Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Glossario con le voci di bilancio, conto economico (metodo diretto e comparativo), flussi di cassa (metodo diretto ed indiretto), variazioni del capitale.
Англо-русский словарь терминов венчурного финансирования
Словарь содержит более 1700 толкований терминов и расшифровок аббревиатур в сфере венчурного бизнеса (инвестирование, рынки, проекты, методы и инструменты), прямых инвестиций, деятельности фондовых бирж, IPO. Ввиду того что многие термины имеют несколько различные толкования по разные стороны океана или же могут быть неоднозначными, в словарь включ... View more
GIP info retraite : Glossaire |
définitions des termes français utilisés pour les paiements des retraites, entreprises, régime de sécurité sociale...
Topónimos y gentilicios en español de los estados de Estados Unidos y de sus capitales
Alberto Gómez Font y Verónica Albin |
Glossario sui fondi comuni d´investimento
Capitalgest (Gruppo UBI Banca) |
glossario destinato ad approfondire la conoscenza di alcuni prodotti finanziari
Glossar Fonds
Raiffeisen Capital Management |
Die wichtigsten Begriffe aus der Welt der Fonds - alphabetisch gereiht. Klicken Sie auf einen der Buchstaben, um die entsprechenden Begriffe anzuzeigen.
Glossary of financial risk management, trading and financial engineering
Glyn Holton / |
A comprehensive resource for financial risk management, trading and financial engineering. Prepared by Glyn Holton, a leading authority on trading and risk management in the capital, commodity and energy markets.
Here you will find a glossary linked to detailed articles, an active discussion forum, book reviews, research and much more.
European Employment and Industrial Relations Glossaries
European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working conditions |
The EMIRE database is the online version of the European Employment and Industrial Relations Glossaries, which explain the national industrial relations systems of the EU member states through their terminology. There are glossaries for Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Port... View more
English - Spanish Air Contaminant Glossary
From the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality website. |
English - Spanish Air Contaminant Glossary for Spanish Public Notice This list contains numerous air contaminants, mostly as listed in the ESL (= Effects Screening Levels) lists of 6/22/92 and updates of 1994. The Spanish translated names are capitalized for trademarks. In many such cases, there is no translation and the English word must be used... View more
This Business & Finance Multilingual Dictionary contains an extensive vocabulary, covering a wide range of topics relating to business - from office practice to stock market and accounting terminology in English, German, French, and Russian. The dictionary covers the expanding and influential field of forex (foreign exchange), treasury, money and c... View more
Glossary of Land Appraisal Terms
Mr. Yermiyahoo Aloni, Building engineer and Land Appraiser |
This lexicon is useful for translators and for persons who want to buy a property in Israel. While using the lexicon one can learn about the Israeli Land Law, Planning Laws, Land taxation and the fees the municipalities are entitled to levy.
This lexicon appeared in the book "Shamaut Mekarkein be'Israel" (Appraisal of Real Estate in Isra... View more
Asta non competitiva, aumento di capitale, azioni cicliche, benchmark, credito revolving, futures, opzione call e put, etc. etc. ... sono alcuni dei termini e/o locuzioni finanziarie spesso ricorrenti e di cui spesso si ignora il reale significato, in particolare per quel che riguarda i termini di derivazione anglosassone, che, purtroppo, sono dest... View more
Investing Dictionary
Investopedia Inc. |
This dictionary explains many of the weird phrases of the investing world. They are organized in alphabetical order. You can also browse by category (for instance, Acronyms, Buzz words, Real Estate and Property). You can search for a term and find it quickly. (There are over 4,500 terms in the database).
Glossary of Financial Terms
Merrill Lynch Investment Managers Limited |
The English monolingual glossary provides plain English definitions of common finance and investment terms. It is mandatory to read and approve the glossary owner's terms of use.
Liste des Territoires
ONU section de la cartographie |
Liste des noms officiels (et les abbréviations ISO) des pays membres de l'ONU, ainsi que de leurs villes capitales, en version française.
List of Country Names
United Nations Cartography Section |
Provides official country names and ISO abbreviations, and the names of capital cities, in the vernacular and the English form. (an equivalent list exists in French and Spanish as well).
Small but very specific glossary concerning Private Equity and Venture Capital. 300+ terms. Also downloadable as .html en .doc file. Contextual hyperlinks to encyclopedia & forums (mostly premium content & user-restricted)
The countries of the world in their local languages and scripts, with official names, capitals, flags, administrative divisions and translations of the country and capital names into many different languages. I created this site with the greatest possible care, but nevertheless errors may have occurred. Any corrections that might be necessary are... View more
Moneyextra's A to Z of Financial Terms |
Glossary on technical terms of the finance sector.
Glossary of Venture Capital and IPO terms
Private Equity on Line |
English monolingual glossary of Venture Capital and IPO terms published by Brown Rudnick Berlack Israels llp, 5th edition. The glossary is in PDF format and easy to download.