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Telugu, translation, transcription, typing, content writing, interpreter, localization, songwriting, poetry
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ADITYA VIKRAM (X)Native in Teloegoe 
Journalistiek, Materiaalkunde (plastic, keramiek, etc.), Geschiedenis, Overheid / politiek, ...
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Textiel / kleding / mode, Onderzoeken, Scheepvaart, zeilen, maritiem, Leger / defensie, ...
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hindi, english, telugu, translator, voiceover, female voiceover, male voiceover, kids voiceover, hindi to telugu, english to telugu, ...
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Veiligheid, Journalistiek, Wijn / oenologie / wijnbouw, Sport / conditie / recreatie, ...
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Journalistiek, Religie, Bioscoop, film, TV, toneel, Overig, ...
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Onderzoeken, Kunst, kunstnijverheid, schilderkunst
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Religie, Sport / conditie / recreatie, Toerisme & reizen, Kunst, kunstnijverheid, schilderkunst, ...
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Technology, life-sciences, geography, pharmacy, sociology, economic, administration, management, legal, compliance, ...
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Astronomie & heelal, Koken / culinair, Leger / defensie
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Kunst, kunstnijverheid, schilderkunst
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telugu translation, Translation Telugu, Translator Telugu, English to Telugu Translation, Telugu to English translation, Telugu Service, Telugu translation services, telgu translation, English to Telugu translation, Telugu to English translation, ...
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Bioscoop, film, TV, toneel, Textiel / kleding / mode, Onderzoeken, Media / multimedia, ...
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Kunst, kunstnijverheid, schilderkunst, Koken / culinair, Cosmetica, schoonheid, Onderwijs / pedagogie, ...
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Textiel / kleding / mode, Sport / conditie / recreatie, Religie, Esoterische praktijken, ...
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Zoölogie, Religie, Geschiedenis, Onderwijs / pedagogie, ...