This powwow has already been held!

[View Powwow Report] powwow: Catching up with friends and colleagues

April 29, 2010, 8:00 pm
Verenigd KoninkrijkBelfastIn personEngels
Hi all,

It\'s been a while since our last powwow! I hope every one has been very busy and has lots to talk about. We will meet at Duke\'s Pub & Brasserie on University Street on Thursday 29th April from 19.00. It\'s up to you if you want to have a bite to eat or just a drink.
Hope to see you there!


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Interested members (6) / Confirmed: 4
Name NoteWill Attend
Laura Morwood  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" Asta Kochiene is also attenting  y
Maaike van Vlijmen   Great idea! :)  y
Mayella Almazan   Looking forward to seeing you all again  
XHelenC (X)   Definitely want to try and make this one. It has been a while...  y
Michael Boone   Work just came in unexpectedly this morning - will try to make next one  n
XMel Fraser (X)   Hoping to make it along  y

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