The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Frans naar Engels Zaken / handel (algemeen) Translation Glossary

Frans term Engels translation
Arrêté de Police Police Order N° 123XYZ
arrêtée closed
Entered by: Josephine Cassar
arrêtés comptables et financiers final accounting and financial statements
arrêter de position to adopt a stance/position
Arreté la présente facture de Current invoice total; Total to date
arretes trimestriels at the end/close of each quarter
arriéré entrée en phase nationale US late entry to the US national phase
arrimer articulate
art. 39 quiquies H du CGI quinquies
articulation relationship (in certain contexts, e.g. 'l'articulation entre X et Y' when X and Y are two bodies/companies)
artisanal vs. libéral skilled-trade vs. professional (contractors)
artisanat d'art arts and crafts
artisans du conseil a truly bespoke consultancy service
Assemblée Générale constitutive Founding General Meeting
Assemblée Générale Mixte statuant sous sa forme extraordinaire Combined General Meeting convened in its Extraordinary session
assemblee constituante inaugural meeting/session
assiette des pénalités basis for calculating penalties/penalty calculation basis
Entered by: liz askew
assignataires assigns
Assistance à Maitrise d'Ouvrage Client Representative
assistante approvisionnement achat purchasing supply assistant
association au capital participation in the share capital
association chargée de mission official representative association
Association personnifiée non-profit corporation or incorporated association
associations foncières urbaines do not translate
Entered by: EirTranslations
Associé unique sole shareholder
associé unique SOLE SHAREHOLDER
Entered by: Angelina Galanska
associé(s) partners
associer dans son capital provide any equity interest [in the customer's business]
Entered by: Tony M
assouvi par fulfilled by
Assurance quality assurance system
ATAM Administrative staff, technicians and supervisors
Atelier Coup de Pouce \"Ask the Experts\"/Masterclass/Question Time
atterissage outcome
Entered by: Sheila Wilson
Attestation de repos fictive laissant supposer l'existence d'une préiode de repos false entry in the control book suggesting (that) a rest period was taken
Entered by: Yolanda Broad
Attestation de vigilance Certificate of Coverage
Entered by: Mark Radcliffe
attributaire company awarded the contract / successful bidder / awardee
Entered by: Tony M
attribution des marchés the award of contracts
Entered by: fionn
au bénéfice de right to invoke
au bénéfice du compte de la concession for the benefit of the concession
au bemol pres apart from the fact that...
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