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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Christmas get together

December 1, 2011, 7:30 pm
Verenigd KoninkrijkBelfastIn personEngels
The Barking Dog
33-35 Malone Road

Can't wait to catch up with every one!

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (9) / Confirmed: 4
Name NoteWill Attend
Laura Morwood  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" ...  y
Maaike van Vlijmen  \"Photographer\" ...  y
Aoife Brennan   Should be able to make it, thanks guys  y
XInga Richardson (X)   See u there!  
A L S   ...  
Marianne Wasson   Looking forward to it. See you all then. Thanks for organising Laura  y
Charles Ferguson   Would love to go but will be working evening shift in RVH then.   n
Gabrielle Weatherhead   Sorry guys, but I can't make it on this day. Have a great time a Happy Christmas to you all !  n
Mayella Almazan   Mayella Almazan  

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