The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Frans naar Engels Personeel Translation Glossary

Frans term Engels translation
contreparties nationales au niveau individuel national funding on an individual basis
contribution journée/s solidarité contribution for 'solidarity' working day
Entered by: liz askew
Convention Collective Sociétés d’Assurance Insurance Companies' Collective Agreement
Entered by: Bob Scott
Convention de Forfait sans référence horaire Flat-rate pay agreement
conventionnel collectively agreed
convoilleur non convoyeur to convoy - to escort
Coordonnateur des Ventes sales co-ordinator
Entered by: Assimina Vavoula
corps de métier professional body
corpus législatif (current) legislation
cotation scoring
Entered by: C. Tougas
cotis. assed. cotisation Assedic / unemployment benefit contribution
cotisations sociales théoriques notional social security contributions
couple produit / process product / process pair
couverture au 1er euro coverage from the first euro/no excess
Entered by: Yvonne Gallagher
crédit d'heures credit time
créer un climat d'échange creating a friendly atmosphere
critère de public fragilisé criteria of being (socially) disadvantaged persons
CRSP (Contrat de Recrutement sur Place) On-Site Recruitment Contract
CS Congé spécial/special leave /compassionate leave
Entered by: Chakib Roula
cumul combining
Cumul tranche A Total for Bracket A
CVthèque CV bank
D-O-M-D = Débute-Occupe-Maîtrise-Domine beginner, competent (practitioner), proficient, expert
dans la rigueur with rigorous standards in place
dans le cadre notamment de convention du FNE notably within the framework of the FNE agreement / notably as part of the FNE agreement
Entered by: EirTranslations
dans les liens de under the terms of
dans les limites prévues within the limits provided for
Dat. Anc. Date d\'ancienneté / Length of Service
Entered by: Lara Barnett
débiteur (ici) sales assistant
décalquage de l\\\'avion applying decals/tracings to the plane
Entered by: Wyley Powell
déclaration de jugement commun ou réciproquement Mutual or.... ruling/ decision....
déclarations sociales social contribution declarations
déclare ne pas faire l\'objet de poursuites judiciaires I am not currently subject to any criminal or civil proceedings
déclinaison organization
Entered by: Mark Nathan
décompte annuel en jours number of days per year
décomptes maladie applications for reimbursement of medical expenses
dédommagement financier financial allowance(s)
dédramatiser keeping it real
Entered by: Helen Shiner
délai de prévenance prior/advance notice
délai de régularisation de leur avenant a period of 15 days to sort out their contractual amendment
Entered by: EirTranslations
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