The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Frans naar Engels Zaken / handel (algemeen) Translation Glossary

Frans term Engels translation
canaux d’entrée produits product introduction channels
canevas a basic outline
Entered by: Jennifer Baldwin
capacité d\'adhérents membership capacity
capillarité dense/extensive/local coverage or network
capital souscrit non appelé uncalled share capital
Entered by: Adam Lankamer
capteur naturel front-line staff
capteurs de demande attractors for customers
Entered by: EirTranslations
caractère d’ancienneté long-standing in any way
caractère d’emblée opérationnel immediately operational nature of
caractère sérieux serious grounds
caractérogramme pictograph; pictogram
carte d'identité company profile
carte de service service card
Carte G G Card (professional property manager\'s card)
carte privative charge card / payment card
cartes RFID avec certificat CPS embarqué et crypté RFID cards with CPS certificate embedded and encrypted
cartes téléphoniques à débit différé postpaid phone cards
cassé pour dénaturation quashed ..... distortion
casser du bonhomme burn them out
Entered by: Roseanne Gaspari
catalogue décisionnel decision-making catalogue
catalogue papier spécifique detailed/specific paper brochure
catalogues et tarifs catalogues and prices/price lists/ scales of charges/tariffs
causes de mise en jeu reasons for revocation/reasons to revoke
caution bancaire de couverture d'acompte libérable à la livraison advance payment bond releasable/to be released upon delivery
caution d'acompte advance payment guarantee / advance payment bond
Entered by: dwinters
caution libérée par certificat de main levée A certificate of discharge will be issued authorizing the release of this deposit on delivery of
Entered by: Carla Selyer
cautionnement guarantee deposit
cavalier header card
cône d'innovations cluster/center of innovation
côté financier on the financial side
c’est bien sur le nôtre of course our own
CCAG - cahier des clauses administratives générales General Terms of Contract, General Conditions of Contract
CCTP (Cahier des clauses techniques particulières) TCC (Technical Conditions of the Contract)
CDI présence à +1AN Open ended employment contract - with more than 1 years service.
Ce chèque fera l'objet d'une facture an invoice will be rendered for the amount of this cheque
Ce prix s’entend CFR port de Sfax, hors toutes taxes en Tunisie This price is based on Cost and Freight in Sfax, exempt from all Tunisian taxes/tax-free in Tunisia
Ceci étant dit... Having said this...
celle effectuée on that of /on the one carried out by...
Entered by: EirTranslations
Celles-ci rappelleront les délais de paiement applicables These will stipulate the applicable payment terms
Entered by: Mark Nathan
cellule Anticipation, Mobilite et Competences Job Change Preparation, Mobility and Skills Unit
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