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Frans naar Engels Landbouw Translation Glossary

Frans term Engels translation
tombaison fallen tops
tonnes MS/ha tonnes DM/hectare
Entered by: AllegroTrans
TPS TPS container [see discussion]
traitement raie de plantation (RDP) in-furrow treatment
transferts d’ensilage vers le grain conséquents, conversions of silage to grain
transports à la récolte transport/transfer during harvest time
trèfle intercalaire clover intercropping
très gênés placed in a very awkward position
très limitrophes de la limite Nord des cultures very close to the northern agricultural limit
Trouaison. trough
troupeau herd
une hauteur de flèche a 112-metre high spire
une salle de traite 2x5 en épis 2x5 herringbone milking parlour/room
unités agronomiques diverses 'The soils (low-grade organic materials and hydro-morph) suit different types of agriculture and are now at an advanced ....
Valeur agricole agricultural value chain
valorisation promote
valorisation des acquis Optimization of the acquired knowledge
Entered by: Alain Mouchel
variangle variangle
variété en 8ème feuille variety in its eighth (growing) season/year / in its eighth leaf
Velle heifer calf
vente en filière sector sales
vide sanitaire disinfection downtime or rest period / depopulation period
Entered by: Hermien Desaivre
Visibilité totale en castration Total visibility for detasselling
vulgarisation des semences agricultural extension/dissemination of seeds/popularisation of seeds
vulgariser more user friendly/ more accessible (for common use)
Entered by: Yolanda Broad
\"écrouteur\" crumbler
\'tracteur à sellette\' two-whell tractor
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