1 |
Vietnamese, economics, education, sciences, anthropology, psychology, religions
2 |
Literature, physics, chemist, humanities, mathematics, medical sciences, reliable, marketing, commercial law, IT, ...
3 |
KLinhNative in Vietnamees  , Engels 
Translate, translation, translator, education, business, commerce, edit, training, checking, summarization, ...
4 |
Loan VanNative in Vietnamees (Variant: Standard-Vietnam)
Automatisering & Robots, Levende have / dierverzorging, Energie / stroomopwekking, Elektronica / elektrotechniek, ...
5 |
professional translator, English to Vietnamese translator, Vietnamese to English translator, technology, vietnamese translator, vietnamese interpreter, professional interpreter, Marketing, Market research, survey, ...
6 |
NONG THI NGANative in Vietnamees (Variant: Standard-Vietnam)
accounting, finance, health, medical, cosmetics, beauty, education, agriculture and rural development
7 |
Fabricage, Landbouw, Computers: Systemen, netwerken, Internet, elektronische handel, ...
8 |
Khoi LeNative in Vietnamees (Variant: Standard-Vietnam)
English, Vietnamese, Accounting, Finance, Gaming, Technology, Medical, Customer Service, Letter, Legal, ...
9 |
Kunst, kunstnijverheid, schilderkunst, Landbouw
10 |
english, film, presentation, medicine
11 |
Vietnamese, English, marketing, management, finance, photography, IT, software