Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Dictionnaire d'argot
A website in Romanian and English that offers a multilingual dictionary which seems to be updated very frequently with hundreds of terms and expressions in very different (especially multi-technical) fields. Term search is achieved through a search engine, and there is a dictionary log on the right side listing the latest registered terms. Of cours... View more
Glosario catalán inglés de palabras argot
Dictionnaire argot français |
Formulaire de recherche du dictionnaire argot français. Plus de 18 000 mots d'argot et d'expressions argotiques.
Le dictionnaire d'argot et du fran�ais familier |
Le dictionnaire d'argot et du français familier
Liste des expressions françaises courantes et explications
As principais palavras do argot brasileiro.
Jergas (argot, slang, modismos, etc) en español (spanish slang)
thieves' argot Niederl�ndische Gaunersprache Uittreksel (Enkele letters) uit het woordenboek Nederlands-Bargoens.De Gruete Zilsen Dieksjonneier