Translation glossary: DE-EN Food Industry Terminology

Showing entries 1-29 of 29
Ackerparzelle (f.)allotment 
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Ackerstück (n.)small plot of land 
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bäuerlich (adj.)rural; rustic 
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Bodenschätzemineral resources 
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das Vered(e)lungserzeugnisprocessed product 
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Ernährungswirtschaft (f.)food production and distribution; agricultural and food industries 
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Erzeuger (m.)producer 
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Faltschachtel (f.)collapsible box 
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Fruchtbarkeit (f.)fertility; fruitfulness; productivity 
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Gastronomie (f.)gastronomy; catering trade 
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Geschmacksverstärkerflavour enhancers 
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Käserei (f.)cheese dairy 
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Kühlakkuice pack 
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kochfertig (adj.)ready-to-cook 
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Löß(-sse) (geol.)loess(ial) (soil) 
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Leckermäulchen (n.)sweet tooth 
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Mälzerei (f.)malthouse; malting 
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Milchwirtschaft (f.)dairy farming 
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Mischfutter (n.) (agr.)mixed fodder; feed 
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Molkerei (f.)dairy; creamery 
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nachwachsento re-grow; to grow again; to regenerate 
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naturbelassene Rohstoffenatural ingredients 
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naturnahe (adj.)close to nature 
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Rinderzucht (f.)cattle breeding 
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Säuglingsernährung (f.)infant feeding 
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Spirituosenspirits (drinks) 
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Sportgetränk (n.)athlete's drink 
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