Translation glossary: General

Showing entries 1-50 of 91
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acabou a força / energiathe power is / went out 
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altamente difundido / propagadohighly widespread 
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As (Quatro) Maiores Agências de NotíciasThe Big Four 
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as chances de isso acontecer são quase zerochances are slim to none 
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assento preferencial (em transportes públicos)priority seating 
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assolarrun rampant 
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até segunda ordemuntil further notice 
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ato criminoso / atividade criminosafoul play 
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à vontadead libitum 
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bairrismo / regionalismoboosterism 
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bala perdidastray bullet 
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bebedouro de garrafãobottled water cooler 
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botas para (caminhar na) nevemoon boots 
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buscar vantagensseek advantages 
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cadastrar os códigosenter the codes 
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centro de operaçõesoperations center 
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cesta básicabasic food basket 
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concurso públicocivil service exams 
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de acordo com / aderente aos padrões internacionaiscompliant with international standards 
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eixo centralizadocentered axis 
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em abertopending 
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em abundânciain plenty 
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em escala globalon a global scale 
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em escala nacionalon a countrywide scale 
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em visita aIn/on visit to 
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encontro de/para atualizações (de produtos)readiness call 
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entrar em operaçãocome into operation 
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entrevistado (de pesquisa)respondent 
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estímulo / injeção de ânimoshot in the arm 
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fabular uma históriapack a story 
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fazer voto detake a vow of 
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fazer xiximake wee-wee 
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finalidade (com a finalidade de)purpose (with the purpose of) 
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fora do horário comercialafter hours 
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grande novidadehigh novelty 
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humanitário / benevolentehumane 
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implantação de colete refletorenforcement of reflective vests 
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integrar / coletar / juntarsilo 
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ir ao ataquestrike 
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já que os Smiths foram viajar...with the Smiths out of town... 
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jogo do taco embriagadodizzy bat 
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língua de sograparty blower 
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nada menos quenothing less than 
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nas condições deas per the conditions of 
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Núcleo de Atendimento à Criança com Paralisia CerebralCerebral Palsy Kids Center 
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o primeiro a adotar (algo)the early adopter of (something) 
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oportunizar inclusão social paraensure social inclusion for 
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outras localidadesother areas 
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para a justiça do castigo (de alguém)for one's just punishment 
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