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Engels Idioom / spreekwoorden / gezegden Translation Glossary

Engels term Engels translation
he’s on target usually. he usually gets things right (in terms of accuracy, precision and justifiablity)
hit the roof To express anger, especially vehemently
hits the back of the net hits the spot/succeeds
Entered by: Mark Nathan
hound someone vs. pick on someone vs. be on someone\'s back some nuances of meaning
I've just about heard of it. heard about it, but not a great deal
Idiom - Saying The success has gone to his head !
idiom or saying steal someone's thunder
Idiomatic expression of an awkward style if you can\'t find an idiom, use a simile
Entered by: Trinh Do
if she's (he's) an inch emphatic
if warranted if it is considered to be necessary
in his midst when in his company
in my book for me personally (pour moi personnellement)
in the middle of the night In the wee hours || late
invoke cite and rely upon something as a reason or excuse
ironical fixed phrase about being elegant / something elegant Just Franceboyance (France flamboyance)
isolated from each other as in the proverbial sack of potatoes they live together without relationship and isolated from one another.
it takes on the most color in is most colorful
Entered by: airmailrpl
It will keep you standing till the end will give you strength to stay on your feet until the fight is finished
It's Water Under The Bridge something in the past, that's over now
keep in lunch money earn a modest income
Keep it coming don't stop..continue doing/being/sending/saying etc.
Entered by: airmailrpl
Keep the shiny side up and the rubber side down Biker lingo for "drive carefully"
lead the charge were at the forefront / at the head of
Like-For-Like Replacement replacing the faulty equipment with exactly the same model
Looking for an expression haste makes waste
may well ? it's quite likely/there's quite a high probability
moon shot very ambitious goal
more than you can shake a stick at more than you can imagine
nation on hold nation which has come to a standstill
nature nurture debate heredity vs. environment
no sand will be kicked on the beach to have sand kicked in your face
one of our best could be either, but probably "one of our best men"
outliers exceptional/singular individuals
Entered by: Yvonne Gallagher
pay the band pay the consequences, pay the piper
Entered by: Nick Lingris
Pipped at the post beat me to it
poor old basket euphemism for \"bastard\"
pull someone up Picked up
put sb off send sb away (only in this context)
Entered by: Carol Gullidge
puts you well out of her league you are no match for her
raisin hearts dried up hearts
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