:36
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Best idea ever! Oct 11, 2004

Very interesting. Something we all need!
I'll be waiting for the news!

Local time: 08:36
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It already exists. Oct 12, 2004

Roberta Anderson wrote:

How about starting a "links+description only" thread in this forum?

1. The thread will be called "Useful links".

2. The subject of each post will have a brief description of the tool/link provided.

What are you talking about ? It already exists, here, on proz. You never took a tour of the site ? You never went to glosspost ? Menu above > community >glosspost.

Here you will find thousands of links, in which you can search giving the languages you want.

Roberta Anderson
Roberta Anderson  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:36
Lid 2001
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Glosspost is a great reference for glossaries Oct 12, 2004

yes, thank you lien.

Glosspost is indeed a great reference for glossaries.

The idea above,though, was to provide a place to keep various other kinds of links, like those for youseful tools, or tips&tricks, that do not fit in the glosspost scope.


Brandis (X)
Brandis (X)
Local time: 08:36
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found newer tool set cross platform font conversion utilities Nov 15, 2004

Hi! here is the link
Windows pc/ps2/mac and back Truetype and ps as well. I guess for many of us, processing mac files on pc or pc files on mac is a trouble, I think this solves it.


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