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Frans naar Engels Psychologie Translation Glossary

Frans term Engels translation
pour observer le signe médical d'une éventuelle castration to observe the physical sign of a possible castration
poussées processuelles psychotic episode (or psychotic break)
presselle reaction key
processuel processual
professionnels de la voix voice-related professionals
profil fusionnel profile of a group-oriented individual
Entered by: Steffen Walter
prostré prostrated
proximité de statuts social interaction
psychiatrie de liaison liaison psychiatry
Entered by: Rowan Morrell
pulsionnel pulsional
qui interrogent which raise questions
qui se retrouvent à la leçon which are covered herein
rayonner assertiveness
réaliser les cotations en fonction de determine the standard (or baseline) according to the highest age group
rééducation écologique ecological rehabilitation
régression return to childhood
Entered by: liz askew
reformulation dramatisante dramatised rephrasing/reformulation/reframing
regard conjoint / attention conjointe Visual selective attention versus sustained attention/conjoint therapy
Rendez-vous de restitution appointment to handback the report
rendre raison accounts for
renvoi partiel (éducation) suspension
ressentis et sentiment feelings, sense
retentissantes meaningful
s'en deprendre to move further away from
s'enclenche et se vit à la satisfaction is set in motion and is experienced as mutually satisfying
scémas inconditionnels et conditionnels unconditional and conditional schemas
Entered by: liz askew
secret de polichinelle open secret
services d’algologie pain clinic(s)
Entered by: Neal Allen
services morales et corporels psychological and physical abuse
Si on ne peut méconnaître que ... Although there is no denying that...
si tout le monde vous caresse dans le sens du poil if all you ever get are positive strokes
socialement dévalorisé a place of low social prestige
sorties des enfants the children's outings
Entered by: Wyley Powell
structuré structured psyche/ his psyche is well structured
suivi d'accompagnement counselling and coaching
Entered by: Lorraine Dubuc
sur-travail overwork
syndrome d'alarme alarm syndrome
tableau parental parental/family background/history
tant sa part d'insu so lacking is his knowledge and understanding due to...
Thérapeute spécialisée en relation d\'aide psychologique specialized psychological support therapist
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