Lid sinds Dec '08

Nederlands naar Engels
Hebreeuws naar Engels

50 yrs NL>EN Commerce Finance Law & more

London, England, Verenigd Koninkrijk
Lokale tijd: 15:26 GMT (GMT+0)

Moedertaal: Engels Native in Engels
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5 ratings (5.00 avg. rating)

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What Textpertise is working on
Nov 30, 2016 (posted via  November 2016 work included: • NL to EN translation of texts for the intranet of a specialist children’s hospital, including • human resources content such as staff contracts, parking arrangements, and other rules • guidance to parents and children about the operation of the hospital • promotional material for potential sponsors of their new building project • NL to EN translation of Consolidated Articles of Association of a lift company. Very dense legal terminology. • Short NL to EN translation about controversy surrounding the Amsterdam Sinterklaas procession • NL to EN translation of a proposal to a very large manufacturer by a prominent design company for an advertising campaign, outlining their way of working, lead times and charges. • EN to EN fixing up the English written by non-native speakers for the industrial magazine of a leading engineering firm with articles descrobing their various technical projects including • massive infrastructure projects for well-known companies • plant performance improvement • streamlining necessary plant shutdowns for minimal disruptions • architecture, civil engineering, technical infrastructure such as HVAC and building management, clean room technology and pharmaceutical production plants • feasibility studies for energy storage projects • storage tank measurements in respect of settlement and being out of alignment to bring them into compliance with regulations • designs for extending gas networks in Europe, adapting production facilities on land for ever larger wind farms at sea, a hall with a harbour dock for inland navigation of vessels and associated logistics • extensions and modifications to optimise one particular area of a large refinery, supporting facilities for site and transport. • Translation of an online training course for a very large “household name” employment and training organisation, leading to certification as a forklift operator. • Work is ongoing on various similar modules covering other types of industrial transport vehicles. The courses contain a lot of technical information on the operation of the vehicles and also contain a lot of information about warehousing structure and management, types and operation of racking, health and safety legislation • A speech by a prominent politician forming part of a video targeted to asylum seekers who have gained residence permits and telling them of the services available to assist with their integration. ...more »
Total word count: 0

Bericht van de gebruiker
Attained Highest WWA rating Dutch to English translation Europe 2012 - Mediate disputes on quality of Dutch to English translations
Accounttype Zelfstandige vertaler en / of tolk, Identity Verified Geverifieerd lid
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. View now.
Connecties This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Diensten Translation, Editing/proofreading, Transcription, Copywriting, MT post-editing, Website localization
Gespecialiseerd in:
Computers (algemeen)Personeel
Marketing en marktonderzoekPoëzie en literatuur
Medisch (algemeen)Medisch: Cardiologie
Medisch: Geneesmiddelen, farmacieJuridisch (algemeen)
Juridisch: Contract(en)Reclame / voorlichting

KudoZ-activiteit (PRO) KudoZ-punten op PRO-niveau: 1199, Vragen beantwoord: 827, Vragen gesteld: 8
Payment methods accepted Paypal, Bankoverschrijving
Portfolio Proefvertalingen ingeleverd: 2
Woordenlijsten accounting terms, Architecture, clothing and fashion, construction, customs and excise, education, Energy, engineering, General, History Fascism

Vertaalopleiding Master's degree - Columbia University NY
Ervaring Jaren vertaalervaring: 56. Geregistreerd op Sep 2008. Lid sinds: Dec 2008.
Getuigschriften Nederlands naar Engels (EN15038)
Lidmaatschappen N/A
Programma's Adobe Acrobat, memoQ, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio, Wordfast
Gewonnen wedstrijden 2014 annual translation contest: Dutch to English
Professionele procedures Textpertise onderschrijft's Professionele richtlijnen (v1.1).
Please note that I work almost exclusively in the Dutch to English language pair.
Although in principle, I can translate Hebrew to English, I rarely work in that pair because I tend to be fully occupied in the Dutch to English language pair.
Over the years since 1970, when I started translating, I have carried out translations in all the fields shown on my profile as either specialities, working fields or interests.

Non-English versions of CV to follow.
Dit lid / deze gebruiker heeft KudoZ-punten verdiend door andere vertalers te helpen met het vertalen van termen op PRO-niveau. Klik op het puntentotaal / de puntentotalen om de geleverde termvertalingen te zien.

Totaal aantal verdiende punten: 1342
PRO-niveau punten: 1199

Belangrijkste talen (PRO)
Nederlands naar Engels836
Hebreeuws naar Engels359
Belangrijkste algemene vakgebieden (PRO)
Juridisch / patenten226
Zakelijk / financieel162
Punten in nog 3 velden >
Belangrijkste specifieke vakgebieden (PRO)
Medisch (algemeen)171
Juridisch (algemeen)128
Bouwkunde / civiele techniek69
Onderwijs / pedagogie68
Juridisch: Contract(en)65
Financieel-economisch (algemeen)48
Algemeen / conversatie / begroetingen / brieven43
Punten in nog 51 velden >

Alle verdiende punten bekijken >
Trefwoorden: Highest Willing to Work Again rating in Europe on Proz for the Dutch to English language pair. Wordsmiths, English experts, translation Dutch to English, translation Hebrew to English, editing, transcription, legal, medical, technical, CVs. See more.Highest Willing to Work Again rating in Europe on Proz for the Dutch to English language pair. Wordsmiths, English experts, translation Dutch to English, translation Hebrew to English, editing, transcription, legal, medical, technical, CVs, CV's, resumes, forms, complex tables, catalogues, training manuals, user manuals, presentations, ghost-writing, copywriting, help with English, fix up English, layout advice, digital transcription, Dutch word processing, Hebrew word processing, help with language and logical flow of academic and scientific papers. Experten in Engels, vertalingen Nederlands-Engels, vertalingen Hebreeuws-Engels, redactie, transcriptie, rechtelijk, medisch, technisch, wetenschappelijk, CVs, formulieren, ingewikkelde tabellen, catalogi, training handboeken, gebruikershandleidingen, presentaties, spookschrijven, tekstschrijven, hulp met Engels, corrigeren van Engels, opmaak advies, digitale transcriptie, tekstverwerking in Nederlands, tekstverwerking in Hebreeuws. מומחים באנגלית - תירגומים מהולנדית לאנגלית – תירגומים מעברית לאנגלית – עריכה – העתקה – דין – רפואה – טרמינולוגיה טכנית ומדעית – קורות חיים לצרכי עבודה וקרירה - תכנון טפסים – טבלות מסובכות – קטלוגים – מדריכים או ספרים שימושיים להפעלת מכשירים – הצגת נתונים – עבודות "סופר רפאים" – הכנת חומר להדפסה – עזרה עם הכנת עבודות אקדמיות באנגלית – תיקון עבודות באנגלית – ייעוץ בעניני תסדיר – העתקה דיגיטלית – עבוד מילים באנגלית הולנדית ועברית. See less.

Profiel voor het laatst bijgewerkt
Aug 28, 2023

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