1 |
Psychologie, Materiaalkunde (plastic, keramiek, etc.), Fabricage, Computers (algemeen), ...
2 |
Translation, interpretation, Portuguese, English, Russian, Ukrainian, tradução, interpretação, português, inglês, ...
3 |
Telecom(municatie), Transport / vervoer / logistiek, Computers (algemeen), Fabricage, ...
4 |
Portuguese, Russian, meeting, translation, Lisbon, Interpretation, Congress,
5 |
russian, social sciences, law, nutrition
6 |
Inga PetkelyteNative in Litouws  , Portugees (Variant: European/Portugal) 
Portuguese; Lithuanian, Estonian, English, legal, law, chemicals, Spanish, Italian, Russian, business, ...
7 |
Kunst, kunstnijverheid, schilderkunst, Veiligheid, Psychologie, Voeding, ...
8 |
organic and inlorganic chemistry, biotecnology, medical devices, mechanical devices, renewable energies, oil, fuel and hidrocarbon, clinical assays,
9 |
Kunst, kunstnijverheid, schilderkunst, Medisch: Gezondheidszorg, Transport / vervoer / logistiek, Levende have / dierverzorging, ...
10 |
IT (informatietechnologie), Scheepvaart, zeilen, maritiem, Astronomie & heelal, Voeding, ...
11 |
Kunst, kunstnijverheid, schilderkunst, Transport / vervoer / logistiek, Textiel / kleding / mode
12 |
Scheikunde; chemische wetenschap / techniek, Computers (algemeen), Transport / vervoer / logistiek, IT (informatietechnologie), ...
13 |
portuguese, teacher, language, chinese, russian, ukrainian, translation, transcription